Monsanto - The Most Slandered Company in World History

And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

Welcome to 1992.

You conspiracy freaks need to try and post shit from this century - moron.

Hint: ADM got slaughtered in the courts when they tried to sue over use of patented seeds - simply put, if you don't buy their seeds, you have no contract with them. I doubt Monsanto ever brought suit - you conspiracy retards just can't keep the facts straight.

Wow I didnt know 1992 was 100 years ago
And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

Welcome to 1992.

You conspiracy freaks need to try and post shit from this century - moron.

Hint: ADM got slaughtered in the courts when they tried to sue over use of patented seeds - simply put, if you don't buy their seeds, you have no contract with them. I doubt Monsanto ever brought suit - you conspiracy retards just can't keep the facts straight.

Wow I didnt know 1992 was 100 years ago

Still looking for those products?
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does'nt want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

You know cross-breeding of crops to make they more efficient and grow better has gone on for thousands of years. We have started to perfect it via the use of genetic manipulation. This manipulation allows our crops to fight off pests, weeds, pesticides, disease, grow quicker and produce larger yields!

First, Monsanto doesn't have even close to a monopoly, HOWEVER, GMO seeds have definitely taken the vast majority of the market and why wouldn't farmers buy them. They get them at a cheaper price, they are less affected by pests, weed and disease, they grow quicker and produce a bigger yield, which ends up producing a higher profit. It's a no brainer when it comes down to it!

All you are trying to do is put a positive spin on a corrupt corporation and what they do.
The concept of making crops herbicide resistant is done for LABOR reasons. The economics of farming is in minimization of labor. If a farmer wants to pull weeds by hand -- that's their choice. But likely, they will work harder for less profit.

I don't LIKE the idea of encouraging more herbicide use -- but I'm willing to leave it as an option. And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply". Unless the seed crop is BETTER in other respects such as nutrition or yield --- MANY farmers will continue to do it the "old way". It's just that they will have to compete with product brought to market with increasing lower costs and labor.

And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply".
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

it's not their fault for producing a successful product.
So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition.
Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

it's not their fault for producing a successful product.
So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition.
Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product".

What toxic GMO? What problems does it cause? Where?
I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition.
Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product".

What toxic GMO? What problems does it cause? Where?

4 Potential Health Risks of Eating GMO Foods - Care2 Healthy Living | Care2 Healthy Living
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

it's not their fault for producing a successful product.
So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition.
Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

Your choice Bullwinkle -- Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.. You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination. You have the same list of complaints for EVERY corporation.. EXCEPT in the cases of Corporations YOU LIKE !! Like those massive Wind Subsidies and Corporations making Billions off of selling Green shit that doesn't work all that well..

FRIIIIDAY FRIIIIDAY FRIIIDAY -- Grudge match to the death ADM versus Monsanto. Only one leaves the cage..
First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product".

What toxic GMO? What problems does it cause? Where?

4 Potential Health Risks of Eating GMO Foods - Care2 Healthy Living | Care2 Healthy Living

That link was hilarious.
I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition.
Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

Your choice Bullwinkle -- Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.. You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination. You have the same list of complaints for EVERY corporation.. EXCEPT in the cases of Corporations YOU LIKE !! Like those massive Wind Subsidies and Corporations making Billions off of selling Green shit that doesn't work all that well..

FRIIIIDAY FRIIIIDAY FRIIIDAY -- Grudge match to the death ADM versus Monsanto. Only one leaves the cage..

Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.

If you haven't noticed, I have already posted some facts when I responded to Toddsterpatriot.

Here's another link for you clueless.

You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination.
And you are full of shit!

It's not my fault that you are failing to understand just how bad Monsanto really is.

This argument is getting old and your ignorance is boring me.
First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product".

What toxic GMO? What problems does it cause? Where?

4 Potential Health Risks of Eating GMO Foods - Care2 Healthy Living | Care2 Healthy Living

The majority of GM crops in cultivation are engineered to contain a gene for pesticide resistance.

When your source doesn't know the difference between pesticides and herbicides, it's safe to ignore the rest of their "proof".
First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

Your choice Bullwinkle -- Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.. You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination. You have the same list of complaints for EVERY corporation.. EXCEPT in the cases of Corporations YOU LIKE !! Like those massive Wind Subsidies and Corporations making Billions off of selling Green shit that doesn't work all that well..

FRIIIIDAY FRIIIIDAY FRIIIDAY -- Grudge match to the death ADM versus Monsanto. Only one leaves the cage..

Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.

