More Evidence Reveals FBI Protected Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."


No, no, nothing to see here, just move along.....
Protected?! Comey torpedoed her prez campaign.

Comey's FBI Agents came to him & informed him that Hillary's Aide, Huma, had sent TOP SECRET E-mails from Hillary's server to her own personal home lap top pc, the same lap top that usually sat on Weiner's exposed junk as he sexted little girls. THIS WAS A CRIME, WITHOUT A DOUBT....

Comey could not simply tell his agents to ignore it, as they probably were CRIMINALS like he was / is. So he announced that he had re-opened the investigation to give the appearance that he was going to take it seriously...after which, to his agent's shock, he declared 'Nothing To See Here'!
-- At that time the media was reporting that some FBI agents were pissed at how the investigation was going. THIS shows why!

'Torpedoed her prez campaign'?


The ONLY reason she still had a 'Prez Campaign' at this point was because 1) the DOJ and FBI had already protected her ass from indictment and prison, & 2) the DNC had helped her cheat in debates, rig primaries, and GAVE Hillary the nomination she could not win herself.

Hillary also ran the worst campaign in US history. Aside from violating campaign finance regulations and paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies, she arrogantly ignored entire states because she did not have to show up to win those states...and those states' votes ended up being the difference in the election.

....but spin and propaganda from YOU is expected, so at least you did not disappoint.
Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."



More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either:

Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Trump's government is incompetent and can't investigate an obvious case

This mess will never amount to anything because the DOJ of a competent President can't put anything conclusive together.
Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."



More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either:

Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Trump's government is incompetent and can't investigate an obvious case

This mess will never amount to anything because the DOJ of a competent President can't put anything conclusive together.
this post makes zero sense.
Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."



More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either:

Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Trump's government is incompetent and can't investigate an obvious case

This mess will never amount to anything because the DOJ of a competent President can't put anything conclusive together.
this post makes zero sense.

I mean if the DOJ isn't incompetent either Trump is in on protecting Hillary or there is nothing to find, right?

Trump has been President long enough for a woman to have produced two children and Hillary is still running free.
More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either: Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Only snowflakes are stupid enough to look at all the overwhelming EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes and the cover-up Obama's DOJ and FBI have so far gotten away with and still buy her BS 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' BS from years ago.

Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."



More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either:

Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Trump's government is incompetent and can't investigate an obvious case

This mess will never amount to anything because the DOJ of a competent President can't put anything conclusive together.
this post makes zero sense.

I mean if the DOJ isn't incompetent either Trump is in on protecting Hillary or there is nothing to find, right?

Trump has been President long enough for a woman to have produced two children and Hillary is still running free.
this didn't help.
More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either: Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Only snowflakes are stupid enough to look at all the overwhelming EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes and the cover-up Obama's DOJ and FBI have so far gotten away with and still buy her BS 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' BS from years ago.


Snowflake lol. Who we talking about here? Folks who get angry at kneeling boys who don't goose step the way you'd like?

But yeah, conspiracy! Like you say, Trump has OVERWHELMING evidence she should be in jail but can't get her there. Maybe he's saving it for the next election? Maybe he's in on keeping her out of jail? Maybe he's incompetent?

Trump's in charge, right? His ppl have been in place for two years, right?
I mean if the DOJ isn't incompetent either Trump is in on protecting Hillary or there is nothing to find, right?

President Trump was / is on protecting Hillary Clinton from going to prison for espionage, 45,000 criminal violations of violations of the FOIA / Federal Records Act / Obstruction, Lying to the FBI and to Congress, Illegal Collusion w/a foreign spy and Russians, violations of Campaign Finance Laws, etc...???

WHILE Hillary and Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI were collaborating to perpetrate a coup d'état against the the middle of the 2016 Presidential Campaign, the US AG and FBI sat down and authored Hillary's Exoneration letter ... before she was interviewed and before the investigation was even begun in earnest ... and you think Trump was 'in on' protecting Hillary...?

When the FBI publicly announced they had recovered 15,000 OFFICIAL ... SUBPOENAED ... documents Hillary had tried to destroy (Obstruction), documents that proved Hillary violated the FOIA and Federal Records Act (CRIME) ... When Comey publicly admitted Hillary broke laws then gave the BS justification for not recommending her for incitement that she was TOO STUPID to know she was breaking the law ... you think Trump was 'in on it'?


Trump has been President long enough for a woman to have produced two children and Hillary is still running free.

