More indictments on the way

You Deep Staters pull a stunt like that, and it will turn into biting yourselves in your own butts.
First of all beautress there is no real Deep State.
Steve Bannon just made that term up back when he was pulling Trump's puppet strings and feeding him catchy, tribal slogans and catch phrases designed to rile up the witless, deplorable, sheeple who seemed likely to vote for a two-bit cretin.
Also, this isn't about no one gets "bitten in the butt"....regardless of the outcome.
This is about justice, and saving our republic.
Trump (most likely) has committed felonies.....likely MANY of them against our nation. Against our democratic republic. He MUST be held accountable.
We owe it to the nation to demonstrate to all that justice is indeed blind and yes, a former POTUS is subject to the same laws as anybody else.
We also owe it to the rest of the world by demonstrating that here in America we can police our own. We don't tolerate fascist tyrants here.
By the time the DOJ is finished with Trump other future leaders will think twice about treating the office of POTUS with the wanton disrespect that Trump has.
He MUST stand trial for his crimes.
Anything less would be a two-tiered justice system that favors the rich and powerful over common people.
In other words, a bananna republic.
We're going to see additional indictments of Trump coming out over the course of the next few months. It is not an if but when.
By the end of summer this joker could be staring down over 100 felony charges.
Maybe it is time for The Republican Party to finally cross his name off the list of viable and legitimate candidates going into the primaries.
I mean, it is bad enough that The GOP doesn't even have a platform to run on anymore, but dragging the dead weight of Trump around with them from now on seems ridiculous.

Prosecutors are now prepared to “stack” an “additional 30 to 45 charges” on top of the 37-count indictment brought against Mr Trump on 8 June. They would do so using evidence against the ex-president that has not yet been publicly acknowledged by the department, including other recordings prosecutors have obtained which reveal Mr Trump making incriminating statements.

"Maybe it is time for The Republican Party to finally cross his name off the list of viable and legitimate candidates going into the primaries."

Donald J. Trump is the nominee. You don't like it? Oh well, that is just too bad.

Have you seen recent polls? His popularity has gone way up since these bogus indictments started.


I don't care how many triathlons Jack Smith has run. He is in over his head and he knows it- he is the one that looks scared.

TRUMP 2024
First of all beautress there is no real Deep State.
Steve Bannon just made that term up back when he was pulling Trump's puppet strings and feeding him catchy, tribal slogans and catch phrases designed to rile up the witless, deplorable, sheeple who seemed likely to vote for a two-bit cretin.
Also, this isn't about no one gets "bitten in the butt"....regardless of the outcome.
This is about justice, and saving our republic.
Trump (most likely) has committed felonies.....likely MANY of them against our nation. Against our democratic republic. He MUST be held accountable.
We owe it to the nation to demonstrate to all that justice is indeed blind and yes, a former POTUS is subject to the same laws as anybody else.
We also owe it to the rest of the world by demonstrating that here in America we can police our own. We don't tolerate fascist tyrants here.
By the time the DOJ is finished with Trump other future leaders will think twice about treating the office of POTUS with the wanton disrespect that Trump has.
He MUST stand trial for his crimes.
Anything less would be a two-tiered justice system that favors the rich and powerful over common people.
In other words, a bananna republic.

Seriously, Jack Smith is a corrupt prosecutor.

He's had several cases overturned for denying and obfuscating exculpatory evidence.

Jack Smith was behind the corruption of the IRS in 2010 when they were targeting conservatives.

So yes, he's a political shitbag of the largest proportions.

Actually he has an incredibly stellar and tough reputation.
It really doesn't matter what you MAGAT Trumptard's opinion of him is.
You guys are not exactly known as the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with.
So your opinions on shit don't mean much.
Smith is an INDEPENDENT investigator.
Why "independent?"
So that there could be NO perception of Biden's Justice Department driving some political hit job.
See, Biden was WAY ahead of you MAGATs on this.
Like I've you are NOT.
Actually he has an incredibly stellar and tough reputation.
It really doesn't matter what you MAGAT Trumptard's opinion of him is.
You guys are not exactly known as the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with.
So your opinions on shit don't mean much.
Smith is an INDEPENDENT investigator.
Why "independent?"
So that there could be NO perception of Biden's Justice Department driving some political hit job.
See, Biden was WAY ahead of you MAGATs on this.
Like I've you are NOT.