If you haven't noticed, I have already posted some facts when I responded to Toddsterpatriot.
Yeah I KNOW !!! That one was HYSTERICAL. Really demonstrates the poor grasp of science that most of you GMOnsters have.. Just the idea of them confusing herbicides with pesticides should have nailed it. But there is a basic ignorance of how the body digests proteins --- suggesting that any DNA markers in the food would be transferable by simply EATING IT.. You guys are a hoot.. Did you ever get a curly tail from eating bacon??? :lmao:

Here's another link for you clueless.

You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination.
And you are full of shit!

It's not my fault that you are failing to understand just how bad Monsanto really is.

This argument is getting old and your ignorance is boring me.

I TRIED to find ANY SPECIFIC government/industry collusion that troubled me in that article. But it simply wasn't there. NOW to be fair --- I HATE govt/corporate collusion and I know it when I see it -- but that article gives me NOTHING solid to go to war on with you.

I dont DOUBT that Monsanto gets favors from govt. ALL that crap should stop. But you stop it by RESTRAINING govt from having the powers to pick winners and losers in the market. Not by giving them MORE power to meddle and micromanage the competitors.
First thing ya gotz to do is realize that you're a little clueless on this topic.

When it comes to Monsanto, they don't give a damn about checks and balances. They get whatever they want and/or need because they having backing from high places. There is a revolving door between Monsanto and government that allows Big Biotech to make the law and block checks and balances on its activities.

So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product". :cuckoo:

Competition can be good, however Monsanto hates competition and will do anything it can to try and eliminate the competition.

Monsanto is nothing more then a corporate bully that doesn’t hesitate to throw its weight around.

Your choice Bullwinkle -- Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.. You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination. You have the same list of complaints for EVERY corporation.. EXCEPT in the cases of Corporations YOU LIKE !! Like those massive Wind Subsidies and Corporations making Billions off of selling Green shit that doesn't work all that well..

FRIIIIDAY FRIIIIDAY FRIIIDAY -- Grudge match to the death ADM versus Monsanto. Only one leaves the cage..

Pick ANY ONE of your faulty assertions above and put some facts and logic behind it.
If you haven't noticed, I have already posted some facts when I responded to Toddsterpatriot.

Here's another link for you clueless.

You are displaying the usual symptoms of too much anti-capitalistic indoctrination.
And you are full of shit!

It's not my fault that you are failing to understand just how bad Monsanto really is.

This argument is getting old and your ignorance is boring me.

Isn't that the same guy that proved Bigfoot killed Kennedy?
Monsanto - The Most Slandered Company in World History

Sorry, no. Slander means you are lying.
So in other words, you would call a toxic GMO that does cause health problems "a successful product".

What toxic GMO? What problems does it cause? Where?

4 Potential Health Risks of Eating GMO Foods - Care2 Healthy Living | Care2 Healthy Living

The majority of GM crops in cultivation are engineered to contain a gene for pesticide resistance.

When your source doesn't know the difference between pesticides and herbicides, it's safe to ignore the rest of their "proof".

When you can't see the proof in front of your face, it's safe to ignore you and your non-existent proof that GMOs are safe.

The majority of GM crops in cultivation are engineered to contain a gene for pesticide resistance.

When your source doesn't know the difference between pesticides and herbicides, it's safe to ignore the rest of their "proof".

When you can't see the proof in front of your face, it's safe to ignore you and your non-existent proof that GMOs are safe.

Feel free to post that proof you see.
The majority of GM crops in cultivation are engineered to contain a gene for pesticide resistance.

When your source doesn't know the difference between pesticides and herbicides, it's safe to ignore the rest of their "proof".

When you can't see the proof in front of your face, it's safe to ignore you and your non-existent proof that GMOs are safe.

Feel free to post that proof you see.
Part of the proof is that GMOs haven't been tested long term, we're the guinea pigs. Can you deny that?
When you can't see the proof in front of your face, it's safe to ignore you and your non-existent proof that GMOs are safe.

Feel free to post that proof you see.
Part of the proof is that GMOs haven't been tested long term, we're the guinea pigs. Can you deny that?

Can you prove aspirin is safe ?? It's not really.. Neither is heavy cream.. Even the FDA doesn't require "long term testing".. WHY? Because we have scientific methods to determine safety that don't take generations to get results.

What you are asking for is a zero risk life. And the term for your fearful demands for PROOF of safety is called the Precautionary Principle. A CORNERSTONE of eco-left dogma that would STOP progress and innovation in it's tracks.

What SHOULD make you feel safe is the fact that corporations answer for their deeds in many ways. They have to answer to stockholders, to customer perceptions and to the law. If THEY screw up -- There are heavy costs and regulatory penalties are the least of their concerns. In contrast if the FDA screws up, there are usually promotions and budget increases..

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