Mondaire Jones: Manchin ‘Would Rather Preserve Jim Crow’ For Bipartisanship


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?
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Shame on Manchin! Is he working for Trump? Has he been to Mar-a-Largo to kiss the ring?


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Sunday said he won’t vote for his party’s For the People Act, a bill focused on expanding voting rights. His decision all but dooms Democrats’ push for comprehensive election reform.

In an opinion piece published in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, Manchin criticized the bill as “partisan” and suggested he would only support legislation that garnered Republican support.

“I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For the People Act,” Manchin wrote.

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We have current Jim Crow laws?

Which laws are these?

Why didn’t Obama and his Super Majority Congress get rid of them?

President Obama had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate for about 4 months.

The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?
well Jim crow was a democrat party creation
The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?
well Jim crow was a democrat party creation

Yes, before they switched parties.

The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?
well Jim crow was a democrat party creation

Yes, before they switched parties.

They never switched parties.

Dems brought back the KKK in the 1930’s. That was the same time blacks started voting Democrat. Why? Because the Dems promised them welfare from the New Deal. They were lied to of course, but they still voted on these empty promises. Yes, the blacks voted with the KKK, that’s why desperate they were. And to this day they still vote for the Dems.
We have current Jim Crow laws?

Which laws are these?

Why didn’t Obama and his Super Majority Congress get rid of them?

President Obama had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate for about 4 months.

Got a point?

Which laws are Jim Crow laws?

Be specific.

Yes, before they switched parties.


There are no Jim Crow laws anymore. Voter I.D. is not Jim Crow.

In fact, they have had voter I.D. in Georgia for a number of years, as an example, and black turnout increased.

Yes, before they switched parties.


There are no Jim Crow laws anymore. Voter I.D. is not Jim Crow.

In fact, they have had voter I.D. in Georgia for a number of years, as an example, and black turnout increased.

The filibuster is a Jim Crow relic.

Here's Why the Filibuster Is a Jim Crow Relic - New York Magazine

Senate filibuster's racist past fuels arguments for its end - AP News

The Senate Filibuster Is a Monument to White Supremacy - The Atlantic

The freshman congressman ripped into the West Virginia senator’s op-ed, in which he said he would vote against Democrats’ elections reform bill.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-N.Y.) responded Sunday to Sen. Joe Manchin, who said he would vote against a timely elections reform bill, describing the West Virginia Democrat as someone who “would rather preserve Jim Crow” under the excuse of bipartisanship.

Speaking to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, Jones tore into Manchin’s opinion piece published Sunday morning in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, in which the moderate said he wouldn’t vote for his party’s For the People Act because it does not have the support of Republicans.

“I don’t know where to begin. It is, in the first case, intellectually unserious,” Jones said, continuing: “It is also the case that this idea of bipartisanship is not something that should have inherent value when the other side is actively working to dismantle our democracy.”

Manchin deserves to be ripped. He's as much an enemy of democracy as the House and Senate Republicans. I don't know what team he's playing for - but it certainly isn't the democracy team. Does Manchin have a brain tumor, or what?
well Jim crow was a democrat party creation

Yes, before they switched parties.

Yes, it was magical!
The sad fact is most Blacks simply are incompatible with civilized society. The savages actually create their own "Jim Crow" by hating on Whites and Asians and insisting on Negro only.
Manchin is a Democrat that is truly moderate and not some sheep that goes along with the party herd. As for the Left Wing that runs the Democrat Party, they’d better act fast to flip a Republican Senator. Manchin has Washington by the balls and sending out young Black Congressional members like Mondaire to pitch the overused and bullshit Jim Crowe cries and lies is not going to cut it.
In the end it's much ado about nothing, It was never going to get 60 votes.

So argue the filibuster should be done away with. Not that it's actually a filibuster but a lazy rule because no one actually wants to filibuster a bill.

Of course when the other side has the majority, passing something with a simply majority will become undemocratic again.

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