The Democrats eliminated Sessions, leaving a co-conspirator in charge of the proven criminal DOJ.

The Democrats made it clear that any attempt to remove that co-conspirator from the investigation would lead to 'proof' Trump was guilty of BS 'Obstruction'.

The Lead Investigator running the Witch Hunt went back decades to dig up a crime against a Trump associate that had nothing to do with Russian Collusion BS so they could have leverage on him to turn on Trump...but he refused to investigate the exposed criminal evidence / testimony against Hillary AND refused to investigate when Russian Interference started, which was under Obama in 2014.....

...and more...

Proving the very same people Protecting Hillary and the exposed attempted coup continue to run cover for / continue to protect Hillary while they now attempt to defend / protect their coup and those who have been proven to have participated in it....

....and you still want to point the finger of blame against TRUMP?


More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either: Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Only snowflakes are stupid enough to look at all the overwhelming EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes and the cover-up Obama's DOJ and FBI have so far gotten away with and still buy her BS 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' BS from years ago.


Snowflake lol. Who we talking about here? Folks who get angry at kneeling boys who don't goose step the way you'd like?

But yeah, conspiracy! Like you say, Trump has OVERWHELMING evidence she should be in jail but can't get her there. Maybe he's saving it for the next election? Maybe he's in on keeping her out of jail? Maybe he's incompetent?

Trump's in charge, right? His ppl have been in place for two years, right?

You need to take that bucket off your head...or pull your head out of Obama's / Hillary's ass. At least take those 'I Hate Trump' goggles off so you can see what the f* you are talking about.

More Hillary snowflake talk making me think either: Trump is in on some protect Hillary conspiracy

Only snowflakes are stupid enough to look at all the overwhelming EVIDENCE of Hillary's crimes and the cover-up Obama's DOJ and FBI have so far gotten away with and still buy her BS 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' BS from years ago.


Snowflake lol. Who we talking about here? Folks who get angry at kneeling boys who don't goose step the way you'd like?

But yeah, conspiracy! Like you say, Trump has OVERWHELMING evidence she should be in jail but can't get her there. Maybe he's saving it for the next election? Maybe he's in on keeping her out of jail? Maybe he's incompetent?

Trump's in charge, right? His ppl have been in place for two years, right?

You need to take that bucket off your head...or pull your head out of Obama's / Hillary's ass. At least take those 'I Hate Trump' goggles off so you can see what the f* you are talking about.


Too combine two replies,

If you just meant "President Trump was / is on protecting Hillary Clinton from going to prison for espionage, 45,000 criminal violations of violations of the FOIA / Federal Records Act / Obstruction, Lying to the FBI and to Congress, Illegal Collusion w/a foreign spy and Russians, violations of Campaign Finance Laws, etc...???"

then I think we agree and are maybe just talking past eachother. If Hillary is guilty (and she has to be guilty of something!), then Hillary would be in jail unless Trump is protecting her.

Agreed then, Trump was / is protecting her?
Too combine two replies,

If you just meant "President Trump was / is on protecting Hillary Clinton from going to prison for espionage, 45,000 criminal violations of violations of the FOIA / Federal Records Act / Obstruction, Lying to the FBI and to Congress, Illegal Collusion w/a foreign spy and Russians, violations of Campaign Finance Laws, etc...???"

then I think we agree and are maybe just talking past eachother. If Hillary is guilty (and she has to be guilty of something!), then Hillary would be in jail unless Trump is protecting her.

Agreed then, Trump was / is protecting her?

Not at all. President Trump's hands have been and are still tied, powerless to do anything as long as the investigations continue.

President Trump had every legal justification for firing Comey. Rosenstein even wrote the justification for doing so and encouraged Trump to do it. As soon as he did Rosenstein recommended Trump be investigated / indicted for OBSTRUCTION!

This is all the evidence you need to see that if the President takes any action against anyone involved in this BS the Democrats will come after him for it. They even tried to pass legislation protecting Mueller - who has glaring Conflicts of Interest and should legally NOT be involved with this investigation - from any steps to remove him from leading the investigation.
-- Of course now we know why - Evidence shows he was working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before the official investigation was opened and before Mueller was officially named the Special Counsel.
Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."



Kind of like the FBI couldn't take Cohen's documents which are protected by attorney/client privilege, eh Skippy?

