Moscow Mitch: His Week is Getting Off to a Very Bad Start!

Democrats will try anything They are pathetic. As usual they will continue to lose. Losers always do.

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Meanwhile the psychotic Ruddy Quasimodo Giuliani thinks that he alone can make this go away

Rudy Giuliani Desperately Wants To Join Trump's Impeachment Defense Team | HuffPost

And Saturday night, Giuliani told Fox News host Jeanine Pirro he would ask for the U.S. Supreme Court to dismiss the case against Trump, which, in his view, would have the effect of expunging the impeachment from Trump’s record. “I would say if it’s nonconstitutional, it’s null and void,” he said.

"Non Constitutional" Give me a fucking break!! The SCOTUS has no jurisdiction here,
You're not real up on the news Bobby Boy . It's happening

It's still bullshit.

I thought the story might turn out to be that the complaint was hypocritically filed by a group of House Democraps, which would have been hilarious given the outrageous and shameful circus of corruption and misconduct in which they had engaged to conduct the Impeachment hearing against President Trump; only to willfully obstruct the process at the stage of passing it on to the Senate for trial. A greater act of hypocrisy is difficult to imagine, than that bunch now making any kind of ethics accusation against Senator McConnell in connection with a process in which they are refusing to allow him to take his proper part.

But it doesn't even turn out to be that. It's just some meaningless group, that nobody has ever heard of, and nobody recognizes as having any standard, making the complaint.

Not even fake news. Non-news.



  • PP_Straitjacket.png
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You're not real up on the news Bobby Boy . It's happening

It's still bullshit.

I thought the story might turn out to be that the complaint was hypocritically filed by a group of House Democraps, which would have been hilarious given the outrageous and shameful circus of corruption and misconduct in which they had engaged to conduct the Impeachment hearing against President Trump; only to willfully obstruct the process at the stage of passing it on to the Senate for trial. A greater act of hypocrisy is difficult to imagine, than that bunch now making any kind of ethics accusation against Senator McConnell in connection with a process in which they are refusing to allow him to take his proper part.

But it doesn't even turn out to be that. It's just some meaningless group, that nobody has ever heard of, and nobody recognizes as having any standard, making the complaint.

Not even fake news. Non-news.

Good fucking God Bobby Boy! You seem to be in meltdown mode. Get a fucking grip and read the news.
Good fucking God Bobby Boy! You seem to be in meltdown mode. Get a fucking grip and read the news.

Do you realize that there is a difference between news and propaganda? Especially when the propaganda in question is the sort of crap that Rawstory promotes, that is nearly always either blatant lies, or entirely irrelevant, or both? Most good propaganda at least has some meaningful basis in truth, however that element of truth may subsequently be distorted and twisted to support the propagandist's agenda. Something that I guess Rawstory's writers have yet to learn that the best lies are derived from truth, rather than just being made up ex nihilo.



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Congresscriminal Pelosi is still refusing to pass the articles on to the Senate. If she didn't know damn well that they were bogus, that there is no way that they'd stand up under any kind of trial,and that allowing the process to continue would only expose the corrupt and unethical conduct of her and her accomplices, she'd pass them to the Senate for trial.

If Trump were innocent, he'd have no problem letting Bolton testify.

That's what innocent people do.
I'll believe that when it happens.

Congresscriminal Pelosi has a very clear motive for holding them back, and little motive to do otherwise. She surely knows damn well what will happen if they reach the Senate, and a proper trial follows, and it will not be good for her nor any of her accomplices.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

The real problem. Even Republicans know Trump is guilty... they just can't sweep it under the rug.
I'll believe that when it happens.

Congresscriminal Pelosi has a very clear motive for holding them back, and little motive to do otherwise. She surely knows damn well what will happen if they reach the Senate, and a proper trial follows, and it will not be good for her nor any of her accomplices.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

The real problem. Even Republicans know Trump is guilty... they just can't sweep it under the rug.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?
I'll believe that when it happens.

