Moderates Bush, Christie Pulling Away in Polls

Seems Republicans are voting in Republican primaries

and they are NOT voting for Conservatives

So, there have been a lot of primaries for 2016 then?

Or will you Communists continue your pattern of demagoguery where you smear any GOP conservative well in advance of any primary, using outright lies, half-truths, and innuendo?

Goebbels was an amateur compared to you scumbags.

Conservatives cannot win GOP primaries

If they cannot even appeal to republican voters, how do you expect them to appeal to the rest of the country?
Yet Ronnie had a top tax rate of 50% his first 6 years, increased taxes 11 times and funded then cut and ran from terrorists. Tells you how farrrrrr right the GOP party has gone!

Did Reagan raise the top rate Comrade?

Ah, the hate site lies are a bit week on that, eh?

Cut and run? ROFL, the shit you Communists think is clever.
If real Republicans vote for moderate candidates, how does that make them Republicans in name only (RINOs)?

Aren't the conservatives that nobody votes for the RINOs?

Republicans should listen to you Comrade shitflinger, you only want the best for them.

Gulags are the best they deserve, da Comrade?


"Do not associate my name with anything you do. You are extremists, and you've hurt the Republican party much more than the Democrats have." BARRY GOLDWATER


"We're the new liberals of the Republican party. Can you imagine that?"


Seems Republicans are voting in Republican primaries

and they are NOT voting for Conservatives

So, there have been a lot of primaries for 2016 then?

Or will you Communists continue your pattern of demagoguery where you smear any GOP conservative well in advance of any primary, using outright lies, half-truths, and innuendo?

Goebbels was an amateur compared to you scumbags.

you're a complete idiot. Write the GOP and inform them of whatever it is you're trying to inform the people here presenting you with FACTS. Asshats like YOU is one of the reasons moderates win elections for Republicans, and the primary reason Democrats beat Republicans ... Keep up the good work and remain irrelevant.
Yet Ronnie had a top tax rate of 50% his first 6 years, increased taxes 11 times and funded then cut and ran from terrorists. Tells you how farrrrrr right the GOP party has gone!

Did Reagan raise the top rate Comrade?

Ah, the hate site lies are a bit week on that, eh?

Cut and run? ROFL, the shit you Communists think is clever.


You mean after he gutted the job creators' top rate to 50% he had to increase revenues 11 times to make up for it?

Imagine that.

The guy as Guv who signed the most liberal abortion law in the land, is a modern day icon to conservatives, lol

Seems Republicans are voting in Republican primaries

and they are NOT voting for Conservatives

So, there have been a lot of primaries for 2016 then?

Or will you Communists continue your pattern of demagoguery where you smear any GOP conservative well in advance of any primary, using outright lies, half-truths, and innuendo?

Goebbels was an amateur compared to you scumbags.

Conservatives cannot win GOP primaries

If they cannot even appeal to republican voters, how do you expect them to appeal to the rest of the country?

I guess Huckabee hung in there the longest in 2008 - he won a few primaries.
OK, uncensored - you are entitled to believe whatever you want - whether it's right or wrong.

Ronald Reagan got the first vote I ever cast in a presidential election. (and the second) I know what he did while in office - it was a moderate administration.

But you can't just talk away the facts. You gotta get 45% of the moderate vote.

(And you can make up all the fantasies you want about my party affiliation - I've voted for 4 republicans, two democrats, and two libertarians in the 8 presidential elections I've voted in)

The only party I ever joined was the GOP - but I bailed on them when they started trending stupid. I'll NEVER join any party again, but I'll vote for a Republican who isn't stupid.

I realize that the ThinkProgress history rewrite depends on recasting Reagan as more sympathetic to the radical left that now runs the nation. Notice the litany of lies that dumb2three recites, as talking points from the hate sites? There has been a concerted effort to recreate Reagan in Clinton image since his death.

IF you were old enough to vote in 1980, then you know damned well that Reagan was attacked in the media as radical right, even that idiot Bush spewed his "voodoo economics" shit to smear Reagan as too far right.

