Modern Man's Wardrobe....


Jan 30, 2011
New England
I'm in the process of cleaning out, sorting, and packing things in my apartment. One of the last things I need to go through and clean up is my wardrobe. I'm changing over from winter to summer clothes, and with a potential move in the near future and the fact that I've lost about 55 lbs. in the last year and a half it seems like a good time to "make-over" my wardrobe. The only problem being that I'm about as fashion and style conscious as a rock, and really don't hang around with anyone who is fashion or style conscious.

So I'm looking to the USMB membership for some help here..... What should and shouldn't be in a modern man's wardrobe? What are the essentials that have to be there, and what should be avoided at all costs?

For background..... I'm almost 37 years old, about 5'-6" tall, athletic build, and work in a professional environment. I also have a full facial birthmark, which can make certain color shirts look pretty awful on me.

Any SERIOUS suggestions, ideas, or input would be greatly appreciated.
Considering how many of the people on the board with Good Taste are on the Ignore List, soliciting and providing advice are both rather futile.
Considering how many of the people on the board with Good Taste are on the Ignore List, soliciting and providing advice are both rather futile.

lol...good grief man, pick up a magazine :eusa_whistle:
Wear whatever it is you like on others... Or ask the ones in your life that matter enough to dress around. ;)
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Wear whatever it is you like on others...

Honestly, I don't generally pay enough attention to what other guys are wearing to have that much of an opinion.

Or ask the ones in your life that matter enough to dress around. ;)

The problem with that is there's really only one person in my life I'd trust to do that and she lives over 300 miles away.

Though I do thank you for the serious input and suggestions. I'm wondering if maybe a wardrobe or style consultant might be the way to go.
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Men in politics wear capes all the time... Especially in DC. With that New England weather I'd research a few European fashions for men, basic wool, cottons, and jeans. You said you were moving? Wait until you move and then buy from the local stores of your destination.
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With that New England weather I'd research a few European fashions for men, basic wool, cottons, and jeans. You said you were moving? Wait until you move and then buy from the local stores of your destination.

Hopefully in the next couple of months I'll be moving to Eastern Pennsylvania (providing I can find a job).

Thanks for the idea on European fashions. I'll take a look into that.

I'm not sure the wardrobe will wait that long. I've lost enough weight and changed body shape so dramatically in the last 6-9 months that I literally don't have a pair of pants that fit properly anymore. I would really hate to move all of this stuff from MA to PA and then replace all of it. Kind of seems like a waste to me.
The best thing I ever did was ball up all my old suits and ties and burn them.

I will never put on another monkey suit again.
Wear whatever it is you like on others...

Honestly, I don't generally pay enough attention to what other guys are wearing to have that much of an opinion.

Or ask the ones in your life that matter enough to dress around. ;)

The problem with that is there's really only one person in my life I'd trust to do that and she lives over 300 miles away.

Though I do thank you for the serious input and suggestions. I'm wondering if maybe a wardrobe or style consultant might be the way to go.

If you want to look classy but not snobbish, look at L.L.Bean's catalog online for some traditional styles and you can't go wrong.
If you want to look like a man then buy Carhartts. You can't go wrong and they last forever.
If you want to look like a man then buy Carhartts. You can't go wrong and they last forever.
It's too late, dude. You've joined the cool kids. Arachnid's ignore list:


OH! Cut to the quick I am.

What kind of idiot asks for "serious" fashion advice on a political message forum anyway.
Got an email back from Emmi at It's A Man's World (a Boston based Men's fashion consultant) last night. Set up a 15 minute phone interview for Thursday afternoon and then we'll go from there. It's going to cost a little bit, but I think it's a good investment.
I've got an appointment now for Sunday, May 15th to meet Emmi in Boston. We talked for about 25 minutes yesterday afternoon. I have to send her a couple photos tonight and some sizing information and she'll have things picked out at a bunch of different stores for us to go and take a look at. I'm really kind of looking forward to it. It's gonna be a nice change to look a little more stylish than my polo shirts and cargo pants.
Spats!!!! Start a revival of old style dress and be spiffy looking in the process. That fella on the Monopoly board looks pretty good in them. Who knows, maybe you'll be a big hit. Regardless, you'll be in lots of conversations.
I got our "shopping list" for next Sunday from Emmi Sorokin @ It's A Man's World Image Consulting....

4/5 Casual Shirts (mix of button downs and polo alternatives)
3 Knits (casual to dressier)
4/5 Layering Tees

1 Chino
2 Jeans
2/3 Casual Pants

2/3 shoes
1 Wallet (added at my request)
2 Belts (casual and dressier)
1 Lightweight Jacket

1 Suit
2 Dress Shirts
2 Ties
1 Dress shoe
1 Belt

Approximate budget... >$1800
What do you folks think of that list?

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