More Reasons to Love Keith Richards

Actual professional guitarists would laugh at you.

True story!

Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You're allowing the trees to obscure your view of the forest. Groove and hooks and timing go a lot farther than acrobatics and fireworks.
None of those virtuousos you cited came up with any hooks as catchy as Jumpin Jack Flash or the texture of the open G chords in Honky Tonk Women. And I'm taking nothing away from the others.
Think of guitarists or any musician in terms of creating a character as actors do. Some of the best actors recite lines without uttering a word.
Compare harmonicists Big Walter Horton with John Popper or Howard Levy. Walter says more with one note than the others do in an entire solo.
You get it. This clown Buzz doesn't understand that there are great singers, and there are people with great voices. It's not the same thing. No different with guitarists.
Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You're allowing the trees to obscure your view of the forest. Groove and hooks and timing go a lot farther than acrobatics and fireworks.
None of those virtuousos you cited came up with any hooks as catchy as Jumpin Jack Flash or the texture of the open G chords in Honky Tonk Women. And I'm taking nothing away from the others.
Think of guitarists or any musician in terms of creating a character as actors do. Some of the best actors recite lines without uttering a word.
Compare harmonicists Big Walter Horton with John Popper or Howard Levy. Walter says more with one note than the others do in an entire solo.
You get it. This clown Buzz doesn't understand that there are great singers, and there are people with great voices. It's not the same thing. No different with guitarists.
This is the argument people make for people who ARENT virtuoso's. When you take pure talent out of the equation, then its just a matter of opinion, which doesnt count for much. There are thousands of guitarists that are far better than Keith Richards, and even more that have come up with better riffs than he has. Hes just a clueless old drunk.
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I couldn't agree with him more. Preach, Keith, Preach!

Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards calls Metallica and Black Sabbath 'great jokes,' says rap is for 'tone-deaf people' in free-wheeling interview

Some say rock is dead. For Keith Richards, it always has been.

Strange, coming from the architect of the world’s greatest rock ’n’ roll band.

“It sounds like a dull thud to me,” says the Rolling Stone. “For most bands, getting the syncopation is beyond them. It’s endless thudding away, with no bounce, no lift, no syncopation.”

He has even less regard for heavy metal. “Millions are in love with Metallica and Black Sabbath,” Richards says. “I just thought they were great jokes.”

Not that he’s about to jump on the hip-hop bandwagon either.

Keith Richards has kept the Rolling Stones’ sound alive for more than 50 years.

“Rap — so many words, so little said,” laughs Richards, 71.

“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.”

More truth at the link. :)

I am only riled up at some douche says something like Richards is on of the greatest guitar players ever. No, we was not. His playing was notable and he wrote some kick ass rock tunes. But a great guitar player? That is laughable.
You're still getting too caught up in the technical. Like ragging on Picasso.
It's about feel and what comes from the heart. The guys who invented the music that made it possible for your heroes to even exist played with little to no theory education and had no academic understanding of music. The best blues players still take that approach. That's what makes Richards great. And he developed a signature sound in the process. The best any artist can do is generate an artistic signature.
Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You're allowing the trees to obscure your view of the forest. Groove and hooks and timing go a lot farther than acrobatics and fireworks.
None of those virtuousos you cited came up with any hooks as catchy as Jumpin Jack Flash or the texture of the open G chords in Honky Tonk Women. And I'm taking nothing away from the others.
Think of guitarists or any musician in terms of creating a character as actors do. Some of the best actors recite lines without uttering a word.
Compare harmonicists Big Walter Horton with John Popper or Howard Levy. Walter says more with one note than the others do in an entire solo.
You get it. This clown Buzz doesn't understand that there are great singers, and there are people with great voices. It's not the same thing. No different with guitarists.
That applies to every form of art.
I won't call Buzz a clown. I just think he is over-thinking things which is what happens when you take an approach to art that is too academic.
The bottom line is this; when you hear Richards's guitar playing, you know who it is. That is the ultimate accomplishment.
Actual professional guitarists would laugh at you.

