Moscow Mueller's Lies

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Lol,.first he's a democratic, now he's a Russian?

You kids will believe anything at this point.

Desperation is a hell of a thing.
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Lol,.first he's a democratic, now he's a Russian?

You kids will believe anything at this point.

Desperation is a hell of a thing.
so the question is if any of what he posted is not factual? Let's see your response.
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Lol,.first he's a democratic, now he's a Russian?

You kids will believe anything at this point.

Desperation is a hell of a thing.
so the question is if any of what he posted is not factual? Let's see your response.
I'm assuming none of it is factual with a title like that and the poster's history of conspiracy theory belief but I'm.not washing my time reading that nonsense.
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Lol,.first he's a democratic, now he's a Russian?

You kids will believe anything at this point.

Desperation is a hell of a thing.
so the question is if any of what he posted is not factual? Let's see your response.
NONE of it is factual... ZERO ZIP NADA NIENTE NOTHING he wrote is factual.... :rolleyes:
Jerome Corsi: Mueller Wanted Me To Lie, I Filed a "Criminal And Ethics" Complaint

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS: Mr. Corsi, thank you very much for coming on.

Now, when last we spoke, my understanding was for a previous conversation that you had made a mistake. You say you forgot the date of an email that you forwarded and that you went and told the special prosecutor’s office that you made that mistake and they allowed you to amend your testimony.

They allowed it. But then at a later time, when you didn’t say what they wanted you to say, they came back and threatened to prosecute you for lying in the first iteration of your testimony. Is that correct?

JEROME CORSI, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR: Yes. Actually, I had not seen my 2016 emails. I hadn’t reloaded them the first day of testimony. I’d forgotten about two emails. When I finally loaded the time machine, I realized these emails were there.

The special prosecutor allowed me to amend the testimony about 10 days later. And then in the one count they wanted to plead guilty to, they want to charge me with knowingly and willfully giving false information on the original days mistake not taking into account that they had allowed me, the special prosecutor, to amend the testimony, which I thought was completely fraudulent.

CARLSON: Well, it’s certainly odd and I -- most lawyers we’ve spoken to have never heard of something like that. What was the point? Why were they pressing you on that? Why do you think they were threatening you with perjury?

CORSI: Well, from day one, I mean they blew up. They said they’re going to have enough to throw me in prison because I forgot these emails. And I -- I’m -- I’m convinced it was all strategy.

I mean I went in to cooperate. I gave my computers, I gave my time machine, I handed over voluntarily my emails, my Twitter account et cetera. Everything they wanted. And now the first day, you know, it’s a memory test.

And I don’t get the memory test right and suddenly I’m going to be thrown in prison for the rest of my life. It’s an intimidation tactic and I’m quite convinced it’s intentional.

CARLSON: Intimidating you to get you to do what? What do they want you to do that you refuse to do?

CORSI: The key thing was that they wanted me to be the key link between -- it was going to be me -- Roger Stone to me to Julian Assange. And then they’d have all their collusion together. It would be Roger Stone to Steve Bannon to Donald Trump in coordination with Assange.

Except I -- I figured out on my own on my -- we had a 25th wedding anniversary trip to Italy. On that flight, I calculated and figured out it was Assange had Podesta’s emails. I’ve never met Assange. I’ve never talked to Assange or emailed him and I have no contact with anyone who is in touch with Assange and the prosecutors refused to believe this.

So after (ph) grilling, after grilling, after grilling constantly -- you know an eight inch thick book with my name on it and Mr. Stilinksi (ph) the -- one of the prosecutors, won’t tell me if that’s all about me.

Won’t tell me how many books like that he’s got and they’re asking me questions and then pulling files out and saying but this email contradicts it. Well, I didn’t -- don’t remember that email.

I don’t remember in detail any of my emails. I had 60,000 emails in my computer from 2016.

CARLSON: That’s totally -- and -- and -- and that’s kind of the point is that they had your emails. So if you had contact with Julian Assange, they would already know it.

CORSI: Right
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Lol,.first he's a democratic, now he's a Russian?

You kids will believe anything at this point.

Desperation is a hell of a thing.
so the question is if any of what he posted is not factual? Let's see your response.
I'm assuming none of it is factual with a title like that and the poster's history of conspiracy theory belief but I'm.not washing my time reading that nonsense.

