Most don't chose to be "Poor" what an absurd ignorance.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Hey! Polish boy! You back? Don't get banned! (Derp! Look who's talking)

Welcome back! Let's see one, just one of your paintings.

Maybe you're finally done with snow this year.
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  • #3
Hey! Polish boy! You back? Don't get banned! (Derp! Look who's talking)

Welcome back! Let's see one, just one of your paintings.

Maybe you're finally done with snow this year.

Even if we had a perfect system, people still wouldn't be able to make it out of poverty, without help. This is true for veterans too.

I'm definitely not going to spend a heck of a lot of time here, it's not healthy.
Hey! Polish boy! You back? Don't get banned! (Derp! Look who's talking)

Welcome back! Let's see one, just one of your paintings.

Maybe you're finally done with snow this year.

Even if we had a perfect system, people still wouldn't be able to make it out of poverty, without help. This is true for veterans too.

I'm definitely not going to spend a heck of a lot of time here, it's not healthy.
Hey! Polish boy! You back? Don't get banned! (Derp! Look who's talking)

Welcome back! Let's see one, just one of your paintings.

Maybe you're finally done with snow this year.

Even if we had a perfect system, people still wouldn't be able to make it out of poverty, without help. This is true for veterans too.

I'm definitely not going to spend a heck of a lot of time here, it's not healthy.
Whatever's best fer ya.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Define "hybrid system" and why you think it is the only fair solution.
  • Thread starter
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  • #7
Hey! Polish boy! You back? Don't get banned! (Derp! Look who's talking)

Welcome back! Let's see one, just one of your paintings.

Maybe you're finally done with snow this year.

Even if we had a perfect system, people still wouldn't be able to make it out of poverty, without help. This is true for veterans too.

I'm definitely not going to spend a heck of a lot of time here, it's not healthy.
View attachment 256809

Anyone who thinks poverty is a choice, must be pretty ignorant to say the very least.

Ignorant of genetics, like how people suffer from diseases like MS, Parkinsons, Down Syndrome,Alzheimers, Cystis Fibrosis, Sickle Cell, or from being maimed, or simple back, knee, or neck injuries. That doesn't even speak of Bi Polar, Schizophrenia, severe depression.

Then there's the fact, they don't understand the nature of Capitalism, in the first place. Capitalism creates winners, and losers. Capitalism leads to so many "Elite" and so many "Servants" of the elite, it will always have minimum wage jobs, no matter how smart, or educated they are.
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Define "hybrid system" and why you think it is the only fair solution.

What every White nation has, but is slightly less prevalent in the USA.
Simple: Social programs that balance out the ills of Capitalism, without replacing Capitalism all together which would create ills of Communism.

Capitalism, and Communism are more alike than different in the kind of misery they create, both create stagnation, and lack of competition in the end.
Much of poverty is systemic to either family or region
Generations live in poverty due to a lack of opportunities, educational and family support
The thing of it is that you aren't talking about the generic "poor". The statistical "poor" in the U.S. live better than most of the alleged middle class in the area that Sobiesky allegedly saved. What you are talking about is the clinically deranged and the illegal morons who invade the U.S. That having been said the greatest Country in the world manages to support more illegal aliens than the entire population of the Scandinavian countries without blinking but the left continues to whine.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.

When you chose to do a crime, you are are choosing to be poorer. When you chose to have a baby as a single parent, you are choosing to be poorer. So by your standard at least 2/3'rds of your people choose to be poor despite your thread title that most don't chose to be poor.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Life is not fair. What we HAVE is a hybrid system. We do not have a free market. True free markets are not regulated.
Most people are poor because they are either too stupid or too lazy to achieve.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Life is not fair. What we HAVE is a hybrid system. We do not have a free market. True free markets are not regulated.
Most people are poor because they are either too stupid or too lazy to achieve.

Even if 100% of the population had PhD degrees, you'd still have the same amount of poverty, because that is what Capitalism does it creates winners, and losers. Because then people with PhD degrees would be flipping burgers, mowing lawns, scrubbing toilets, etc. because that is what the economy demands.

Anyone who thinks everybody can just become successful, is ridiculous.

First of all, IQ, and ambitions are probably 75% genetic.

Second off, college is expensive, so expensive that it's difficult for someone working at WalMart temporarily to even get the money to save up for college.

Unfortunately, a lot of my generation is working menial jobs just to pay back student debt.

It's not the same America, Crapitalism sold America out, to a bunch of foreigners, once again blame Capitalism. They the Capitalists are never satisfied, and such unpatriotic twits, they'll always import more foreigners from Mexico, and export more jobs to China. Just to save money.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.

Bullshit, I read about children who became self made millionares.

