Modern Man's Wardrobe....

I would not have been embarrassed before all of this.

How do you like it all?

Even I have to admit that some of what I've been wearing is pretty bad.

I like it. It's definitely a departure from what I'm used to. I'm trying to be open-minded and go with it. Things like wearing slip-on shoes, which I've never done before are taking some time to get used to. Especially since I have narrow feet. Almost a week later and there's only one item we bought that I'm not still 100% ecstatic about wearing regularly, and that's the windbreaker. I like it, I'm just not sure I love it. It's growing on me, though. We'll see in a couple weeks once I'm into wearing only the new stuff after it's back from the tailor, but I'm very happy.

Its amazing what new clothes can do to make a person feel good and change their attitude, I always feel good when I get to go out and buy some new clothes, shoes and other accessories.
Hard to go wrong with Brooks Brothers if you're a man in a professional environment.

Johnston & Murphy shoes are great.

It's important to find colors that look good on you. I look terrible in red and yellow, much better in blue and green.

For men's fashion generally, I advise...

* not wearing baseball hats if you're over 22 -- especially while eating at a restaurant. Maybe when you're playing baseball.

* do not wear "animal stripe" pants. They look awful.

* avoid wearing sweat clothes, unless you're working out. Nothing looks like shit more than a guy wearing sweatpants out on the town.

* avoid T-shirts for town.

* lose the jean shorts. Jeans should be one length: full. What's even worse than jean shorts is LONG jean shorts that are really baggy. Ugliest thing I've ever seen a male wear on his body.

* Try khakis instead of jeans for once. It's so monotonous to see every person on the tour boat in Florida wearing the same "American Idiot Outfit": blue jeans, white leather athletic shoes, and a dumb T-shirt about the Hard Rock Cafe.

* of course, keep your clothes ironed and in good repair. obviously, a good fit is very important. This is where Europeans have us bested: they just fit their clothes better.

* hate to say it, but you do kind of get what you pay for with clothes. I think your consult idea was a good one.

* your tie should hang just slightly past your belt buckle.

* check to make sure your tie isn't creeping from underneath your collar in the back.

* square-toed dress shoes on men look dumb to me, but that's just a personal preference.

* skip the white socks, unless you're doing something athletic.
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William, I'll tell you that it was definitely worth it. In regards to your comments....

Fit is one of the things I really had to work on. I'm having to get used to stuff that is a little closer fitting than I'm used to. Also the pants on the hips rather than the waist is something I'm really having to adjust to.

Most caucasian guys look awful in red and yellow. Blue and green are two of the better colors for me as well.

Sweatclothes have never been an outside thing for me, and khakis have always been more my style than jeans. I rarely if ever wear shorts outside of the gym.

Washing, drying, and maintaining the new wardrobe is going to take a little more time than the old stuff, now that I know how to do it right. Hopefully it will extend the life of the clothes. If it does, it's worth the hassle.

Just waiting for stuff to come back from the tailor to fully convert over to the new wardrobe. I'm really looking forward to it.
She'd almost have to be to be successful in her business.

She is very good at what she does. She's down to earth, approachable, funny, sincere, and it's really kind of like going shopping with your best female friend. Very low key and relaxed, whether it's on the phone, email, in person, etc... I think that's really what makes her successful. She's obviously very "into" her work. You can tell that right away.
She'd almost have to be to be successful in her business.

She is very good at what she does. She's down to earth, approachable, funny, sincere, and it's really kind of like going shopping with your best female friend. Very low key and relaxed, whether it's on the phone, email, in person, etc... I think that's really what makes her successful. She's obviously very "into" her work. You can tell that right away.

I hope she didn't step on your blue seude shoes.
I'm in the process of cleaning out, sorting, and packing things in my apartment. One of the last things I need to go through and clean up is my wardrobe. I'm changing over from winter to summer clothes, and with a potential move in the near future and the fact that I've lost about 55 lbs. in the last year and a half it seems like a good time to "make-over" my wardrobe. The only problem being that I'm about as fashion and style conscious as a rock, and really don't hang around with anyone who is fashion or style conscious.

So I'm looking to the USMB membership for some help here..... What should and shouldn't be in a modern man's wardrobe? What are the essentials that have to be there, and what should be avoided at all costs?

For background..... I'm almost 37 years old, about 5'-6" tall, athletic build, and work in a professional environment. I also have a full facial birthmark, which can make certain color shirts look pretty awful on me.

Any SERIOUS suggestions, ideas, or input would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Guess I'm a few days late on this. :lol:
I'm definitely not the most fashion-conscious person by ANY stretch.

But I'll give you my opinion: for work - depending on how dressed up you have to be, definitely dress slacks, white to tan dress shirts, appropriately matching ties. Possibly a few suit jackets for more dressed-up days. I'm not a big fan of sweaters but some guys like them. If they go with your skin tones, some blue shirts (various shades) might work well too. :thup:

My personal favorite is white dress shirts with cuffs holed for cuff-links. Totally hot. Not sure why. :redface:

Casual depends on how casual you get and what you do in your time off. Jeans and t-shirt are fine, cargo shorts, polo-type shirts are casual but still have the collar and can be dressed up or down.

From the description you've given, neutral colors will be your friend, perhaps some washed-out tones of blue or green as well.

That's pretty general but I don't really know exactly what you're looking for. And this assessment is worth every penny you paid for it. ;)
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Here's the photo of the complete haul.....


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Again, I have to give the credit to Emmi. She's the one who was in charge of this whole thing.

You may tell her that random people who may or may not be who or what they are representing themselves to be on the internet applaud her choices.

I'm sure she'll be impressed. ;)

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