You wash your time like Obama and Clinton washed their money through COIE Lawfirm to buy Russian Propaganda.
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
So where are all of the God Damn indictments that would validate all of this bullshit you're peddling after two years of total GOP control of the Legislative and Executive branches, Ivan?
You wash your time like Obama and Clinton washed their money through COIE Lawfirm to buy Russian Propaganda.
There was NO Russian propaganda: Russians pretty quickly realized who was who in the battle between Trump and Clinton, calling Clinton another Deep State puppet and calling Trump "an isolationist" in a good meaning of this word. I watch Russian TV every day and if somebody's interested can tell you exactly what they were saying. Enjoy two quotes from Channel One Russia from 2016:

1. Wherever American soldiers were killed today, they die from the direct effects of US foreign policy. America really is undefeatable, because she can’t defeat itself. The last wave of Trump-phobia is the Democrats attempt to blame a Republican candidate that he literally forced the Russian espionage against the United States.

Donald Trump: "Russia , if you can hear, I hope you could find 30,000 missing emails ."

It was about 30 thousand records of Mrs. Clinton’s official correspondence, which she erased, hiding them (just reminding you!) not from the FSB but from the FBI. So far FSB and FBI are two different organizations. One may think American electorate should care about their own country rather than Russia, right? However a Russo-phobia wave of paranoia threatens to overwhelm even the US presidential elections.

Looks like “Russian involvement” is the last Dem’s desperate hope in the fight against Trump. Sounds like popularity of Trump is growing because there are people in America who do not want to be paranoid and they listen to Trump and agree with his simple suggestions, making quite a bit of sense.

Obama: "America is already great. America is strong. And I promise you that our strength and greatness does not depend on Donald Trump. "

Well, may be America is not that great since Putin rules your elections (as you Democrats claim!). And Obama has been American president for the last 8 years, not Trump!
July 28, 2016 Translated from:
2. For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues).

“Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:

Note: the system of this forum does not allow Russian letters, so I intentionally added a space to both links.

I even posted all that in 2016:
Trump - Russian Analysts: Trump’s Ideology is a Departure from the Destructive Globalization of Recent Years

Meanwhile there was Ukrainian propaganda trashing Trump, and praising Clinton. Also let's not forget it was Ukraine who framed Manafort trying to harm Trump and to help Clinton.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
Last edited:
Using that as a reason it can’t be true, is well...
Let’s see, how many people have been fired, forced to retire, etc., within this saga? I’ve lost count, but it is all the main players. Funny, that.
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
So where are all of the God Damn indictments that would validate all of this bullshit you're peddling after two years of total GOP control of the Legislative and Executive branches, Ivan?
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
Lol,.first he's a democratic, now he's a Russian?

You kids will believe anything at this point.

Desperation is a hell of a thing.
so the question is if any of what he posted is not factual? Let's see your response.
I'm assuming none of it is factual with a title like that and the poster's history of conspiracy theory belief but I'm.not washing my time reading that nonsense.
so you concede you have no idea, nice. well way to deflect.
You wash your time like Obama and Clinton washed their money through COIE Lawfirm to buy Russian Propaganda.
There was NO Russian propaganda: Russians pretty quickly realized who was who in the battle between Trump and Clinton, calling Clinton another Deep State puppet and calling Trump "a nationalist" in a good meaning of this word. I watch Russian TV every day and if somebody's interested can tell you exactly what they were saying. Enjoy two quotes from Channel One Russia from 2016:

1. Wherever American soldiers were killed today, they die from the direct effects of US foreign policy. America really is undefeatable, because she can’t defeat itself. The last wave of Trump-phobia is the Democrats attempt to blame a Republican candidate that he literally forced the Russian espionage against the United States.

Donald Trump: "Russia , if you can hear, I hope you could find 30,000 missing emails ."

It was about 30 thousand records of Mrs. Clinton’s official correspondence, which she erased, hiding them (just reminding you!) not from the FSB but from the FBI. So far FSB and FBI are two different organizations. One may think American electorate should care about their own country rather than Russia, right? However a Russo-phobia wave of paranoia threatens to overwhelm even the US presidential elections.

Looks like “Russian involvement” is the last Dem’s desperate hope in the fight against Trump. Sounds like popularity of Trump is growing because there are people in America who do not want to be paranoid and they listen to Trump and agree with his simple suggestions, making quite a bit of sense.

Obama: "America is already great. America is strong. And I promise you that our strength and greatness does not depend on Donald Trump. "

Well, may be America is not that great since Putin rules your elections (as you Democrats claim!). And Obama has been American president for the last 8 years, not Trump!
July 28, 2016 Translated from:
2. For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues).

“Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:

Note: the system of this forum does not allow Russian letters, so I intentionally added a space to both links.

