Mosque On Ground Zero. An Act Of Aggression: Yea Or Nay?

There are many Mosques in this country. We are a very tolerant nation. This is obvious. I'm just not so tolerant of them building this large Mosque in this particular location. It's just not right. I think many Americans agree with me on this. These builders should just show some compassion & understanding by building their Mosque in another location. I think most Americans would be very grateful. We are a very tolerant & compassionate people. They really should think about this a bit more.

You should show some respect for property rights.
If our country is FORCED to respect everyone with "political correctness" then yup, damn skippy, they should build that Mosque out of decency and political correctness as well. Seeing that it was their own kind to create this tragedy.

So since these Muslims are, apparently, responsible for 9-11 because they're Muslim and al-Qaeda is Muslim, does that make every Christian responsible for every horrible thing any other Christian has done?

When American Christians decide to start bombing and blowing things up in the middle east for the hell of it out of pure hate, and that country doesn't want any American to build over there, then Americans should not build over there.

But like I said since AMERICANS are FORCED to exercise "political correctness" then anyone else here should be forced to exercise it as well.

The only thing Americans should be forced to exercise are property rights. They own the property so they can do what they want with it, and nobody has the right to tell them that they can't.
So since these Muslims are, apparently, responsible for 9-11 because they're Muslim and al-Qaeda is Muslim, does that make every Christian responsible for every horrible thing any other Christian has done?

When American Christians decide to start bombing and blowing things up in the middle east for the hell of it out of pure hate, and that country doesn't want any American to build over there, then Americans should not build over there.

But like I said since AMERICANS are FORCED to exercise "political correctness" then anyone else here should be forced to exercise it as well.

The only thing Americans should be forced to exercise are property rights. They own the property so they can do what they want with it, and nobody has the right to tell them that they can't.

Eminent Domain...There are several types of takings which can occur through eminent domain. Complete taking is one of them.
When American Christians decide to start bombing and blowing things up in the middle east for the hell of it out of pure hate, and that country doesn't want any American to build over there, then Americans should not build over there.

But like I said since AMERICANS are FORCED to exercise "political correctness" then anyone else here should be forced to exercise it as well.

The only thing Americans should be forced to exercise are property rights. They own the property so they can do what they want with it, and nobody has the right to tell them that they can't.

Eminent Domain...There are several types of takings which can occur through eminent domain. Complete taking is one of them.

Eminent domain can be defined as theft.
We are the most tolerant & compassionate nation on this planet. This cannot be disputed. However i think it's ok to be a bit intolerant on this particular issue. I don't care what your political leanings are. This just isn't right. I think i speak for Millions of Americans when i say that we would be incredibly grateful if these builders reconsider building their Mosque in this location. That would be the most tolerant & compassionate thing to do in this case. Most Americans would applaud that decision and would be incredibly grateful. I guess we'll see though.
The only thing Americans should be forced to exercise are property rights. They own the property so they can do what they want with it, and nobody has the right to tell them that they can't.

They dont own the property.

They either own it, or are in the process of acquiring it. If it's not their property now then once it is they can do whatever they want with it.
Eminent domain can be defined as theft., good try though....:cuckoo:

Theft - Taking something that belongs to somebody else.

Eminent Domain - Government taking something that belongs to somebody else.

Ordinarily, a government can exercise eminent domain only if its taking will be for a "public use" - which may be expansively defined along the lines of public "safety, health, interest, or convenience". Perhaps the most common example of a "public use" is the taking of land to build or expand a public road or highway. Public use could also include the taking of land to build a school or municipal building, for a public park, or to redevelop a "blighted" property or neighborhood.

All done by legal process.

If the government is not successful, or if the property owner is not satisfied with the outcome, either side may appeal the decision.

While i don't support Eminent Domain Laws,Sumar is right in his or her assessment. The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is legal & Constitutional. In fact,a well known Liberal,Justice Ruth Ginsberg was the deciding vote in that ruling. I don't support Eminent Domain Laws though. Hopefully this can be worked out in a different way.
i hope everyone remembers this conversation the next time glenn beck says something controversial and jesse jackson calls for beck's firing and a boycott of fox.
i hope everyone remembers this conversation the next time glenn beck says something controversial and jesse jackson calls for beck's firing and a boycott of fox.

so now you're comparing fox viewers to islamic terrorists?, good try though....:cuckoo:

Theft - Taking something that belongs to somebody else.