True story!

Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You have to be a wingnut, because you can't read, you make false arguments, and you lie about what people say.

Where did I say that Richards was a great guitarist? I didn't. I said he was influential, which he most certainly was.

Now, does list him as the 4th greatest guitarist. They don't specify, but I have to assume they are limiting it to rock. And as much as I love Al DiMeola, he's not a rock guitarist.

Keith Richards - 100 Greatest Guitarists | Rolling Stone

Why are you so dishonest? Is it your conservative value?

Hey, man. You need help if you are going to have a break-down over this.
Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You're allowing the trees to obscure your view of the forest. Groove and hooks and timing go a lot farther than acrobatics and fireworks.
None of those virtuousos you cited came up with any hooks as catchy as Jumpin Jack Flash or the texture of the open G chords in Honky Tonk Women. And I'm taking nothing away from the others.
Think of guitarists or any musician in terms of creating a character as actors do. Some of the best actors recite lines without uttering a word.
Compare harmonicists Big Walter Horton with John Popper or Howard Levy. Walter says more with one note than the others do in an entire solo.
You get it. This clown Buzz doesn't understand that there are great singers, and there are people with great voices. It's not the same thing. No different with guitarists.

Quit being such a ****.
I am only riled up at some douche says something like Richards is on of the greatest guitar players ever. No, we was not. His playing was notable and he wrote some kick ass rock tunes. But a great guitar player? That is laughable.
You're still getting too caught up in the technical. Like ragging on Picasso.
It's about feel and what comes from the heart. The guys who invented the music that made it possible for your heroes to even exist played with little to no theory education and had no academic understanding of music. The best blues players still take that approach. That's what makes Richards great. And he developed a signature sound in the process. The best any artist can do is generate an artistic signature.

Whatever. He's still a shitty guitar player.
If you gave Keith Richards a piece of music and asked him to perform it - say some little classical piece or a jazz piece - he would not be able to do it. This is evidence of his shitty musicianship. All he can do is strum a guitar and occasionally play a sloppy blues lick.
Actual professional guitarists would laugh at you.

True story!

Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You have to be a wingnut, because you can't read, you make false arguments, and you lie about what people say.

Where did I say that Richards was a great guitarist? I didn't. I said he was influential, which he most certainly was.

Now, does list him as the 4th greatest guitarist. They don't specify, but I have to assume they are limiting it to rock. And as much as I love Al DiMeola, he's not a rock guitarist.

Keith Richards - 100 Greatest Guitarists | Rolling Stone

Why are you so dishonest? Is it your conservative value?
rolling stone?....not a very good source to use...wenner is the jerk behind the so called rock and roll hall of fame....he lost lots of musical credibility...
I could make a two or three hour long Stones greatest hits compilation but lets face it: They haven't made a good album since Tattoo You 34 years ago.
I am only riled up at some douche says something like Richards is on of the greatest guitar players ever. No, we was not. His playing was notable and he wrote some kick ass rock tunes. But a great guitar player? That is laughable.
You're still getting too caught up in the technical. Like ragging on Picasso.
It's about feel and what comes from the heart. The guys who invented the music that made it possible for your heroes to even exist played with little to no theory education and had no academic understanding of music. The best blues players still take that approach. That's what makes Richards great. And he developed a signature sound in the process. The best any artist can do is generate an artistic signature.