Despite dumb2three's litany of lies, Reagan CUT income tax, deeply. He promoted and instituted a move from the disastrous Keynesian idiocy that had left the nation stunned with 12 years of stagflation, leading to Carter's "misery index." America crawled out from under the bed and confronted the Soviets, despite open Soviet agents like Jim Wright holding positions of power in congress. Grenada was the first time in history that any nation that had been conquered by the Communists was freed. Despite the unconstitutional Boland Amendment, support of the anti-Communist forces in Nicaragua forced an election which saw the Soviet beachhead on the North American continent lost.

Lying about Reagan is the duty of every democrat, you need to repaint him as one of yours - but that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Reagan was very conservative.
I know how the left ran against Reagan and I know how well Reagan got along with the media.

And I know - and have documented - that his administration was moderate.

Just get your 45% of moderates - or lose. I'll probably be voting in the GOP primary next time - unless someone or something unexpected emerges - and I'll be voting for a moderate.

If a wingnut gets the nomination, the GOP will lose my vote. As well as the votes of lots of other moderates.
Conservatives cannot win GOP primaries

If they cannot even appeal to republican voters, how do you expect them to appeal to the rest of the country?

If that were true, you'd be pushing the GOP to run Conservatives.

Ever hear the phrase "don't let your bookie pick your bets for you?"

It doesn't matter if the GOP runs conservatives.......they will lose anyway
Obviously this is very early and a lot can happen, but there is a noticeable gap between the two front-runners and the rest of the field.

Are moderate Republicans really gaining back control of the party? Some other signs - like moderate Republicans blocking a couple of symbolic votes that the right wing took for granted as routine - seem to indicate they may. Or at least they are trying to.

The far right had hoped that the midterms would provide them with a mandate, but it appears the opposite has happened. Republicans won majorities, but it looks like it was moderate Republicans who won the mandate.

Will the far right get on board and contribute to governing and directing the country? Or will they continue to demand "my way or no way"? Does a mandate matter to them or is it all about obstructing anything that didn't come from them?

Moderates obviously have the numbers - and the mandate - but can they get all the votes they need?

While I think they need to move more toward center. Bush? That guy would be a gift to the Dems.
Obviously this is very early and a lot can happen, but there is a noticeable gap between the two front-runners and the rest of the field.

Are moderate Republicans really gaining back control of the party? Some other signs - like moderate Republicans blocking a couple of symbolic votes that the right wing took for granted as routine - seem to indicate they may. Or at least they are trying to.

The far right had hoped that the midterms would provide them with a mandate, but it appears the opposite has happened. Republicans won majorities, but it looks like it was moderate Republicans who won the mandate.

Will the far right get on board and contribute to governing and directing the country? Or will they continue to demand "my way or no way"? Does a mandate matter to them or is it all about obstructing anything that didn't come from them?

Moderates obviously have the numbers - and the mandate - but can they get all the votes they need?

While I think they need to move more toward center. Bush? That guy would be a gift to the Dems.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Could you explain how Bush is a gift to the Democrats?
Sorry uncensored, but the facts do not support your post.

A Republican has NEVER won the White House with less than 45% of the moderate vote.

Sorry, but that is just the fact.

In the last 50 years, we have had Ronald Reagan, very conservative. Bush I - moderate, Dole - moderate, Bush II, somewhat conservative (on social issues), McCain - flaming libtard, Romney - moderate libtard.

What was the track record? Did the libtards win and the conservatives get crushed?

Reagan was 'very conservative' according to 1980's standards, NOT today's Bubba

Reagan increased Gov't AND the debt remember?

Senator John McCain's lifetime rating of 82.3% from the American Conservative Union Jan 2008. His average for 1990-97 88%

Romney kinda was but McCain's not? lol
Ronald Reagan - "an extremist" ??

Yeah, OK.