I even posted all that in 2016:
Trump - Russian Analysts: Trump’s Ideology is a Departure from the Destructive Globalization of Recent Years

Meanwhile there was Ukrainian propaganda trashing Trump and praising Clinton.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
so you don't live in the US either? amazing how many of you exist in here.
You wash your time like Obama and Clinton washed their money through COIE Lawfirm to buy Russian Propaganda.
There was NO Russian propaganda: Russians pretty quickly realized who was who in the battle between Trump and Clinton, calling Clinton another Deep State puppet and calling Trump "a nationalist" in a good meaning of this word. I watch Russian TV every day and if somebody's interested can tell you exactly what they were saying. Enjoy two quotes from Channel One Russia from 2016:

1. Wherever American soldiers were killed today, they die from the direct effects of US foreign policy. America really is undefeatable, because she can’t defeat itself. The last wave of Trump-phobia is the Democrats attempt to blame a Republican candidate that he literally forced the Russian espionage against the United States.

Donald Trump: "Russia , if you can hear, I hope you could find 30,000 missing emails ."

It was about 30 thousand records of Mrs. Clinton’s official correspondence, which she erased, hiding them (just reminding you!) not from the FSB but from the FBI. So far FSB and FBI are two different organizations. One may think American electorate should care about their own country rather than Russia, right? However a Russo-phobia wave of paranoia threatens to overwhelm even the US presidential elections.

Looks like “Russian involvement” is the last Dem’s desperate hope in the fight against Trump. Sounds like popularity of Trump is growing because there are people in America who do not want to be paranoid and they listen to Trump and agree with his simple suggestions, making quite a bit of sense.

Obama: "America is already great. America is strong. And I promise you that our strength and greatness does not depend on Donald Trump. "

Well, may be America is not that great since Putin rules your elections (as you Democrats claim!). And Obama has been American president for the last 8 years, not Trump!
July 28, 2016 Translated from:
2. For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues).

“Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:

Note: the system of this forum does not allow Russian letters, so I intentionally added a space to both links.

I even posted all that in 2016:
Trump - Russian Analysts: Trump’s Ideology is a Departure from the Destructive Globalization of Recent Years

Meanwhile there was Ukrainian propaganda trashing Trump and praising Clinton.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
so you don't live in the US either? amazing how many of you exist in here.
I'm from Ukraine and against the current Ukrainian government installed by Soros and Deep State puppets (Obama's administration, McCain and others). And I'm amazed that many of you know so little about Russia and Ukraine, so easy buy what your Media tells you about them and neglect a great ally like Russia while supporting such a prostitute like Ukraine as a friend. By framing Manfort, helping Clinton and trashing Trump Ukrainian officials pretty much exposed themselves. But your Media keeps silence about that.
Let's see here.

  • Clinton destroys 33,000 emails and lies 150 times. Emails about "Yoga Pants" (Classified Information) found on Anthony Weiner's laptop show she lied. She said she only had 1 device for State Dept business. She actually had 17 burner devices she bought on Ebay so she could hide what she was doing. She paid Crowdstrike to bleach bit her illegal secret server in violation of two Federal Court orders and destroyed 17 devices with a ballpeen hammer and removed their SIM cards. Mueller was part of that investigation btw, along with his good buddy (see Morning Joe) James Comey.

  • Mueller and Comey lie and with hold information about Rosatom Bribes to get Uranium One approved. Clinton, Holder, McCain were key votes. Everyone made lies of omission to get the deal approved, including Obama Bin Lying.

  • Comey came out and covered for her, broke protocol, the law and FBI procedure, when he gave EVERYONE IMMUNITY, did not record a single word of testimony, and even after proclaiming numerous Clinton lied and she broke multiple laws, and excused it by saying she was a dumb bitch, not one person was charged with lying on her staff. He also overstepped his authority and exonerated her months before any interviews were even done.

  • The FBI immediately sets up a wiretapping operation on Candidate Trump for Clinton and Obama based soley on Russian Propaganda, Clinton and Obama purchased after thy lose several debates, in which they cheated in.

  • They never vet the Dirty Dossier. They order their British Spy Steele to dump some of The Dossier in the media so they can use circular corroboration to falsify Affidavits in a FISA court to get a wire tapping warrant. The FBI knowing that The Dirty Dossier was false, salacious and was not vetted, and that they themselves used circular corroboration, goes ahead and sets up an illegitimate wiretapping operation and not only that, leaks classified information to the press and then lies about their doing it. They even leak conversations of The President with other heads of state. The FBI an DOJ both lie about the source of these leaks.....themselves.