Congresscriminal Pelosi has a very clear motive for holding them back, and little motive to do otherwise. She surely knows damn well what will happen if they reach the Senate, and a proper trial follows, and it will not be good for her nor any of her accomplices.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

The real problem. Even Republicans know Trump is guilty... they just can't sweep it under the rug.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

The antics were all provided by the Republican Committee members whose over the top anger became tedious and at the same time comical. Not one defended the president, they attack the process but never once did anyone of them offer anything exculpatory.
I'll believe that when it happens.

Congresscriminal Pelosi has a very clear motive for holding them back, and little motive to do otherwise. She surely knows damn well what will happen if they reach the Senate, and a proper trial follows, and it will not be good for her nor any of her accomplices.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

The real problem. Even Republicans know Trump is guilty... they just can't sweep it under the rug.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

The antics were all provided by the Republican Committee members whose over the top anger became tedious and at the same time comical. Not one defended the president, they attack the process but never once did anyone of them offer anything exculpatory.

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

They stopped Republicans from calling the witnesses they wanted.

Golly, I hope the Republicans don't reciprocate.
I'll believe that when it happens.

Congresscriminal Pelosi has a very clear motive for holding them back, and little motive to do otherwise. She surely knows damn well what will happen if they reach the Senate, and a proper trial follows, and it will not be good for her nor any of her accomplices.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

The real problem. Even Republicans know Trump is guilty... they just can't sweep it under the rug.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

The antics were all provided by the Republican Committee members whose over the top anger became tedious and at the same time comical. Not one defended the president, they attack the process but never once did anyone of them offer anything exculpatory.

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

They stopped Republicans from calling the witnesses they wanted.

Golly, I hope the Republicans don't reciprocate.

The Biden's are not relevant to the issue. They are relevant as victims of trump temerity, his usual use of character assassinations. How does Hunter Biden's history have any relevance to Trump's action to withhold money appropriate to the defense of Ukraine being under Russia's attack?

The Big Question you've ignored is this aided Russia, as did Trump's foolish move to leave Syria and provide Russian Troops to occupy our base there, and for Russian to gain hegemony in the region,

There is no evidence to relieve doubt that Trump is in bed with Putin and his efforts to reestablish Russia to it's former self. If trump is reelected we can expect Putin to ignore the Monroe Doctrine, and establish more influence in S. & C. America.
I'll believe that when it happens.

Congresscriminal Pelosi has a very clear motive for holding them back, and little motive to do otherwise. She surely knows damn well what will happen if they reach the Senate, and a proper trial follows, and it will not be good for her nor any of her accomplices.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

The real problem. Even Republicans know Trump is guilty... they just can't sweep it under the rug.

A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

The antics were all provided by the Republican Committee members whose over the top anger became tedious and at the same time comical. Not one defended the president, they attack the process but never once did anyone of them offer anything exculpatory.

How did the Democrats "fuck up"?

They stopped Republicans from calling the witnesses they wanted.

Golly, I hope the Republicans don't reciprocate.

The Biden's are not relevant to the issue. They are relevant as victims of trump temerity, his usual use of character assassinations. How does Hunter Biden's history have any relevance to Trump's action to withhold money appropriate to the defense of Ukraine being under Russia's attack?

The Big Question you've ignored is this aided Russia, as did Trump's foolish move to leave Syria and provide Russian Troops to occupy our base there, and for Russian to gain hegemony in the region,

There is no evidence to relieve doubt that Trump is in bed with Putin and his efforts to reestablish Russia to it's former self. If trump is reelected we can expect Putin to ignore the Monroe Doctrine, and establish more influence in S. & C. America.

The Biden's are not relevant to the issue.

Ukrainian corruption, Ukrainian phone calls, why aren't they relevant?
And don't forget the whistleblower.
A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?

Trump refused to let witnesses testify...

Now he doesn't have a choice, unless McConnel buries the evidence.

I know this confuses you. The House is like a grand jury. They ONLY have to provide enough evidence to prove that charges are warranted. The Senate is the actual trial. That's where we get all the witnesses.
First we have this:

Mitch McConnell hit with formal ethics complaint over Trump impeachment: Statements ‘directly contradict his oath of impartiality’

The advocacy group Public Citizen on Monday filed a formal ethics complaint against Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, accusing the powerful Republican of betraying his oath of office by signaling overt bias in favor of President Donald Trump even before his looming impeachment trial begins.

