More fake news by Rachel Maddow & MSNBC


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
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Which means somewhere someone has a lot of information on Ted Cruz. *L*
It's madcow, did anyone really expect journalism from this so called woman?
To be fair she's no more a journalist than Hannity
She's no more a journalist than my wife's cat. Hannity never claimed to be anything more that an opinion guy. Madcow claims to be a journalism standard. Of which apparently that standard is so low worms crawl over it.
It's madcow, did anyone really expect journalism from this so called woman?
To be fair she's no more a journalist than Hannity
She's no more a journalist than my wife's cat. Hannity never claimed to be anything more that an opinion guy. Madcow claims to be a journalism standard. Of which apparently that standard is so low worms crawl over it.
I've never heard of a journalism standard lol. I've also never heard her claim to be a journalist. They are both the same from opposite ends of the political spectrum.
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
Russia not wanting Hillary is not fake news it's fact dumb shit.

And Russia and Breitbart were the ones dumping the fake news. Fox too. Trump exposed fox for their lies when he tweeted news he heard from them. You dumb fucks eat up fake news
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
Russia not wanting Hillary is not fake news it's fact dumb shit.

And Russia and Breitbart were the ones dumping the fake news. Fox too. Trump exposed fox for their lies when he tweeted news he heard from them. You dumb fucks eat up fake news

See and yet you listed 0 of them, because you just stated propaganda and where did you hear that from that you repeat like a parrot? From Tabloid TV, MSNBC & CNN the same network that Brought you imaginary exclusives like "historical Jesus", fake news about
the James Osury, FAKE news about the shroud of Turin.
I bet you get your history from the history channel too.
Swithching channels and only 2 seconds in the tabloid news MSNBC has blatant statements by Maddow that are known lies.
She states as fact that Russia specifically wanted Trump to win the election, however her statement is not known or even possible.
None of the supposed Russia involvements coincide with knowing the outcome of the Republican party nomination, in fact it is a known fact nobody including Hillary thought Donald would win the Republican nomination. If Putin wanted to meddle because he hated Hillary, then at that time it would have been to help Bernie who Putin would favor as soft, dovish, socialist leaning, and easy to pushover. However Clintons cheating and breaking the law allowed her to steal the Democrat nomination away from Bernie. To claim Putin wanted Trump to win before anyone knew he was the candidate is typical time line confused fake news by MSNBC. Were was her commentary on Obama wanting Netanyahu's
opponent to win, so much so that he sent his campaign expert to interfere with Israeli elections? Now that is a clear slam dunk case of meddling.....not a word from Maddow about REAL MEDDLING.
Conclusion: sensationalism buys tabloids but in viewership makes people click to another channel after 5 seconds of fake news insulting their intelligence as well as the fact people don't like teacher like lectures as news, it reminds them of mean teachers in school subjecting them to personal views that weren't their own.
Russia not wanting Hillary is not fake news it's fact dumb shit.

And Russia and Breitbart were the ones dumping the fake news. Fox too. Trump exposed fox for their lies when he tweeted news he heard from them. You dumb fucks eat up fake news

See and yet you listed 0 of them, because you just stated propaganda and where did you hear that from that you repeat like a parrot? From Tabloid TV, MSNBC & CNN the same network that Brought you imaginary exclusives like "historical Jesus", fake news about
the James Osury, FAKE news about the shroud of Turin.
I bet you get your history from the history channel too.
None of these topics is important. Just like Hillary being under fire, Warren being an Indian and Monica weren't important lies. Not even conspiring with Russia is that big of a deal. But lying us into Iraq was bad
Our situation with Iraq is more complex then the avg person will recognize without being told, but we can't tell people the full scope otherwise it ruins the strategy, sort of like when Obama tells the enemy when we are starting operations and where.
Above Obama phones ahead to tell Isis when and where in Mosul we will be coming to town.

Do you believe Isis is worth stoping?
They are just the Baath party resurrected, the plans are the same they've always been, so then if you believe stoping Isis is necessary then you agree stoping the head of the Baath party Saddam was necessary.

So you think our involvement in Iraq is problematic, yet 911, Afghan war, Iraq war, Isis and perhaps Syria would not have been an issue if Bill had taken out Bin Laden in 1998 when he had him "surveilled" & on target yet suddenly and mysteriously let him slip away. Now knowing he took money from Saudis for favors, aren't you curious what those favors involved and why Liberal media outlets don't care to find out?
So you are not concerned until you think it can be displaced blame onto the right.
Interestingly silent when it can crush the left, not just for a term, but forever.
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Gutfeld's piece tonight mocking
Rachel Maddows selective correlations techniques was hillarious.
Her being born on April fool's day=priceless.
Russia was meddling before Trump even got the nomination. Maddow is as stupid as her audience

U.S. Intelligence: Intercepted Conversations Prove Russians Were Celebrating Trump's Win
U.S. Intelligence Claim They Have New Evidence to Prove Russians Provided Wikileaks Information
Included in that new information were intercepted conversations of Russian officials expressing happiness at Trump's win. Another official described some of the messages as congratulatory.

Officials said this was just one of multiple indicators to give them high confidence of both Russian involvement and Russian intentions. Officials reiterated that there is no single intercepted communication that qualifies as a "smoking gun" on Russia's intention to benefit Trump's candidacy or to claim credit for doing so.
Russia was meddling before Trump even got the nomination. Maddow is as stupid as her audience

U.S. Intelligence: Intercepted Conversations Prove Russians Were Celebrating Trump's Win
U.S. Intelligence Claim They Have New Evidence to Prove Russians Provided Wikileaks Information
Included in that new information were intercepted conversations of Russian officials expressing happiness at Trump's win. Another official described some of the messages as congratulatory.

Officials said this was just one of multiple indicators to give them high confidence of both Russian involvement and Russian intentions. Officials reiterated that there is no single intercepted communication that qualifies as a "smoking gun" on Russia's intention to benefit Trump's candidacy or to claim credit for doing so.

Define Russians celebrating.
Who is "Russians" in your narative?
Are you so bold as to say a Russian is not allowed to be happy that an incompetant Hillary lost her election, and elated that the world is safe again? I thought she said Donald would blow up the world pressing a button in a heated moment, so you are saying Russians want to be blown up or are you gonna admit that Hillary was the loose cannon along with Obama tried to and is still baiting a war with Russia?

Your post which once again ignores time lines as context in this discussion, is stating we are the ones spying on Russians not the other way around.
You also are using proven false naratives that have never been backed by proof=propaganda and not even good propaganda either since it contradicts all the agencies and investigations.

Say hi to Elvis and Big foot at Morrisons party on mars Mr Tabloid!
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Russia was meddling before Trump even got the nomination. Maddow is as stupid as her audience

U.S. Intelligence: Intercepted Conversations Prove Russians Were Celebrating Trump's Win
U.S. Intelligence Claim They Have New Evidence to Prove Russians Provided Wikileaks Information
Included in that new information were intercepted conversations of Russian officials expressing happiness at Trump's win. Another official described some of the messages as congratulatory.

Officials said this was just one of multiple indicators to give them high confidence of both Russian involvement and Russian intentions. Officials reiterated that there is no single intercepted communication that qualifies as a "smoking gun" on Russia's intention to benefit Trump's candidacy or to claim credit for doing so.

^ Debunked years ago

Seth Rich leaked the emails. That's why Hillary destroyed her server and why the DNC would NEVER allow anyone to analyze theirs. Pedophile scumbad Podesta was already caught discussing "wetwork" aka assassination

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