Most accurate pollster for the 2012 Pres. election is……..


1. PPP (D)*
1. Daily Kos/SEIU/PPP*
3. YouGov*
4. Ipsos/Reuters*
5. Purple Strategies
6. YouGov/Economist
11. Angus-Reid*
12. ABC/WP*
13. Pew Research*
13. Hartford Courant/UConn*
15. Monmouth/SurveyUSA
15. Politico/GWU/Battleground
15. FOX News
15. Washington Times/JZ Analytics
15. Newsmax/JZ Analytics
15. American Research Group
15. Gravis Marketing
23. Democracy Corps (D)*
24. Rasmussen
24. Gallup
26. NPR
27. National Journal*
28. AP/GfK


1. PPP (D)*
1. Daily Kos/SEIU/PPP*
3. YouGov*
4. Ipsos/Reuters*
5. Purple Strategies
6. YouGov/Economist
11. Angus-Reid*
12. ABC/WP*
13. Pew Research*
13. Hartford Courant/UConn*
15. Monmouth/SurveyUSA
15. Politico/GWU/Battleground
15. FOX News
15. Washington Times/JZ Analytics
15. Newsmax/JZ Analytics
15. American Research Group
15. Gravis Marketing
23. Democracy Corps (D)*
24. Rasmussen
24. Gallup
26. NPR
27. National Journal*
28. AP/GfK


Is Rasmussen going to send refunds to their subscribers?
And in his own special stratosphere, much credit must go to Nate Silver, who got every single state right along with practically all the margins as well. Remarkably well done on his part.
I'm still laughing my ass off at the idiots who bought into the unskewed bullshit. Rasmussen's greatest fuckup was to weigh polls by party ID. PPP's Jenson laughed at that and showed it to be a moving target. Perhaps Rasmussen will do what makes sense, and just adjust their polls according to the Census in the future.
It seems the Right intentionally mislead their voters and even Romney who it's said was certain that he was winning. He even had a plan for his presidency that was inadvertently posted to his website.
And in his own special stratosphere, much credit must go to Nate Silver, who got every single state right along with practically all the margins as well. Remarkably well done on his part.

he said he got north dakota wrong
Neat ... now if only real information got out to the elctorate
I'm guessing Rasmussen made more money getting it wrong to the right than he would have getting it right with the rest of them.

he did his job: telling Fox & Friends viewers what they wanted to hear.

I don't know if he coined it, but sensible Republican David Frum now calls all those people in the business of rightwing 'news'

the conservative entertainment complex.
I'm guessing Rasmussen made more money getting it wrong to the right than he would have getting it right with the rest of them.

he did his job: telling Fox & Friends viewers what they wanted to hear.

I don't know if he coined it, but sensible Republican David Frum now calls all those people in the business of rightwing 'news'

the conservative entertainment complex.
Frum understands what is going on in his party.
I'm guessing Rasmussen made more money getting it wrong to the right than he would have getting it right with the rest of them.

he did his job: telling Fox & Friends viewers what they wanted to hear.

I don't know if he coined it, but sensible Republican David Frum now calls all those people in the business of rightwing 'news'

the conservative entertainment complex

well you've got the rest, so, so what?
in all fairness hes not alone, nat. journal, gallup, some heavy hitters took the pipe too...the surprise imho, is, no. 6- tied with 4 media organizations.

Neither miss called as many states as Rassmussen. I think he is still using likely voter algorithms from the 1950s.

sure, and?

he will suffer for it, I have many times, Gallup, Ras make their living via Polling. The free market being what it is, if I were a candidate looking for a polling outfit I would think twice...

I doubt it. Rarely in Washington or the media does someone actually suffer for the actions. Dick Morris will still be on FOX, Rove will still get hired, and both will be pointing to Rasmussen next cycle.
Could someone get ahold of BluePhantom, USMB's self-proclaimed expert poll analyst, and Rasmussen fan extraordinaire,

and tell him it's okay to get up out of his fetal position and get on with his life?


Funny! Did anyone see the opening of SNL. There was a good skit with Rove asking Romney if he could borrow 600 Million dollars. I assume to pay back the Big GOP donors who feel they have been screwed....:badgrin::lol:

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