More babies died in US than 68 other countries.


The argument was over before it began, in an endless number of endless threads.

Fetusus are NOT babies. You want proof? Try using one as a tax exemption. NO CITY, STATE, nor THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will accept a fetus as a tax exemption.

The argument was over before it began, in an endless number of endless threads.

Fetusus are NOT babies. You want proof? Try using one as a tax exemption. NO CITY, STATE, nor THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will accept a fetus as a tax exemption.

And the moon is made of cheese.

That has to be the most retarded excuse I have seen yet.

The argument was over before it began, in an endless number of endless threads.

Fetusus are NOT babies. You want proof? Try using one as a tax exemption. NO CITY, STATE, nor THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will accept a fetus as a tax exemption.

And the moon is made of cheese.

That has to be the most retarded excuse I have seen yet.

The moon is not made of cheese.
Being against abortion isn't about saving lives. Most "pro-life" folks are pro-gun, pro-war, pro-death penalty and are against all social programs that save lives.

It's about control and punishment.

Being pro-life and pro death penalty is about the central issue of taking on some personal responsibility for the choices you make in life. Unfortunately, there is this perception that we must fight to save the lives of the CRIMINALS from facing an outcome that's considered cruel and unusual. It's this twisted notion that violent convicted criminals are worth having the chance to live.

Uh... if it's about "personal responsibility" rather than control, then how come you're running a bogus Washington quote in your sig? Doesn't seem, you know, responsible.

Just sayin'...

First - Usually someone calling something bogus at least has the "capability" to back that up.

Second - simply implying everyone who owns a firearm doesn't have the capability to become responsible citizens is a rather ignorant statement to make. There are people that still lose their lives due to car accidents today, doesn't seem like you quite grasped the whole concept over the capability of someone actually being responsible.
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It's not that women are too stupid to make their own decisions.... it's that some men happen to be too stupid to get a job and help support them

kind of hard to get a job when Mitt Romney and his lot are moving them to places like China where women live 120 to a dormitory...

Just like a liberal to blame someone else for their own choices in life. I can't get a job so you should have an abortion, how noble of you Joe. I'm sure she'd be very impressed.
Has nothing to do with what I was talking about, but okay.

Here's the thing. We are the only major industrialized country that doesn't have single payer health coverage for all our citizens.

And not surprisingly, we have the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world and higher than a lot of third world countries as well.

And the only first world country in the top25 of fastest population growth:
Howard Steven Friedman: 10 Countries With the Largest Projected Population Growth: American Exceptionalism

(1) India 467 million projected population increase
(2) Nigeria 231 million
(3) Pakistan 101 million
(4) Tanzania 93 million
(5) United States 93 million
(6) DR Congo 83 million
(7) Ethiopia 62 million
(8) Philippines 62 million
(9) Uganda 61 million
(10) Kenya 56 million

And one of the few industrialized countries that allows late term abortions. Etc, etc

Many differences out there. Not only the differences you care about

Gov't run anything is a failure. Show me one gov't program in the US that really works...

You can't!

Social Security - you would be better saving yourself

Simply not true, given how many folks we have eating dog food in their old age. How many people had their life-savings wiped out in teh crashes of 2001 or 2008?

US mail - been a loser for years.

Really? I get my mail every day. Now, true, with the advent of e-mail, they have to rethink their program, but the USPS is making enough to cover expenses. The reason why it's having money problems is the GOP Congress insisted that they fund their pension fund 75 years out. Put that requirement on UPS or FedEx, they'd be out of business.

Education - Private is SOOO much more effective

Yes, you can be VERY effective if you can legally throw out the retards and the trouble-makers and just keep the kids who can be taught.

So - first he would have to prove that is claims (living longer, infant mortality, etc.) were true by comparing apples to apples. Then, he would have to show that gov't run healthcare was directly responsible. Finally he would have to prove that OUR gov't with failed record after failed record would have the ability to outperform American, er... privatized, solutions even though the gov't compares poorly to private solutions in every endeavor they have taken up.

So first, you have to ignore the rest of the world.
Then you have to ignore the failings of our system by chanting "USA! USA! USA!"

Use any study you like and include crashes of 2001 and 2008 --- you would be better off in the market than you ever would investing social security... simply put - the gov't retirement plan is a FAILURE! It's insolvent - the return on invesment is horrid.

US mail has been a loser for decades. Has nothing to do with e-mail. It has to do with the fact that they charge us for stamps and charge us in taxes and still cost more than it's private counterparts. We would be better off without it!!!

Education --- It costs less to educate special needs children in private schools as well as kids who "can be taught". You liberal hate is coming out there buddy --- using phrases like "retards" and "toruble makers" --- they are CHILDREN... and in the private sector their needs can be handled by people who have an interest in their success -- unlike public educations who is FORCED to deal with them. Not only more effective but less expensive! Private education costs 30% less and is 30% more effective including special needs...

Again, the gov't is NOT CAPABLE of outperforming the private sector in ANY ENDEAVOR, because they have NO SELF INTEREST IN THE SUCCESS OF THE BUSINESS --- their interest is only in getting elected.

You are foolish for believing anything else. You can not prove success of gov't involvemnt in business in the US -- because all they have is failures --- Obamacarfe isn;t even 100% in effect and the very people who "wanted" it are running the other direction because it is already a failure.

