Mosque shooting in New Zealand

Not much information yet but it sounds pretty bad.
Witness: Many dead in New Zealand mosque shooting

But, guns are outlawed in New Zealand?

Not quite totally outlawed, but New Zealand has extreme, draconian style gun control.

That's why no one was able to shoot back at the shooter.

You are one SICK motherfucker.

Why the FUCK would anybody be bringing GUNS into a house of worship?

Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

Apparently they have white nationalists terrorists in New Zealand.

And no laws against military style firearms owned by white racists.
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.
Yep, According to progressives more frivolous gun control laws means that will end all violent behavior like this… Guaranteed
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.
I just knew before I got up this morning that the gun ghoul would be on top of this story.
Buy more guns and ammo... Making America great
Christchurch mosque shooting: Linwood mosque 'hero' tackled gunman, grabbed weapon
Just around the entrance door there were elderly people sitting there praying and he just started shooting at them."

Mazharuddin said the shooter was wearing protective gear and firing wildly.

A man from inside the mosque then tried to tackle the gunman.

"The young guy who usually takes care of the mosque ... he saw an opportunity and pounced on [the gunman] and took his gun," Mazharuddin said.

"The hero tried to chase and he couldn't find the trigger in the gun ... he ran behind him but there were people waiting for him in the car and he fled."
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

Well...if trump keeps encouraging violence this may happen here.

Can you remember a president....a real president who speaks of the
Police and Military rising up if ....he doesn't get his way.

White fear is going to cause more killing to control people of color. Sounds like this guy was worrying about his country going dark....

Just another white supremacist attaching dark people....
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.

Well...if trump keeps encouraging violence this may happen here.

Can you remember a president....a real president who speaks of the
Police and Military rising up if ....he doesn't get his way.

White fear is going to cause more killing to control people of color. Sounds like this guy was worrying about his country going dark....

Just another white supremacist attaching dark people....
Only fools looking at everything to race and gender
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

And, of course, the sites were gun free zones....right?

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

  • Forty-nine people have been killed in shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch. They included 41 people killed at the Deans Avenue mosque and seven at Linwood mosque. Another victim died later in Christchurch hospital.
Muster the Militia!
What would happen to an American if they went to Afghanistan stuck the American flag in the sand and said this is my country now motherfuckers ?
Apparently, gun control doesn't work in New Zealand......they have had a mass public shooting against two Mosques. The shooter....who had a gun.......may have killed 49 people....... but this isn't possible, because they have gun control in New initial reports are likely wrong....

It actually wasn't "a shooter", it was multiple shooters and a coordinated attack. But don't let that stop you.

And before the anti-gunners start......I used to wait to comment on these attacks....until the anti-gunners would be the first on the scene, walking through the blood, dragging the bodies to the nearest camera calling for taking guns away from the very people who could have stopped the attack...

Hey, personally I WISH we could drag the bodies from one of your "Second Amendment Celebrations" to a camera. I would like to make sure every time Ollie North or Frothy LaPeire started screaming about "Second Amendment Rights", we would show GRAPHIC autopsy photos of kids killed in a theater or a school.

Instead, we sanitize the whole thing and wonder why crazies like DaleSmith can get on here and say that mass shootings are false flags.

gun grabbing is ghey.....thank God a fringe sentiment in America!:abgg2q.jpg:. But continue to take bows for the side of the oddballs.:113:

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