  • The FBI says they irretrievably lost 50,000 text messages of it's agents thus making text messages between Strozk and Page and others unable to be reviewed. The IG found them in just a couple hours and what was revealed was a plot in the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ to use false Russian Propaganda to remove a duly elected president from office. The FBI Lied about the messages

  • The FBI and DOJ slowed walked or outright denied legal requests for documents legitimately requested by Congress. They lied about the availability of documents and how long it would take to produce them.

  • James Comey admits to violating protocol , sneaking in to the White House, interviewing Flynn over already disclosed meetings and conversations with diplomats in a plot to get him removed as National Security Advisor. Comey lied about his intentions to circumvent White House Security and Chief Counsel.

  • They couldn't catch Flynn in a lie, and Flynn was honest in his answers according to official documents. Mueller took that same report and accused Flynn of lying, threatened his family, and financially ruined Flynn in an attempt to get him to lie about the president.

  • Loretta Lynch tells Comey to "take it easy on Clinton" and call his investigation in to her Espionage Crimes a "Matter" She then contradicted Comey and said she said no such thing. One of them is lying.

  • Susan Rice, Susan Powers, Mills all are engaged in Illegal "Unmasking Activities" They lie about it.

  • Eric Holder, Brennan, and Clapper all Lie under oath in front of Congress. So does Andrew McCabe and Strozk. No one is charged with lying.

  • Robert Mueller's illegitimate investigation launched soley by Russian Propaganda that was already known to be false is staffed with violent, hateful Clinton donors Hell bent on removing Trump from office. Half of them had to be fired and half of them are under criminal investigation right now. To say they had bias is an understatement. Strozk, Comey, Yates and Rosenstein lied to The FISA Court, filed False Affidavits and secured wire taps illegitimately for Obama and Clinton to spy on The Trump Campaign, and then they lied about doing so.

  • Mueller in Gestapo Fashion storms both Manafort's home and Michael Cohen's home in Pre-Dawn Raids more suited for Drug King Pins and Mafia Dons. They confiscate attorney client privileged materials and refuse to give them back to the clients using them instead to grill the clients about what they know about these documents without the benefit of being able to review said documents.

  • Since when does The FBI withhold documents from the targets of their wrath? Manafort is thrown in solitary confinement for months for refusing to lie about The President. Since when does someone who is having a dispute with The IRS get thrown in to solitary confinement? The FBI lies about why Manafort is doing time for a 15 year old over sight on his taxes (allegedly) regarding work he did for The Podesta Group and Tony Podesta. Mueller gives (Clinton Chief Advisor) Podesta Immunity and then accuses Manafort of lying about his (Secret Meetings with Assange) Apparently Manafort has a Cloak of Invisibility he uses to sneak in to see Assange. Mueller accusing Manafort of lying and pulls his plea deal over whackadoodle conspiracies, that Manafort is indeed The Invisible Man.

  • Mueller deleted thousands of text messages off of Page and Strozk's phones and wiped them before giving them to the Inspector General. He lied about that and concealed that fact from The IG.

  • Mueller and Weismann have been charged before with tampering with evidence, manufacturing evidence, altering witness testimony, prosecutorial misconduct, and railroading several innocent men to jail costing the taxpayers millions.

I think we should be asking if Mueller is Lying
So where are all of the God Damn indictments that would validate all of this bullshit you're peddling after two years of total GOP control of the Legislative and Executive branches, Ivan?
exactly. It is what we're asking. is any of the information untrue?
You wash your time like Obama and Clinton washed their money through COIE Lawfirm to buy Russian Propaganda.
There was NO Russian propaganda: Russians pretty quickly realized who was who in the battle between Trump and Clinton, calling Clinton another Deep State puppet and calling Trump "a nationalist" in a good meaning of this word. I watch Russian TV every day and if somebody's interested can tell you exactly what they were saying. Enjoy two quotes from Channel One Russia from 2016:

1. Wherever American soldiers were killed today, they die from the direct effects of US foreign policy. America really is undefeatable, because she can’t defeat itself. The last wave of Trump-phobia is the Democrats attempt to blame a Republican candidate that he literally forced the Russian espionage against the United States.

Donald Trump: "Russia , if you can hear, I hope you could find 30,000 missing emails ."

It was about 30 thousand records of Mrs. Clinton’s official correspondence, which she erased, hiding them (just reminding you!) not from the FSB but from the FBI. So far FSB and FBI are two different organizations. One may think American electorate should care about their own country rather than Russia, right? However a Russo-phobia wave of paranoia threatens to overwhelm even the US presidential elections.

