most college kids agree with socialism


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
most college kids agree with socialism and think it's a system where people share and get more.

they also found that most college kids don't know what socialism is.

they also found that most college kids are unaware socialist Venezuela can't even get toilet paper right now
We agree with social democracy that works everytime it has ever been tried.

South Korea

All it means is we have a hybrid economy and the government doesn't allow the private sector to treat people like shit. It is you that is wrong! You anti-government fool. Hover and George Bush will go down in history for fucking this country up! And Reagan will go down as the worse president in the history of this nation for what he did to our middle class.
I was a democratic socialist when I was in college, by my thirties I had my own business and did a 180. I finally wised up when I realized both sides were lying just to get votes so I eventually became a monarchist with me as the monarch of course........ :thup:
The average college student's concept of Socialism: FREE COLLEGE!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!

What is wrong with investing in our country? Seriously, would you rather have a doctor, teacher or scientist rather then a burger flipper?
You should tell Obama and your idiotic party to stop counting Mcjobs as employment for college graduates if you believe this so strongly.
Most everyone that thinks socialism, (communism lite), is a great thing, have never lived under a socialist system. Those that have and still think its good, were part of the elite.
Someone should slap the shit out of Bernie Sanders. Other than renaming a couple post offices, I've never found where he ever got any socialist legislation passed into law. It was all bullshit bought by a bunch of starry-eyed kids searching for utopia. Somewhat like the old hippie days.
Feel the yesterdays sunburn...buuuuahahahahahahahaha Hillary kicked his old ass to the curb. Debbie blabbermouth Schultz is evil.
We agree with social democracy that works everytime it has ever been tried.

South Korea

All it means is we have a hybrid economy and the government doesn't allow the private sector to treat people like shit. It is you that is wrong! You anti-government fool. Hover and George Bush will go down in history for fucking this country up! And Reagan will go down as the worse president in the history of this nation for what he did to our middle class.

That darn Hover. I never did trust him.
Someone should slap the shit out of Bernie Sanders. Other than renaming a couple post offices, I've never found where he ever got any socialist legislation passed into law. It was all bullshit bought by a bunch of starry-eyed kids searching for utopia. Somewhat like the old hippie days.
I think you are being somewhat harsh here Lakhota..steve
most college kids agree with socialism and think it's a system where people share and get more.

they also found that most college kids don't know what socialism is.

they also found that most college kids are unaware socialist Venezuela can't even get toilet paper right now

I heard something even better than that, though I don't know for certain that it's true.

Reportedly, the thing that finally put the brakes on Venezuela's runaway hyperinflation, induced by printing too much money, was reaching the point where Venezuela's money so so worthless that they literally cannot use it to by more paper on which to print more money.
The average college student's concept of Socialism: FREE COLLEGE!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!

Yup and most college kids are like that until they get out in the real world and realize that nothing is free.

You need a job to pay the mortgage, car payment and it takes money to live. The only way to earn money is to work.

Doesn't take most of them long to realize that all socialism does it take hard earned money and give it those who don't have it so they can live on the taxpayers dime.
We agree with social democracy that works everytime it has ever been tried.

South Korea

All it means is we have a hybrid economy and the government doesn't allow the private sector to treat people like shit. It is you that is wrong! You anti-government fool. Hover and George Bush will go down in history for fucking this country up! And Reagan will go down as the worse president in the history of this nation for what he did to our middle class.

Another racist far left drone that proves they do not understand that socialism does NOT work!

Many of those nations also mix in capitalism to fund their social their over bloated social programs that is driving a lot of their debt!
Someone should slap the shit out of Bernie Sanders. Other than renaming a couple post offices, I've never found where he ever got any socialist legislation passed into law. It was all bullshit bought by a bunch of starry-eyed kids searching for utopia. Somewhat like the old hippie days.

Sure thing there, NaziCon.
most college kids agree with socialism

like socialism..
most college kids have other people paying for their stuff

of course when it is something they worked for ... it is different
Which is why we end up with college kids like the one below

most college kids agree with socialism

like socialism..
most college kids have other people paying for their stuff

of course when it is something they worked for ... it is different
Which is why we end up with college kids like the one below

Never mind the adults that were also for Bernie Sanders or, you know, the CNN.

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