And then:

McConnell afraid GOP doesn’t have enough votes to dismiss impeachment charges against Trump

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was once confident he could get rid of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. As more information becomes available, however, that doesn’t appear to be the case.

A CNN report explained Monday that despite Trump’s urging, forcing senators to vote against a fair trial would put Republicans up for reelection in danger of losing their seats.

Turtle McConnel is circling the drain and seems to be headed for a legacy as the worst and most partisan majority leader in the history of the Senate
If McConnell was smart he’d ensure a fair and comprehensive trial be conducted.
Agreed Let's hear from Schiff, Ciaramella and the Bidens
First we have this:

Mitch McConnell hit with formal ethics complaint over Trump impeachment: Statements ‘directly contradict his oath of impartiality’

The advocacy group Public Citizen on Monday filed a formal ethics complaint against Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, accusing the powerful Republican of betraying his oath of office by signaling overt bias in favor of President Donald Trump even before his looming impeachment trial begins.

And then:

McConnell afraid GOP doesn’t have enough votes to dismiss impeachment charges against Trump

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was once confident he could get rid of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. As more information becomes available, however, that doesn’t appear to be the case.

A CNN report explained Monday that despite Trump’s urging, forcing senators to vote against a fair trial would put Republicans up for reelection in danger of losing their seats.

Turtle McConnel is circling the drain and seems to be headed for a legacy as the worst and most partisan majority leader in the history of the Senate
If McConnell was smart he’d ensure a fair and comprehensive trial be conducted.

If McConnell was ethical he’d ensure a fair and comprehensive trial be conducted.
First we have this:

Mitch McConnell hit with formal ethics complaint over Trump impeachment: Statements ‘directly contradict his oath of impartiality’

The advocacy group Public Citizen on Monday filed a formal ethics complaint against Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, accusing the powerful Republican of betraying his oath of office by signaling overt bias in favor of President Donald Trump even before his looming impeachment trial begins.

And then:

McConnell afraid GOP doesn’t have enough votes to dismiss impeachment charges against Trump

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was once confident he could get rid of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. As more information becomes available, however, that doesn’t appear to be the case.

A CNN report explained Monday that despite Trump’s urging, forcing senators to vote against a fair trial would put Republicans up for reelection in danger of losing their seats.

Turtle McConnel is circling the drain and seems to be headed for a legacy as the worst and most partisan majority leader in the history of the Senate
If McConnell was smart he’d ensure a fair and comprehensive trial be conducted.

Why? The House did nothing of the sort and they still couldn't come up with a crime.
First we have this:

Mitch McConnell hit with formal ethics complaint over Trump impeachment: Statements ‘directly contradict his oath of impartiality’

The advocacy group Public Citizen on Monday filed a formal ethics complaint against Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, accusing the powerful Republican of betraying his oath of office by signaling overt bias in favor of President Donald Trump even before his looming impeachment trial begins.

And then:

McConnell afraid GOP doesn’t have enough votes to dismiss impeachment charges against Trump

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was once confident he could get rid of the impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. As more information becomes available, however, that doesn’t appear to be the case.

A CNN report explained Monday that despite Trump’s urging, forcing senators to vote against a fair trial would put Republicans up for reelection in danger of losing their seats.

Turtle McConnel is circling the drain and seems to be headed for a legacy as the worst and most partisan majority leader in the history of the Senate
If McConnell was smart he’d ensure a fair and comprehensive trial be conducted.

Why? The House did nothing of the sort and they still couldn't come up with a crime.

It seems that you don’t understand much about impeachment

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A proper trial is calling witnesses and finding out what happened.

Yeah, the Dems really fucked that up, eh?

Trump refused to let witnesses testify...

Now he doesn't have a choice, unless McConnel buries the evidence.

I know this confuses you. The House is like a grand jury. They ONLY have to provide enough evidence to prove that charges are warranted. The Senate is the actual trial. That's where we get all the witnesses.

Trump refused to let witnesses testify...

And so did Democrats.

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