Try to justify it with lies all you want but there are no successes you can point to...
And if some day, you develop a method to move an unwanted fetus from a poor woman into your body, and you deal with the economic and medical problems, then you'll have a say in the matter.

I get a vote and I have a voice. Same as everyone else...

Just because something is legal, it doesn't make it right!

Your vote gives you NO say in the matter. The courts have found that a woman has a right to control her own body. Sorry.

As a practical matter, women are going to get abortions no matter what the law is.. because they always have.

Once again you prove you have no clue what you are talking about.

My vote goes to elect the person responsible for building the courts. I DO HAVE A SAY!!!
Please provide the stats on teh old folks that were wiped out as you say, and the stats of old folks eating dog food.

Because you are lying about this, as you lie about everything else.

Provide you with more facts you can't get your tiny brain around?

$2 trillion wiped out of retirement funds -

The financial meltdown has demolished Americans' retirement savings, wiping out $2 trillion — or about 20% of value — in the past 15 months, Congress' top budget analyst said Tuesday.

This estimate probably comes as no surprise to millions of Americans who have reviewed their 401(k) statements in recent weeks.

"This is a financial panic right now, and one reason it feels so bad is that everything is going down," says Kurt Brouwer, a financial planner in San Francisco.

The sharp drop in savings has led Americans to postpone contributing and, in some cases, delay retirement, Peter Orszag, head of the Congressional Budget Office, told the House Education and Labor Committee.

Well, we always have this alternative...

Why We'll All Be Eating Cat Food In Retirement

...and private solutions STILL majorly outproduce the public sink-hole known as social security.
Starting in 1980 the Republicans decided to roll back most of the programs that help poor people and expand opportunities for hard-working members of the middle class.. They also stopped investing in infrastructure and declared war on American education. They did this to make room for tax cuts for the wealthy. With the help of the Clinton Democrats they handed American health care to the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies. By divesting in education and handing healthcare to monopolies, America went from a world leader in these sectors to falling behind most advanced industrial nations.

America emerged from the fiscally liberal postwar years with a standard of living that was the envy of the world. Then we tried 30 years of Reaganomics. As a result the middle class is dead and China is eating our lunch.

Reagan made a small class of people wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, but he destroyed a great nation to do it.

He helped corporate America escape the expense of the middle class wage system. He helped corporate America go overseas in order to get cheap labor. And he replaced wages and benefits with credit cards.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

With all the BILLIONS of dollars government has thrown at poverty, what proof do you have that it has actually helped to reduce the poverty rate in the United States over the last 50 years?

With respect to education. why is teacher tenure and unions more important to Democrats than the "QUALITY" of education our kids receive? Already most 8th graders across the country having trouble meeting educational standards.

Graduation rates are a fundamental indicator of whether or not the nation's public school system is doing what it is intended to do: enroll, engage, and educate youth to be productive members of society.

Yet every year, approximately 1.3 million students—that's over 7,000 every school day—do not graduate from high school on time. Nationwide, only 69 percent of students earn their high school diplomas. Among minority students, only 56 percent of Hispanic, 54 percent of African American, and 51 percent of American Indian and Alaska Native students in the U.S. graduate with a regular diploma, compared to 77 percent of white students and 81 percent of Asian Americans.

High school dropouts face a lifetime of reduced earnings and a diminished quality of life. For example, a high school dropout's lifetime earnings are, on average, about $260,000 less than a high school graduate's. Local communities, states, and the American economy suffer from the dropout crisis as well - from lost wages, taxes, and productivity to higher costs for health care, welfare, and crime, as shown in the potential economic impacts nationally and by state.

LITERACY - An underlining problem with many public schools
Reading Scores for 8th graders

NATIONWIDE - 68% tested BELOW grade level in "Public Schools"

New York - 65% tested BELOW grade level
Illinois - 66% tested BELOW grade level
California - 77% tested BELOW grade level
District Of Columbia - 84% tested BELOW grade level

High School State Cards (updated March 2012) | Alliance for Excellent Education

America emerged from the fiscally liberal postwar years with a standard of living that was the envy of the world. Then we tried 30 years of Reaganomics.

I would be curious to know which countries happened to be envious of a 19.72% misery index, 12% inflation rate, coupled with nearly 8% unemployment standard of living - before Reagan took office? Oh, do I even have to bother mentioning those odd / even license plate gas lines at the pump? Yes, I'm sure that sounds like better times.

The argument was over before it began, in an endless number of endless threads.

Fetusus are NOT babies. You want proof? Try using one as a tax exemption. NO CITY, STATE, nor THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will accept a fetus as a tax exemption.

Then why is there support surrounding an urgent need to destroy a fetus before it fully develops? If you say it's not a baby.... it shouldn't be a big problem for you. Probably just a bad case of indigestion.
If only the anti-Choice fanatics were as upset about this as they are about abortion.

More US babies die day they are born than any industrialized country, report shows - Vitals

The U.S. is a worse place for newborns than 68 other countries, including Egypt, Turkey and Peru, according to a report released Tuesday by Save the Children.

A million babies die every year globally on the same day they were born, including more than 11,000 American newborns, the report estimates. Most of them could be saved with fairly cheap interventions, the group says.
Just more evidence that the USA and its brainwashed zombie population are in free-fall to third-world status.

Not that the USA hasn't always been a third-world country for large sections of its population, of course.

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