They have substantial evidence to say Trump tried to steal/undermine the election for himself, with his illegal fake electorate scheme and the call to Raffsberger, there will be another indictment.

We are a nation of laws, nobody is above the law.

It is impossible for Trump to try to steal the election any more than the claim by Trump that the democrats tried to steal the election.
Electors are selected by state legislators and certified by Congress, so it is absolutely impossible to steal an election.

Just like the impeachments were total lies, the classified doc indictments are illegal, etc.
It is impossible for Trump to try to steal the election any more than the claim by Trump that the democrats tried to steal the election.
Electors are selected by state legislators and certified by Congress, so it is absolutely impossible to steal an election.

Just like the impeachments were total lies, the classified doc indictments are illegal, etc.
Shhh.... don't give them ideas. We want the orange douchebag to run. What is better than beating him once? Making him a loser a second time!

And when Biden wins again, the sight of trumptards going crazy all over again? Priceless. :SMILEW~130:

I voted for Biden before, but now with these insane indictments, clearly Biden, the DOJ, the FBI, etc., are all criminals and only Trump can clean house.

Its very simple.

We know the democrats did not steal the 2020 election because it would have left lots of evidence.
It would require dozens of people in each city to be in on it, and it would have leaked out.
Too many people for it to have been able to be kept secret.

So this claim of fake electors is even dumber, since that would mean you would have multiple sets of electors, as if no one would notice?
That is insane because electors are not under the control of any one party, but the whole state legislature, and they are then checked out by congress before certification of the count.
So that would require even more conspirators than the vote fraud claims, and at both the state and congressional levels, which is totally absurd.

Which means then that this is just another attempt to illegally bias the upcoming election, with more bogus charges, just like the bogus impeachments and the bogus classified doc claims.
Its very simple.

We know the democrats did not steal the 2020 election because it would have left lots of evidence.
It would require dozens of people in each city to be in on it, and it would have leaked out.
Too many people for it to have been able to be kept secret.
It wasn't a secret....They did it right up in your grill.....And you gaslight yourself into disbelieving your own lying eyes and ears.
Actually he has an incredibly stellar and tough reputation.
It really doesn't matter what you MAGAT Trumptard's opinion of him is.
You guys are not exactly known as the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with.
So your opinions on shit don't mean much.
Smith is an INDEPENDENT investigator.
Why "independent?"
So that there could be NO perception of Biden's Justice Department driving some political hit job.
See, Biden was WAY ahead of you MAGATs on this.
Like I've you are NOT.
You're not sharp enough to have read that link I posted and read between the lines as to what it really says, douchebag.

Here's more from a more you-friendly source:

"Prosecutors (Jack Smith) scored a public corruption conviction against former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, but the case was later overturned by the Supreme Court. The section also prosecuted former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, but a jury acquitted him on one count and deadlocked on others and the Justice Department declined to try him again."

You're not sharp enough to have read that link I posted and read between the lines as to what it really says, douchebag.

Here's more from a more you-friendly source:

"Prosecutors (Jack Smith) scored a public corruption conviction against former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, a Republican, but the case was later overturned by the Supreme Court. The section also prosecuted former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards, but a jury acquitted him on one count and deadlocked on others and the Justice Department declined to try him again."

Are those the only two cases he’s ever prosecuted? I think someone’s been picking cherries!
Are those the only two cases he’s ever prosecuted? I think someone’s been picking cherries!
That may be, but I've read enough to see he has a pattern of unethical prosecutions.

Not to mention the corrupting the IRS thing, oblivious boy. That's not a small thing at all.

He approached Lerner and initiated that crap.
Actually he has an incredibly stellar and tough reputation.
It really doesn't matter what you MAGAT Trumptard's opinion of him is.
You guys are not exactly known as the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with.
So your opinions on shit don't mean much.
Smith is an INDEPENDENT investigator.
Why "independent?"
So that there could be NO perception of Biden's Justice Department driving some political hit job.
See, Biden was WAY ahead of you MAGATs on this.
Like I've you are NOT.
"You guys are not exactly known as the uh....sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with.
So your opinions on shit don't mean much."

English. Can you read and write above a 6th grade level? Do you speak English?

There are millions in the MAGA movement dork. Most of us can read and write better than you.



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