Mod Squad (Comics): Capitalism Diary


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a network-era parable (commerce-and-traffic relevant) inspired by The Mod Squad comics and American Made.




"The Mod Squad (chic undercover American FBI agents) were travelling around the world with only one purpose --- track down the elusive/diabolical Russian stewardess Maura who was transporting marijuana and opium from Amsterdam to San Francisco and making serious waves in the international narcotics market. Maura had become an 'underworld celebrity,' and the Mod Squad was always just one step behind her, as she made contacts, visited allies, and picked up merchandise and transported it during her flights."


"Maura was the opposite of Barbie. Some might even say she was the Biblical harlot of Babylon whose express purpose was to create kingdom-intrigue with her cunning narcotics-movements. Maura wanted to exploit capitalism for its worst vices, and TrumpUSA was her rallying justification. Maura was pure evil, and the Mod Squad wanted to defend democracy, capitalism, and sanity itself by putting an end to her reign of narcotics mischief and airline pseudo-terrorism."


"Unfortunately, Maura started getting high on her own supply, and during a New England Patriots (NFL) game (she was invited by QB Tom Brady!), she was high on opium and marijuana and blurted to a friend sitting next to her in the stadium-crowd that she was transporting drugs to Holland the next week. Well, her friend told the FBI and two weeks later, Maura was arrested by the Mod Squad in Holland. They found some paraphernalia in her apartment, and she was apparently about to commit suicide (before they found her), having become 'morally fatigued' by a life of crime and sin."


GOD: Is Maura a 'modern tragedy' for evangelists?
SATAN: No, I think she's the victim of her own folly.
GOD: Is she irredeemable?
SATAN: No, I don't think anyone is irredeemable in modern times!
GOD: What's special about the 'modern-age' then?
SATAN: Opportunities to network...
GOD: Aha! Networking will save humanity.
SATAN: It sounds clichéd, but Facebook and Wall Street are 'fertile.'
GOD: Do you think narcotics will be controlled someday?
SATAN: I think lawmakers are working closely with that now!
GOD: I wonder if Maura liked working as a stewardess...
SATAN: Traffic can be...stimulating.
GOD: I don't want to dispel Mara as a 'damned soul.'
SATAN: Unfortunately, society is less 'forgiving.'
GOD: I think capitalism (modern) is justified by Barbie.
SATAN: President Trump has to coordinate consumerism with history.



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