From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Life is not fair. What we HAVE is a hybrid system. We do not have a free market. True free markets are not regulated.
Most people are poor because they are either too stupid or too lazy to achieve.

Even if 100% of the population had PhD degrees, you'd still have the same amount of poverty, because that is what Capitalism does it creates winners, and losers. Because then people with PhD degrees would be flipping burgers, mowing lawns, scrubbing toilets, etc. because that is what the economy demands.

Anyone who thinks everybody can just become successful, is ridiculous.

First of all, IQ, and ambitions are probably 75% genetic.

Second off, college is expensive, so expensive that it's difficult for someone working at WalMart temporarily to even get the money to save up for college.

Unfortunately, a lot of my generation is working menial jobs just to pay back student debt.

It's not the same America, Crapitalism sold America out, to a bunch of foreigners, once again blame Capitalism. They the Capitalists are never satisfied, and such unpatriotic twits, they'll always import more foreigners from Mexico, and export more jobs to China. Just to save money.

WTF does a degree have anything to do it.

From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.

When you chose to do a crime, you are are choosing to be poorer. When you chose to have a baby as a single parent, you are choosing to be poorer. So by your standard at least 2/3'rds of your people choose to be poor despite your thread title that most don't chose to be poor.

A lot of people are genetically inclined to criminality, and some people who have babies have some with the other parent involved.
Why do you think morons leave otherwise productive countries and crawl across the desert to the capitalist promised land of the U.S.? The United States is the only country in the world that guarantees freedom in the first ten Amendments to the Constitution. There are literally hundreds of stories about (legal) immigrants coming to the U.S. with a couple of dollars and working hard and becoming successful. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas overcame poverty and became successful but for some reason the radical left (democrats) hate him for it.
First of all, IQ, and ambitions are probably 75% genetic.
Many studies indicate a .8 correlation.

Second off, college is expensive, so expensive that it's difficult for someone working at WalMart temporarily to even get the money to save up for college.
Ever wondered why college is so expensive? Research the role of government in student loan programs.

It's not the same America, Crapitalism sold America out, to a bunch of foreigners, once again blame Capitalism.

Capitalism never changed...government intervention sold Americans out. Government intervention socialized corporate failure. Government intervention created interlocking trade agreements which make it beneficial for businesses to outsource and receive tax breaks. Capitalism has remained the same.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.

Bullshit, I read about children who became self made millionares.


Another Capitalist that doesn't even understand his system he supports.

The economy ONLY demands so many business owners, so many doctors, so many lawyers, so many accountants, so many engineers, so many architects.

So even if everybody had a PhD degree they'd still be mowing lawns, scrubbing toilets, flipping burgers, because PLAIN & SIMPLE. That's what the job economy demands.

As for Capitalism, how can anybody claim to be pro-Capitalism, but then complain about ills of Capitalism, like poverty, or even more laughable illegal immigrants, or outsourced jobs, all created by the Capitalist system, and it's quench for extra profits at the backs of cheap labor.

I can understand why small businesses starting off "NEED minimum wage" it's tough.

I don't understand why Amazon, WalMart, and Mcdonalds need to be put at the same Minimum wage. That's bull.
From what I've seen it seems about 1/3rd of the poor are poor because of disabilities, physical, or mental. this includes many Veterans , Another 1/3rd are either are ex convicts tarnishing their records, or literally aren't intelligent enough to make it. The final 1/3rd are mostly single mothers, younger generations attempting to move up in it's ranks, and people working menial jobs with little pay.

I don't know how anyone couldn't get that in a Capitalist system of nature, how there wouldn't be poor exactly?

Just as well, such a unnatural system of Communism also leads to poor.

Literally, the hybrid system is the only real fair solution.
Life is not fair. What we HAVE is a hybrid system. We do not have a free market. True free markets are not regulated.
Most people are poor because they are either too stupid or too lazy to achieve.

Even if 100% of the population had PhD degrees, you'd still have the same amount of poverty, because that is what Capitalism does it creates winners, and losers. Because then people with PhD degrees would be flipping burgers, mowing lawns, scrubbing toilets, etc. because that is what the economy demands.

Anyone who thinks everybody can just become successful, is ridiculous.

First of all, IQ, and ambitions are probably 75% genetic.

Second off, college is expensive, so expensive that it's difficult for someone working at WalMart temporarily to even get the money to save up for college.

Unfortunately, a lot of my generation is working menial jobs just to pay back student debt.

It's not the same America, Crapitalism sold America out, to a bunch of foreigners, once again blame Capitalism. They the Capitalists are never satisfied, and such unpatriotic twits, they'll always import more foreigners from Mexico, and export more jobs to China. Just to save money.

WTF does a degree have anything to do it.

He is trying to draw a correlation between degrees per capita and employment market saturation.

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