Moore is going to win unless he gets caught with an 11-year-old


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Only Emerson, CBS NEWS/YouGov, and Washington Post have polling protocols that make sense.

As such, the race looks like it is going to be Moore's to lose between now and Monday. I don't he will lose, because that, in fact, AL voters are already miserably lost souls.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Moore (R) Jones (D) Spread
RCP Average 11/27 - 12/8 -- -- 49.1 45.3 Moore +3.8
Trafalgar Group (R) 12/6 - 12/7 1419 LV 2.6 51 46 Moore +5
Gravis 12/5 - 12/8 1254 LV 2.8 49 45 Moore +4
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 12/4 - 12/4 3200 LV 2.0 50 43 Moore +7
Emerson* 11/30 - 12/2 500 LV 4.3 49 46 Moore +3
CBS News/YouGov 11/28 - 12/1 766 LV 4.8 49 43 Moore +6
Washington Post 11/27 - 11/30 739 LV 4.5 47 50 Jones +3
JMC Analytics 11/27 - 11/28 650 LV 3.8 49 44 Moore +5
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data
Only Emerson, CBS NEWS/YouGov, and Washington Post have polling protocols that make sense.

As such, the race looks like it is going to be Moore's to lose between now and Monday. I don't he will lose, because that, in fact, AL voters are already miserably lost souls.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Moore (R) Jones (D) Spread
RCP Average 11/27 - 12/8 -- -- 49.1 45.3 Moore +3.8
Trafalgar Group (R) 12/6 - 12/7 1419 LV 2.6 51 46 Moore +5
Gravis 12/5 - 12/8 1254 LV 2.8 49 45 Moore +4
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 12/4 - 12/4 3200 LV 2.0 50 43 Moore +7
Emerson* 11/30 - 12/2 500 LV 4.3 49 46 Moore +3
CBS News/YouGov 11/28 - 12/1 766 LV 4.8 49 43 Moore +6
Washington Post 11/27 - 11/30 739 LV 4.5 47 50 Jones +3
JMC Analytics 11/27 - 11/28 650 LV 3.8 49 44 Moore +5
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data

the GOP....

grand ole perverts
I think he's going to win, Alabama is a deplorable run state.

Let the Republicans hang Roy "Child Molesting" Moore around their necks. Let's see how it works for them.
The worst of the allegations against Moore are almost 40 years in the past and unprovable. I think most people would agree that a man in his thirties dating teenagers that have just become “legal” is creepy. However, Moore seems to have been a faithful husband to his wife that is 14 years his junior. His dating days are over 30 years in the past. There are plenty of reasons to vote FOR or AGAINST Moore that have nothing to do with the allegations against him.
Inappropriate thread title, so I'll fix it for you:

Moore is going to win.

You're welcome. :biggrin:
Go Roy!!!!!

Inappropriate thread title, so I'll fix it for you:

Moore is going to win.

You're welcome. :biggrin:
Primarily because his opponent is a proponent of abortion for underage girls without getting the genotype of the statutory rapist. Secondarily, Jones also brought in Marxist carpetbaggers from NJ and MA to get out the vote thus promoting the image that he may be way too leftwing for Alabama black voters.
I think he's going to win, Alabama is a deplorable run state.

Let the Republicans hang Roy "Child Molesting" Moore around their necks. Let's see how it works for them.

Sheesh, sooo un-American and Democrat sleazy.

Eh, fairness demands (and American law) that he'll be investigated and if found to be guilty and not just YET another victim of a desperate Democratic Party/Fake news sleaze campaign, he'll be kicked out of office.

Nothing like Democrats embracing Bj Bill and enabler Hillary where Democrats fully embraced their sleaze and lawlessness after knowing full well their legally proven guilt and a taxpayer cost of around 80 million.

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Of course he is.

Alabama loves their religious fascist!!! And believe me, they have no problem with child brides, slavery and demanding that women don't run for office. This is our future if we let the republicans keep winning.
Only Emerson, CBS NEWS/YouGov, and Washington Post have polling protocols that make sense.

As such, the race looks like it is going to be Moore's to lose between now and Monday. I don't he will lose, because that, in fact, AL voters are already miserably lost souls.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Moore (R) Jones (D) Spread
RCP Average 11/27 - 12/8 -- -- 49.1 45.3 Moore +3.8
Trafalgar Group (R) 12/6 - 12/7 1419 LV 2.6 51 46 Moore +5
Gravis 12/5 - 12/8 1254 LV 2.8 49 45 Moore +4
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 12/4 - 12/4 3200 LV 2.0 50 43 Moore +7
Emerson* 11/30 - 12/2 500 LV 4.3 49 46 Moore +3
CBS News/YouGov 11/28 - 12/1 766 LV 4.8 49 43 Moore +6
Washington Post 11/27 - 11/30 739 LV 4.5 47 50 Jones +3
JMC Analytics 11/27 - 11/28 650 LV 3.8 49 44 Moore +5
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data

So with an accused pedophile possibly looking like he will get elected to office it looks like Republicans are the limbo party now.

How low can you go.
Only Emerson, CBS NEWS/YouGov, and Washington Post have polling protocols that make sense.

As such, the race looks like it is going to be Moore's to lose between now and Monday. I don't he will lose, because that, in fact, AL voters are already miserably lost souls.

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Moore (R) Jones (D) Spread
RCP Average 11/27 - 12/8 -- -- 49.1 45.3 Moore +3.8
Trafalgar Group (R) 12/6 - 12/7 1419 LV 2.6 51 46 Moore +5
Gravis 12/5 - 12/8 1254 LV 2.8 49 45 Moore +4
WBRC-TV/Strategy Research 12/4 - 12/4 3200 LV 2.0 50 43 Moore +7
Emerson* 11/30 - 12/2 500 LV 4.3 49 46 Moore +3
CBS News/YouGov 11/28 - 12/1 766 LV 4.8 49 43 Moore +6
Washington Post 11/27 - 11/30 739 LV 4.5 47 50 Jones +3
JMC Analytics 11/27 - 11/28 650 LV 3.8 49 44 Moore +5
All Alabama Senate Special Election - Moore vs. Jones Polling Data

Sure he's going to win and wouldn't matter how young they were.
Of course he is.

Alabama loves their religious fascist!!! And believe me, they have no problem with child brides, slavery and demanding that women don't run for office. This is our future if we let the republicans keep winning.

It isn't limited to the fact that they believe in letting the poor die, disabled die, old die and the worker to be a serf...Nope,,,republicans believe in sending this country all the way the fuck back in every way imaginable.

They'll start arguing that the 13th and 14th amendments should be repealed soon enough.
Of course he is.

Alabama loves their religious fascist!!! And believe me, they have no problem with child brides, slavery and demanding that women don't run for office. This is our future if we let the republicans keep winning.

It isn't limited to the fact that they believe in letting the poor die, disabled die, old die and the worker to be a serf...Nope,,,republicans believe in sending this country all the way the fuck back in every way imaginable.

They'll start arguing that the 13th and 14th amendments should be repealed soon enough.
The 14th should be.
Of course he is.

Alabama loves their religious fascist!!! And believe me, they have no problem with child brides, slavery and demanding that women don't run for office. This is our future if we let the republicans keep winning.

It isn't limited to the fact that they believe in letting the poor die, disabled die, old die and the worker to be a serf...Nope,,,republicans believe in sending this country all the way the fuck back in every way imaginable.

They'll start arguing that the 13th and 14th amendments should be repealed soon enough.
Hyperbole much?

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