MONEYBRAWL: Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million To Beat Obama

This $100 million pledge is just from the Kochsuckers.

Lakhota, that's dishonest of you.

From your thread:
"A source who was in the room when the pledges were made told The Huffington Post that, specifically, Charles Koch pledged $40 million and David pledged $20 million"

I said the Kochsuckers - that included everyone in the room! Geez...

:eek: Nice slide with the words there, 'eh?
Where Obama gets his campaign money....

Date of Report: Dec 31, 2011
Source of Funds

Individual Contributions $124,333,258

- Small Individual Contributions 58,498,953 (47%)

- Large Individual Contributions 67,663,667 (54%)

PAC Contributions $0 (0%)
Candidate self-financing $0 (0%)
Federal Funds $0 (0%)
Other $892,152 (1%)

How complete are this candidate's campaign finance reports?
Full Disclosure $51,517,210 (86.5%)
Incomplete $6,223,639 (10.4%)
No Disclosure $1,847,848 (3.1%)

Summary data for Barack Obama | OpenSecrets
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So where's your Dear Leader gonna get that $Billion for his Campaign?

I don't know. I heard Obama having trouble raising campaign funds. He may just have to drop out of the race.

So where and who do you think he's gonna get that $Billion from? Think about it.

It's most likely Romney will get the nomination, and if not, Gingrich (does anyone believe Paul or Santorum can pull it off?).

Both Romney and Gingrich suffer from parapraxis and have made enough slips already to create a bountiful harvest of ads; ads from which Super PACs can glean many dollars in support of Obama and Democratic candidates for the House and Senate.

Wouldn't it be grand if these Super PACs were able to collect more money than the Koch brothers are willing to put up? I bet that will just piss of those members of the Supreme Court who voted to make unlimited money from anonymous sources a means to put the Republican Party in power for the long term (making Tom Delay's dream into a nightmare; that would be so cool).
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I don't know. I heard Obama having trouble raising campaign funds. He may just have to drop out of the race.

So where and who do you think he's gonna get that $Billion from? Think about it.

It's most likely Romney will get the nomination, and if not, Gingrich (does anyone believe Paul or Santorum can pull it off?).

Both Romney and Gingrich suffer from parapraxis and have made enough slips already to create a bountiful harvest of ads; ads from which Super PACs can glean many dollars in support of Obama and Democratic candidates for the House and Senate.

Wouldn't it be grand if these Super PACs were able to collect more money than the Koch brothers are willing to put up? I bet that will just piss of those members of the Supreme Court who voted to make unlimited money from anonymous sources a means to put the Republican Party in power for the long term (making Tom Delay's dream into a nightmare; that would be so cool).
Oh yes, I've had that thought, too. What a kick in the butt to the Supremes.
Seriously, when Soros stops funding Obama, y'all have the moral highground, until then.... meh, not so much.
Seriously, when Soros stops funding Obama, y'all have the moral highground, until then.... meh, not so much.

Just so they get it legally, go for it. I don't care about the moral highground, it takes money to win these days.
Seriously, when Soros stops funding Obama, y'all have the moral highground, until then.... meh, not so much.

Just so they get it legally, go for it. I don't care about the moral highground, it takes money to win these days.

Which is basically my point. If it's ok - it's ok for both sides. I disapprove of both the Koch brothers and Soros... I would much prefer that neither was allowed to buy influence... but it is what it is and - currently - we cannot change it. I just don't see why either side melts down over the funding when remaining silent when it's their guys getting it.

I dislike hypocrisy, as you know. But, you aren't a hypocrite.

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