Eminent Domain - Government taking something that belongs to somebody else.

Ordinarily, a government can exercise eminent domain only if its taking will be for a "public use" - which may be expansively defined along the lines of public "safety, health, interest, or convenience". Perhaps the most common example of a "public use" is the taking of land to build or expand a public road or highway. Public use could also include the taking of land to build a school or municipal building, for a public park, or to redevelop a "blighted" property or neighborhood.

All done by legal process.

If the government is not successful, or if the property owner is not satisfied with the outcome, either side may appeal the decision.

Just because the government has decided that it has the power of eminent domain doesn't make it any less theft. When you take something that doesn't belong to you you're stealing. It doesn't matter if you're a government or a private person.
Theft - Taking something that belongs to somebody else.

Eminent Domain - Government taking something that belongs to somebody else.

Ordinarily, a government can exercise eminent domain only if its taking will be for a "public use" - which may be expansively defined along the lines of public "safety, health, interest, or convenience". Perhaps the most common example of a "public use" is the taking of land to build or expand a public road or highway. Public use could also include the taking of land to build a school or municipal building, for a public park, or to redevelop a "blighted" property or neighborhood.

All done by legal process.

If the government is not successful, or if the property owner is not satisfied with the outcome, either side may appeal the decision.

Just because the government has decided that it has the power of eminent domain doesn't make it any less theft. When you take something that doesn't belong to you you're stealing. It doesn't matter if you're a government or a private person.

So now Conservatives want to use eminent domain and put a governmental building where the mosque would be...despite the fact that conservatives call for the reduction of government.

God, you Cons are a buch of hypocrites.
The imam behind a plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero is set to depart on a multi-country jaunt to the Middle East funded by the State Department -- raising concerns that taxpayers may be helping him with the controversial project's $100 million fund-raising goal.

Feisal Abdul Rauf is taking the publicly funded trip to foster "greater understanding" about Islam and Muslim communities in the United States, the State Department confirmed yesterday.

"He is a distinguished Muslim cleric," said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley, when asked about the journey, reportedly to include stops in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar.

"Does the State Department have any idea they are sending a guy to the Middle East who is going to be fund-raising perhaps among the very same people he will be meeting with?" asked Debra Burlingame, a 9/11 family member.
Read more: Feds funding G. Zero imam's Mideast trip -

This gets more fucked up by the minute.
The imam behind a plan to build a mosque near Ground Zero is set to depart on a multi-country jaunt to the Middle East funded by the State Department -- raising concerns that taxpayers may be helping him with the controversial project's $100 million fund-raising goal.

Feisal Abdul Rauf is taking the publicly funded trip to foster "greater understanding" about Islam and Muslim communities in the United States, the State Department confirmed yesterday.

"He is a distinguished Muslim cleric," said State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley, when asked about the journey, reportedly to include stops in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain and Qatar.

"Does the State Department have any idea they are sending a guy to the Middle East who is going to be fund-raising perhaps among the very same people he will be meeting with?" asked Debra Burlingame, a 9/11 family member.
Read more: Feds funding G. Zero imam's Mideast trip -

This gets more fucked up by the minute.

By all means we would not want to foster a greater understanding of religion in this "tolerant" country now would we. Especially in a country that was founded on religious freedom.
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"You can respect your adversary without agreeing or giving in. They have profound, deeply held beliefs and one of the great challenges for secularists is they can't understand the level of passion that a belief which is derived from an underlying religious form leads one to have, which is why, frankly, deeply believing Christians and Jewish Americans have a much better understanding of what's going on than do secular intellectuals in deracinated universities looking out of their ivory tower or trying to wonder what it is that would lead people to kill themselves and having no comprehension of the emotions and the depth of passion engaged."

Newt Gingrich

"Most of the scholars I know who have spent their adult lives studying, living and working in the Arab/Muslim world have no desire to 'contribute to America's defence' in an unending global war; precisely because...they understand how false the premises of that war are, and how dangerous and unreliable are its goals."

Mark LeVine, professor of history at the University of California, Irvine

Campus Watch
Personally i believe if the builders of this large Mosque really wanted to extend a hand of peace,love,and tolerance they would decide to build it somewhere else. Anything less seems like an act of aggression in my opinion. I really am interested in hearing how you all feel about this. Thanks.

Ithink you are correct.

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