Trump is in big trouble. No wall. This Presidency is in the toilet and the waters are swirling.
Kind of like the FBI couldn't take Cohen's documents which are protected by attorney/client privilege, eh Skippy?
Except Mueller simply bypassed that law by finding a crime Cohen committed then raiding Cohen - after tipping off CNN so they could get the raid televised showing them in full SWAT gear, SEIZING all of those otherwise protected attorney-client documents. (Not the 1st time Mueller broke / circumvented laws in his investigations).

Trump is in trouble?

Conspiracy / coup exposed.
More evidence against Hillary and the conspirators piling up.
NO evidence / no crime after 2 years of investigating.

Too combine two replies,

If you just meant "President Trump was / is on protecting Hillary Clinton from going to prison for espionage, 45,000 criminal violations of violations of the FOIA / Federal Records Act / Obstruction, Lying to the FBI and to Congress, Illegal Collusion w/a foreign spy and Russians, violations of Campaign Finance Laws, etc...???"

then I think we agree and are maybe just talking past eachother. If Hillary is guilty (and she has to be guilty of something!), then Hillary would be in jail unless Trump is protecting her.

Agreed then, Trump was / is protecting her?

Not at all. President Trump's hands have been and are still tied, powerless to do anything as long as the investigations continue.

President Trump had every legal justification for firing Comey. Rosenstein even wrote the justification for doing so and encouraged Trump to do it. As soon as he did Rosenstein recommended Trump be investigated / indicted for OBSTRUCTION!

This is all the evidence you need to see that if the President takes any action against anyone involved in this BS the Democrats will come after him for it. They even tried to pass legislation protecting Mueller - who has glaring Conflicts of Interest and should legally NOT be involved with this investigation - from any steps to remove him from leading the investigation.
-- Of course now we know why - Evidence shows he was working with Ohr and Steele on the Dossier before the official investigation was opened and before Mueller was officially named the Special Counsel.

Got it.

Whatever Trump is doing is just taking two plus years because the evidence is soo well hidden we don't know if she's guilty or innocent. But Trump is working very hard at convicting her.
Since when does the FBI play 'Let's Make A Deal' with suspects regarding what can and can not / will and will not be searched for evidence?

The FBI raided Manafort's and Cohen's homes and offices, in full riot gear on occasion, pillaging everything.

When it came to Hillary, not so much....

They asked her, when it was convenient for her, to turn in her server, devices, and documents.

SHE told THEM what she would and would not turn over.

Now we learn they even played 'Let's Make A Deal' regarding Cli ton Foundation e-mails.

DOJ reached agreement with Clinton lawyers to block FBI access to Clinton Foundation emails, Strzok says

"The Justice Department "negotiated" an agreement with Hillary Clinton's legal team that ensured the FBI did not have access to emails on her private servers relating to the Clinton Foundation, former FBI special agent Peter Strzok testified during a closed-door appearance before the House Judiciary Committee last summer, according to a newly released transcript."



Sure enough it's the other side of law for Democrats and not for any others. Jack booted attacks by the DoJ/FBI are strictly for those of Conservative ideas. We even see the same on Social Media today. How many Leftists have been banned from Facebook, YouTube etc..... None!!
Got it. Whatever Trump is doing is just taking two plus years because the evidence is soo well hidden we don't know if she's guilty or innocent. But Trump is working very hard at convicting her.

'Whatever Trump is doing'?
-- What Trump is doing is attempting to run the country as President DESPITE the exposed attempted coup against him while waiting for the treasonous witch hunt to end.

'so well hidden'?
-- Mueller and the Democrats went back over a DECADE looking for crime not even associated with the 'Russian' hoax BS over the last 2+ years and have found ZERO.
-- Lisa Pager testified that the FBI had been digging BEFORE the official investigation had been opened and that they had found NOTHING...which means they already KNEW before they officially opened up the investigation and before they appointed co-conspirator Mueller as Special Counsel that there was NO EVIDENCE and NO CRIME

..and as pointed out, there is an overwhelming pile of existing evidence proving Hillary was / is guilty as hell. AGAIN, the FBI under Obama announced publicly they had recovered 15,000 OFFICIAL SUPOENAED documents Hillary tried to destroy, documents that proved criminal activity...and COMEY publicly declared Hillary broke the law....

You are working overtime - intentionally ignoring / refusing to acknowledge existing exposed evidence - trying to convince YOURSELF Hillary never did anything illegal.

It's embarrassing.
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