"It is indisputable that Reagan was vastly more moderate, at least in terms of how he actually governed, than today’s GOP. At the risk of being pedantic, here is a partial list of Reagan’s actions that would have him expelled for treason to conservative principles if he were running for president today.

• As a Hollywood actor, Reagan had been the head of a labor union, the Screen Actors Guild, and was proud of the higher pay and benefits he negotiated for his members. As president, he praised labor unions, saying, “Collective bargaining…has played a major role in America's economic miracle. Unions represent some of the freest institutions in this land. There are few finer examples of participatory democracy to be found anywhere.”

• Franklin D. Roosevelt was Reagan’s political hero and he voted for him for president 4 times. As president, he said, “F. D. R. was an American giant, a leader who shaped, inspired, and led our people through perilous times.”

• As governor of California, Reagan signed into law the largest state tax increase in history up to that time. It increased California taxes by a third, including an increase in the top income tax rate. There were other tax increases as well, which raised the top rate to 11 percent from 7 percent when he took office, a 57 percent increase.

• Also as governor, Reagan signed into law California’s first law permitting legal abortion – at the behest of his two most conservative advisers, Ed Meese and Lyn Nofziger. On other social issues as well, Gov. Reagan was far more progressive than his image. For example, he authorized conjugal visits for prisoners for the first time in the state and broadened environmental protection."

- See more at: Why Ronald Reagan Would Not Lead Today s GOP The Fiscal Times

Why Ronald Reagan Would Not Lead Today s GOP The Fiscal Times

oh yeah "waaaay conservative"
Obviously this is very early and a lot can happen, but there is a noticeable gap between the two front-runners and the rest of the field.

Are moderate Republicans really gaining back control of the party? Some other signs - like moderate Republicans blocking a couple of symbolic votes that the right wing took for granted as routine - seem to indicate they may. Or at least they are trying to.

The far right had hoped that the midterms would provide them with a mandate, but it appears the opposite has happened. Republicans won majorities, but it looks like it was moderate Republicans who won the mandate.

Will the far right get on board and contribute to governing and directing the country? Or will they continue to demand "my way or no way"? Does a mandate matter to them or is it all about obstructing anything that didn't come from them?

Moderates obviously have the numbers - and the mandate - but can they get all the votes they need?

I heard the Republican Governor of Ohio talk this morning. The guy sounded sharp and had some great ideas. He's also middle of the road, rather than a fringe ideologue.

The part of this I never understood about the 'what America wants is a 'real conservative' ' schtick is the numbers. Republicans are obviously the most fertile ground for 'real conservatism'. And if a 'real conservative' can't even convince a plurality of republicans to vote for him or her, what makes them think that they would fair any better in the less receptive demo of moderates, liberals and independents?
Obviously this is very early and a lot can happen, but there is a noticeable gap between the two front-runners and the rest of the field.

Are moderate Republicans really gaining back control of the party? Some other signs - like moderate Republicans blocking a couple of symbolic votes that the right wing took for granted as routine - seem to indicate they may. Or at least they are trying to.

The far right had hoped that the midterms would provide them with a mandate, but it appears the opposite has happened. Republicans won majorities, but it looks like it was moderate Republicans who won the mandate.

Will the far right get on board and contribute to governing and directing the country? Or will they continue to demand "my way or no way"? Does a mandate matter to them or is it all about obstructing anything that didn't come from them?

Moderates obviously have the numbers - and the mandate - but can they get all the votes they need?

I heard the Republican Governor of Ohio talk this morning. The guy sounded sharp and had some great ideas. He's also middle of the road, rather than a fringe ideologue.

The part of this I never understood about the 'what America wants is a 'real conservative' ' schtick is the numbers. Republicans are obviously the most fertile ground for 'real conservatism'. And if a 'real conservative' can't even convince a plurality of republicans to vote for him or her, what makes them think that they would fair any better in the less receptive demo of moderates, liberals and independents?

Sounds like it is getting crowded in the middle of the GOP.

Three thumbs up!

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