Mortimer conquering the frontiers

Tomorrow I will go on the weight scale, then I will write a short summary of the first week in my thread.
I weigh every morning immediately after taking that first piss after getting up. I expect minor variances' day to day, but more stable or down than up. Average variance is like today, .4 of a pound, about 181 grams to you. I am just dieting and tracking to keep my blood work within limits, and keep my nurse practitioner off my ass, not really trying to lose any more weight.
The most progress I ever made losing weight was when my doctor bought a metric scale.

It was the first time I weighed 125 since I was in 8th grade.

By new frontiers , Mortuary actually meant he found a way into his smelly under pants for the first time . Have always wondered how the morbidly obese manage to successfully clean their bottom . Any advice or hints , Mortuary ?

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