More guns, less gun violence between 1993 and 2013


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Gun sales rose sharply after Obama got into office and there was more talk of gun control. Over the years, as gun sales increased, gun violence decreased. That is the very reason why most purchase guns. No one wants to be a victim of a crime.

Chicago has more gun control than most and yet over 500 people have died since January and thousands more shot and survived. The criminals own a place when government makes it hard for the law abiding citizens to protect themselves. Libs don't want to admit that.

Most libs I know are forming opinions based purely on emotions. It sounds good to them to say that gun control will prevent murders. In reality, it doesn't work. Though most liberal policies fail, they don't care because they are all about what makes them feel good. If they are able to pat themselves on the back for having good intentions, they are able to ignore the tragic consequences of their policies.

Those in power know exactly what they are doing. Hillary and others who support a one world socialist government are determined to disarm the public. Most people would vehemently reject the plan that the left has for this country and they know it. The left has focused on dumbing down people and getting as many as possible dependent on government just so they would be willing to sell the country out in order to be taken care of. All the riots now, from BLM to women's marches are funded by Soros, the man who once vowed to destroy capitalist America. Dividing people into groups and pitting them against each other is part of the plan and that is exactly what they are doing. There is nothing righteous about BLM calling for the murder of cops or football players kneeling in disrespect over a problem that mainly exists in the minds of the left's minions. It's all by design to weaken our moral fabric and keep the hatred and violence going.

They figure that eventually people will tire of the violence and just give in. That means government taking away our rights, claiming it's for our own good. Once we allow that to happen, we will never know freedom again and it would take another bloody revolution to get it back. With so many ignorant people who fear guns more than government (which is totally backwards), who would fight for our liberty? Snowflakes only care that no one upsets their delicate feelings. Blacks only want reparations from evil whites. Hispanics want amnesty. All on the left want free everything.

We can't let them get away with slowly taking away our rights. The fight should be against the terrorists, criminals and thugs who want to hurt us, not against the honest Americans who merely want to protect their families.

Our forefathers knew that it was only a matter of time before the dictators would try to take down America. That is the number one reason behind the second amendment.

Chart of the day: More guns, less gun violence between 1993 and 2013 - AEI
They figure that eventually people will tire of the violence and just give in. That means government taking away our rights, claiming it's for our own good. Once we allow that to happen, we will never know freedom again and it would take another bloody revolution to get it back. With so many ignorant people who fear guns more than government (which is totally backwards), who would fight for our liberty? Snowflakes only care that no one upsets their delicate feelings. Blacks only want reparations from evil whites. Hispanics want amnesty. All on the left want free everything.

That is the real threat.....vigilance is the only answer

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