Morning Consult Poll: Trump +11 (GOP nomination)


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Week Before Debate Trump Has the Lead - Morning Consult
1,979 RV (R & RLI), MoE = +/-2.0, conducted completely online.

  • Trump: 24%
  • Bush: 13%
  • Walker: 9%
  • Carson: 8%
  • Christie: 5%
  • Rubio: 5%
  • Huckabee: 4%
  • Kasich: 4%
  • Cruz: 4%
  • Paul: 3%
  • -----------------------------------------------------
  • Santorum: 2%
  • Fiorina: 1%
  • Graham: 1%
  • Jindal: 1%
  • Pataki: 1%
  • Perry: 1%
Margin: Trump +11

It's the same three in the top three slots, but it sure looks like Trump is starting to dominate. Carson has improved slightly. The top ten candidates are above the dotted line.

Graphically, it looks like this:

Morning Consult 215-07-029 GOP nomination.png

From the link:

But only 19 percent of those who say they will participate in a Republican primary believe Trump will actually win the nomination. A quarter of GOP voters say Bush will end up on top.

The poll mirrors other national surveys in recent days that have found Trump in the lead. A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released this week shows Trump up by an 18 percent to 15 percent margin over Bush; a poll from ABC News and the Washington Post released over the weekend showed Trump at 24 percent, over Walker’s 13 percent and Bush’s 12 percent....

Both Bush and Trump also get a disproportionate share among voters who call themselves moderates. Walker and Carson, on the other hand, get a higher percentage of the vote among those who call themselves more conservative.

Most top-tier Republican contenders are beginning their campaigns with unfavorable images among all registered voters. More say they view Bush, Trump, Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in an unfavorable light than favorably. Only Walker and Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) have net-favorable approval ratings, and even then only by a single percentage point.

Bush boasts the strongest approval ratings among Republicans, at 58 percent, a single point higher than the 57 percent who say they see Trump favorably....


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