Monsanto Emails Reveal Internal Concerns About its Products


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Monsanto has done some great things with its GMO crops, boosting yields and resistance to disease and pests.

Monsanto’s Sway Over Research Is Seen in Disclosed Emails
But it has used its corporate power, as ALL the big corporations do, to get Congress to look pastits abusive practices, like the dominant gene that only allows for two generations of wheat crop that is devastating many farmers that have fields near Monsanto fields or its customers.

Documents released Tuesday in a lawsuit against Monsanto raised new questions about the company’s efforts to influence the news media and scientific research and revealed internal debate over the safety of its highest-profile product, the weed killer Roundup.

The active ingredient in Roundup, glyphosate, is the most common weed killer in the world and is used by farmers on row crops and by home gardeners. While Roundup’s relative safety has been upheld by most regulators, a case in federal court in San Francisco continues to raise questions about the company’s practices and the product itself.

The documents underscore the lengths to which the agrochemical company goes to protect its image. Documents show that Henry I. Miller, an academic and a vocal proponent of genetically modified crops, asked Monsanto to draft an article for him that largely mirrored one that appeared under his name on Forbes’s website in 2015. Mr. Miller could not be reached for comment.

A similar issue appeared in academic research. An academic involved in writing research funded by Monsanto, John Acquavella, a former Monsanto employee, appeared to express discomfort with the process, writing in a 2015 email to a Monsanto executive, “I can’t be part of deceptive authorship on a presentation or publication.” He also said of the way the company was trying to present the authorship: “We call that ghost writing and it is unethical.”

A Monsanto official said the comments were the result of “a complete misunderstanding” that had been “worked out,” while Mr. Acquavella said in an email on Tuesday that “there was no ghostwriting” and that his comments had been related to an early draft and a question over authorship that was resolved.

The documents also show internal talk about Roundup’s safety.

“If somebody came to me and said they wanted to test Roundup I know how I would react — with serious concern,” one Monsanto scientist wrote in an internal email in 2001.

Monsanto said it was outraged by the documents’ release by a law firm involved in the litigation.​
Monsanto & Bayer are killing honey bees & sickening people.

"Neonics" is a systemic pesticide.

Question, what king of idiot introduces a system poison to crop plants when we eat those crops or eat the animals that are fed those crops?

Systemic means that the insect dies when it bites the plant. What happens when we bite the plant?

Neonix were found in something like 40% of Gerber baby food.

Roundup is used by Agriculture to kill every freaking weed on their fields. There are no longer wind rows. I wonder how Agriculture thinks pollinators survive after their crop has bloomed?

Agriculture is killing honey bees & farmers are so stupid that they would use practices that kill the insects responsible for their crop development.

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