More AGW Evidence: Record Dec Snowfall in Central Park


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Using the formula:

ManMade Global Warming = f(colder, warmer, more snow, less snow, more and bigger hurricanes, no hurricanes), we can say that the snow dumped on Central Park this December, the most since 1948, was a direct result of NYC pumping so much CO2 into the air.

Heed the warning before all of the America north of the Ohio River to New Jersey is again under a sheet of ice a mile thick!

This ManMade Global Warming ain't fucking playing this time!

I heard a blurb on the news that the (public employee) city workers of New York City are busy handing out tickets to property owners who do not have their sidewalks properly shovelled - while the city streets remain unplowed. Some car drivers are using the sidewalks because the streets are unusable.

But the citizens can't ticket the city for failing to fulfill its responsibility for snow removal.
More snow = greater precipitation = increased water vapor = more evaporation = more heat.

Oh, that's right, according to right wingers on this site, "evaporation" is a "wild theory". Sorry, I forgot.
More snow = greater precipitation = increased water vapor = more evaporation = more heat.

Oh, that's right, according to right wingers on this site, "evaporation" is a "wild theory". Sorry, I forgot.

You saw the formula in the OP, right?

That's exactly what I said! More snow and less snow are both because of ManMade Global Warming.
More snow = greater precipitation = increased water vapor = more evaporation = more heat.

Oh, that's right, according to right wingers on this site, "evaporation" is a "wild theory". Sorry, I forgot.

Sure deanie, tell that to YOUR experts! This was what they had to say justa couple of years ago and amazingly enough they don't mention it getting colder at all. In fact they state the exact opposite. You guys really should get on the same page as reality some day don't you think?
More snow = greater precipitation = increased water vapor = more evaporation = more heat.

Oh, that's right, according to right wingers on this site, "evaporation" is a "wild theory". Sorry, I forgot.

Sure deanie, tell that to YOUR experts! This was what they had to say justa couple of years ago and amazingly enough they don't mention it getting colder at all. In fact they state the exact opposite. You guys really should get on the same page as reality some day don't you think?

"CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, October 4, 2006 (ENS) - Global warming will cause major changes to the climate of the U.S. Northeast if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, scientists said today. Warmer annual temperatures, less snow, more frequent droughts and more extreme rainstorms are expected if current warming trends continue, the scientists said in a new study, and time is running out for action to avoid such changes to the climate."

Suggested Update by CF 12/28/10

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, December 28 2010 (ENS) - Global warming will cause major changes to the climate of the U.S. Northeast if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, scientists said today. Warmer or colder annual temperatures, more or less snow, more or lessfrequent or no droughts at all and more or lessextreme rainstorms or maybe not are expected if current warming trends continue, the scientists said in a new study, and time is running out for action to avoid such changes to the climate.
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extremes...More heat=more energy and a higher amount of moisture the air can have.

When the vapor constates into those white things we see in the sky they produce heat into the Atmosphere. This is a a change in state.

In the future say 3-5c of warming sure the difference between the arctic and equator may produce a weaker weather pattern as the temperature grid reduces...But for now the extra energy is a postive for stronger storms.

The west is much above avg; with Portand 3.3c above and co, nv, ut, wy, are as much as 4-7c above avg for dec. Everything evens out.
Look who's behind the Global Warming farce and that's where you'll find all your answers. For the most part it's the Bed-Wetting Leftist Euros and Americans who are behind it. Always analyze the source very carefully when disseminating information. Great Britain's Leftist Bed-Wetters are especially responsible for creating the Global Warming Cult. American Leftists followed their lead. Great Britain has become a nation of Wussies. They're always wetting their beds and whining about something. Unfortunately our nation is headed in the same Wussified direction. People shouldn't have bought into the Left's Global Warming farce. I have said that all along. It's all about fear mongering and forcing their agenda on people. I think more people are catching on though. The Global Warming Cult's best days may be over.
extremes...More heat=more energy and a higher amount of moisture the air can have.

When the vapor constates into those white things we see in the sky they produce heat into the Atmosphere. This is a a change in state.

In the future say 3-5c of warming sure the difference between the arctic and equator may produce a weaker weather pattern as the temperature grid reduces...But for now the extra energy is a postive for stronger storms.

The west is much above avg; with Portand 3.3c above and co, nv, ut, wy, are as much as 4-7c above avg for dec. Everything evens out.


When the Glaciers move back over upstate NY it will be because of ManMade Global Warming.
extremes...More heat=more energy and a higher amount of moisture the air can have.

When the vapor constates into those white things we see in the sky they produce heat into the Atmosphere. This is a a change in state.

In the future say 3-5c of warming sure the difference between the arctic and equator may produce a weaker weather pattern as the temperature grid reduces...But for now the extra energy is a postive for stronger storms.

The west is much above avg; with Portand 3.3c above and co, nv, ut, wy, are as much as 4-7c above avg for dec. Everything evens out.


When the Glaciers move back over upstate NY it will be because of ManMade Global Warming.

frank, when thoses where over Ny the earth was minus 7-9c in which it is today. So the earth was not what it is today. Today my friend the earth is much warmer.:tongue:

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