Whatever. He's still a shitty guitar player.
Nope. Not at all. You need to come around on this. You probably will since you already have an appreciation for music.
I could make a two or three hour long Stones greatest hits compilation but lets face it: They haven't made a good album since Tattoo You 34 years ago.
as far as i am concerned they died when Mick Taylor left...
He had his moments and is an excellent slide player but he generally overplayed.
You take Keith's guitar out of the equation and none of it works for the Stones. (See Jagger's solo efforts.)
I could make a two or three hour long Stones greatest hits compilation but lets face it: They haven't made a good album since Tattoo You 34 years ago.
as far as i am concerned they died when Mick Taylor left...
He had his moments and is an excellent slide player but he generally overplayed.
You take Keith's guitar out of the equation and none of it works for the Stones. (See Jagger's solo efforts.)
well he did write the majority of the least in the interview i saw with Mick and Keith thats what Mick said.......
The Rolling Stones are one of my favorite bands of all time. I respect kith Richards for speaking his mind, but I don't agree with hi, on everything he says.
Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You have to be a wingnut, because you can't read, you make false arguments, and you lie about what people say.

Where did I say that Richards was a great guitarist? I didn't. I said he was influential, which he most certainly was.

Now, does list him as the 4th greatest guitarist. They don't specify, but I have to assume they are limiting it to rock. And as much as I love Al DiMeola, he's not a rock guitarist.

Keith Richards - 100 Greatest Guitarists | Rolling Stone

Why are you so dishonest? Is it your conservative value?

Hey, man. You need help if you are going to have a break-down over this.
^^^ This is your cowardly way of admitting that I didn't call Richards a great guitarist?

Man up, boy.
Bullshit. Real guitarists turn up their noses to hack rock and roll guitarists, especially simpletons like Richards. You are a moron.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You have to be a wingnut, because you can't read, you make false arguments, and you lie about what people say.

Where did I say that Richards was a great guitarist? I didn't. I said he was influential, which he most certainly was.

Now, does list him as the 4th greatest guitarist. They don't specify, but I have to assume they are limiting it to rock. And as much as I love Al DiMeola, he's not a rock guitarist.

Keith Richards - 100 Greatest Guitarists | Rolling Stone

Why are you so dishonest? Is it your conservative value?
rolling stone?....not a very good source to use...wenner is the jerk behind the so called rock and roll hall of fame....he lost lots of musical credibility...
I agree about Rolling Stone. Just pointing out that there are a lot of people who believe Richards is a YUUUGE influence. Including nearly every professional guitarist in the world.
The funny thing about this thread is I'm not a fan of the Rolling Stones at all. Don't own any of their stuff, except Beast Of Burden and Shattered. But I've made my living as a musician since 1980, and I know who the important players are, whether I'm a fan or not.
Keith Richards is one of the most influential rock guitarists in history.

EVERY rock guitarist of any renown will tell you that.
i think he is mostly known for his composing synth....i just looked at 5 greatest guitarist polls and he was not in any of their top 20 he usually showed up around 30-50 its all what you like....

Taste is a personal thing. I get that. But if you compare him to Al Di Mola or a classically trained guitarist, or Yngwie Malmsteen, Paul Gilbert or Jason Becker, then it is clear that Richards is a peasant when it comes to guitar players. What about Steve Vai, or Joe Satriani? Tony McAlpine or Marty Friedman?

Keith Richards is a joke as a guitar player. He did compose done catchy tunes. I like the Stones and Richards. But when some dweeb says something stupid - like Richards being a great guitar player - it irritates me.
You have to be a wingnut, because you can't read, you make false arguments, and you lie about what people say.

Where did I say that Richards was a great guitarist? I didn't. I said he was influential, which he most certainly was.

Now, does list him as the 4th greatest guitarist. They don't specify, but I have to assume they are limiting it to rock. And as much as I love Al DiMeola, he's not a rock guitarist.

Keith Richards - 100 Greatest Guitarists | Rolling Stone

Why are you so dishonest? Is it your conservative value?
rolling stone?....not a very good source to use...wenner is the jerk behind the so called rock and roll hall of fame....he lost lots of musical credibility...
I agree about Rolling Stone. Just pointing out that there are a lot of people who believe Richards is a YUUUGE influence. Including nearly every professional guitarist in the world.
well something no one can take away from the guy,he is considered one of the best rhythm guitarist of rock and has composed some of the greatest rock music out there,and has the track record to back himself up....

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