Looks like “Russian involvement” is the last Dem’s desperate hope in the fight against Trump. Sounds like popularity of Trump is growing because there are people in America who do not want to be paranoid and they listen to Trump and agree with his simple suggestions, making quite a bit of sense.

Obama: "America is already great. America is strong. And I promise you that our strength and greatness does not depend on Donald Trump. "

Well, may be America is not that great since Putin rules your elections (as you Democrats claim!). And Obama has been American president for the last 8 years, not Trump!
July 28, 2016 Translated from:
2. For the first time we have a clear and ideologically completed alternative to the policy of the last decades, which even Americans consider to be a failure .

Trump’s ideology is a departure from the destructive globalization of recent years in favor of a healthy American isolationism.

Like any normal American isolationist , Trump calls for strengthening America. Its military domination has to be the undisputed.

His vision is based on the fact that America needs to pursue its own interests and not impose its values . This is the only way to negotiate . And the constant Trump’s refrain that he would negotiate with Putin is a part of that vision. Generally what Trump says about Putin and Russia sounds like a red rag for any globalist in America or anywhere else.

Carter Page, the man whom Trump called his adviser on Russia. Opponents depict him marginalized only because he blames Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her people for provoking the coup in Kiev with the aim of seizing power of pro-American radicals. As far as Page’s professional experience goes, an investment banker Page has got three higher educations: the Naval Academy with honors , University of New York and London , a doctoral degree . Page has created from scratch Moscow branch Meryl Lynch , his company advises investors in energy projects in Russia and Asia . Compare to “the main specialist on Russia and Ukraine” in the current administration Victoria Nuland has a bachelor's degree at Brown University , an experience of being a counsel in the pioneer camp in Odessa , an interpreter for the fishing fleet and the distributor of cookies on the Maidan square in Kiev.

No matter what you think about Trump one has to admit : his brief declaration of foreign policy is the only intelligible coherent and adequate one to the reality of American doctrine in the last 30 years. And even such an academic guru as Paul Gregory of the Hoover Institution admits that (in contrast to the political demagogues).

“Watching the overall media backlash , I’ve done my own small research among my conservative colleagues (none of them are Trump’s supporters) about what they think of Trump's speech on foreign policy . The general reaction was unanimous . Except for very harsh words about international trade , they almost all agree, "- said Paul Gregory .

Trump formulated the American anti-globalization and patriotic alternative. An alternative to the forces and interests that have been activated by Ukrainian coup, which goal was to create a self-reproducing mechanism of the Cold War. Trump’s attempt to stifle this mechanism promises not to be good for Trump. However, the failure of this attempt does not promise anything good for America.

Translated from:

Note: the system of this forum does not allow Russian letters, so I intentionally added a space to both links.

I even posted all that in 2016:
Trump - Russian Analysts: Trump’s Ideology is a Departure from the Destructive Globalization of Recent Years

Meanwhile there was Ukrainian propaganda trashing Trump and praising Clinton.

The Clinton foundation is also linked directly to Ukrainian oligarchs:
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
so you don't live in the US either? amazing how many of you exist in here.
I'm from Ukraine and against the current Ukrainian government installed by Soros and Deep State puppets (Obama's administration, McCain and others). And I'm amazed that many of you know so little about Russia and Ukraine, so easy buy what your Media tells you about them and neglect a great ally like Russia while supporting such a prostitute like Ukraine as a friend. By framing Manfort, helping Clinton and trashing Trump Ukrainian officials pretty much exposed themselves. But your Media keeps silence about that.
shit, folks on here don't even know about their own fking country, you want them to be educated in russia?
Obamagate timeline - Conservapedia

After Brennan, 9 others face losing security clearances, too

'You're fired!': Who Donald Trump has sacked and who has resigned during his time as president

The Obamagate timeline 2016 election year is a record of known facts about President Obama's misuse of foreign intelligence gathering for domestic political spying,[1] media manipulation, wiretaps, intimidation of journalists and critics, use of government intelligence agencies to influence domestic elections,[2] efforts to thwart the election of President Donald Trump, subversion of the new administration's personnel and agenda,[3] and to delegitimize and undermine his presidency.[4]

During and immediately after the 2016 Presidential election CIA director John Brennan, along with the Department of Justice and the FBI, targeted Donald Trump. This covert disinformation campaign became widely known in the fake news mainstream media as Trump-Russia, alleging collusion between Trump and associates with Russia. The side that actually colluded with foreign powers was that of Hillary Clinton.

After President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, seditious activity, and an unwillingness to accept the results of a democratic election by Obama holdovers in the US Intelligence Community, came to light.



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