Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets

It’s fabulous, just fabulous! We can all thank Senator McCain’s prior Presidential campaign for this wonderful little “book of Romney secrets”! I just got my hands on a copy and I have uploaded a copy to make it available to all of you. This contains the TRUTH about Mitt Romney and everyone that even considered supporting him need to read this. Please, share this with everyone you know! Put a link on your Facebook page, add it to Twitter, post it everywhere! In this document you will find:

Biographical information to include:
Romney’s Views on social issues to include:

Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets « Stop the US Madness: it's time to take action!

The Romney Book.pdf - - document sharing - download

Why would any sane person pick obama over mitt?

People have mentioned obamas lack of leadership since about 1 month in. And he STILL blames everyone else for everything that's not working.

any vote for obama is a vote for failure. hell, Bill doesn't want him re-elected
To be a Democrat is to revel in delusions of grandeur...or so it seems...
Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets

It’s fabulous, just fabulous! We can all thank Senator McCain’s prior Presidential campaign for this wonderful little “book of Romney secrets”! I just got my hands on a copy and I have uploaded a copy to make it available to all of you. This contains the TRUTH about Mitt Romney and everyone that even considered supporting him need to read this. Please, share this with everyone you know! Put a link on your Facebook page, add it to Twitter, post it everywhere! In this document you will find:

Biographical information to include:
Romney’s Views on social issues to include:

Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets « Stop the US Madness: it's time to take action!

The Romney Book.pdf - - document sharing - download

Having established my bonafides as the "Not really liking Romeny at all" guy, I'm not sure of the value of a lot of this stuff. This was stuff McCain put together to get GOP voters to pick him over the Mormon Robot.

Those voters, for the most part, are going to go for Romney regardless. They just hate Obama that insanely.
Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets

It’s fabulous, just fabulous! We can all thank Senator McCain’s prior Presidential campaign for this wonderful little “book of Romney secrets”! I just got my hands on a copy and I have uploaded a copy to make it available to all of you. This contains the TRUTH about Mitt Romney and everyone that even considered supporting him need to read this. Please, share this with everyone you know! Put a link on your Facebook page, add it to Twitter, post it everywhere! In this document you will find:

Biographical information to include:
Romney’s Views on social issues to include:

Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets « Stop the US Madness: it's time to take action!

The Romney Book.pdf - - document sharing - download

Having established my bonafides as the "Not really liking Romeny at all" guy, I'm not sure of the value of a lot of this stuff. This was stuff McCain put together to get GOP voters to pick him over the Mormon Robot.

Those voters, for the most part, are going to go for Romney regardless. They just hate Obama that insanely.

I don't think voters hate Obama, some do I suppose, I think their mainly worried about the direction of the country.
You mean like tax returns?

mitt was not required to show them, and he still did.

assuming that's what you meant

He only showed two years...

You'd think he'd be proud of his success. But I guess form 1598 - "Profits made looting a pension fund" wouldn't look so good....

what an out and out prog you have marked yourself to be.

He didn't have to show squat, but the progs cry he only showed 2 years.



Bain had about a 75% save rate once they took over a company.

Thousands upon thousands of jobs saved.

so stick your arrogant lying bullshit up your ass.
Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets

It’s fabulous, just fabulous! We can all thank Senator McCain’s prior Presidential campaign for this wonderful little “book of Romney secrets”! I just got my hands on a copy and I have uploaded a copy to make it available to all of you. This contains the TRUTH about Mitt Romney and everyone that even considered supporting him need to read this. Please, share this with everyone you know! Put a link on your Facebook page, add it to Twitter, post it everywhere! In this document you will find:

Biographical information to include:
Romney’s Views on social issues to include:

Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets « Stop the US Madness: it's time to take action!

The Romney Book.pdf - - document sharing - download

Thank you! Here is another source for the same information, I believe, which is easier to view:

The Book On Mitt Romney: Here Is John McCain's Entire Opposition Research File
Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets

It’s fabulous, just fabulous! We can all thank Senator McCain’s prior Presidential campaign for this wonderful little “book of Romney secrets”! I just got my hands on a copy and I have uploaded a copy to make it available to all of you. This contains the TRUTH about Mitt Romney and everyone that even considered supporting him need to read this. Please, share this with everyone you know! Put a link on your Facebook page, add it to Twitter, post it everywhere! In this document you will find:

Biographical information to include:
Romney’s Views on social issues to include:

Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets « Stop the US Madness: it's time to take action!

The Romney Book.pdf - - document sharing - download

Having established my bonafides as the "Not really liking Romeny at all" guy, I'm not sure of the value of a lot of this stuff. This was stuff McCain put together to get GOP voters to pick him over the Mormon Robot.

Those voters, for the most part, are going to go for Romney regardless. They just hate Obama that insanely.

I don't think voters hate Obama, some do I suppose, I think their mainly worried about the direction of the country.

Joey can't cope with voters who are not like him. He 'hates' Romney.... but if the nominee had been Gingrich, he'd have been hating on Obama instead. Since he uses emotion instead of intellect to make his judgments, he cannot comprehend that others do not use the same criteria.
mitt was not required to show them, and he still did.

assuming that's what you meant

He only showed two years...

You'd think he'd be proud of his success. But I guess form 1598 - "Profits made looting a pension fund" wouldn't look so good....

what an out and out prog you have marked yourself to be.

He didn't have to show squat, but the progs cry he only showed 2 years.



Bain had about a 75% save rate once they took over a company.

Thousands upon thousands of jobs saved.

so stick your arrogant lying bullshit up your ass.

Using logic to someone who does not understand logic is a fruitless exercise.
He only showed two years...

You'd think he'd be proud of his success. But I guess form 1598 - "Profits made looting a pension fund" wouldn't look so good....

what an out and out prog you have marked yourself to be.

He didn't have to show squat, but the progs cry he only showed 2 years.



Bain had about a 75% save rate once they took over a company.

Thousands upon thousands of jobs saved.

so stick your arrogant lying bullshit up your ass.

Using logic to someone who does not understand logic is a fruitless exercise.

I have a green thumb or Two.

what an out and out prog you have marked yourself to be.

He didn't have to show squat, but the progs cry he only showed 2 years.



Bain had about a 75% save rate once they took over a company.

Thousands upon thousands of jobs saved.

so stick your arrogant lying bullshit up your ass.

Using logic to someone who does not understand logic is a fruitless exercise.

I have a green thumb or Two.


I heard that rumor.... but, since there was no evidence, I dismissed it.
Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets

It’s fabulous, just fabulous! We can all thank Senator McCain’s prior Presidential campaign for this wonderful little “book of Romney secrets”! I just got my hands on a copy and I have uploaded a copy to make it available to all of you. This contains the TRUTH about Mitt Romney and everyone that even considered supporting him need to read this. Please, share this with everyone you know! Put a link on your Facebook page, add it to Twitter, post it everywhere! In this document you will find:

Biographical information to include:
Romney’s Views on social issues to include:

Mitt Romney: The Book of Dirty Little Secrets « Stop the US Madness: it's time to take action!

The Romney Book.pdf - - document sharing - download

Having established my bonafides as the "Not really liking Romeny at all" guy, I'm not sure of the value of a lot of this stuff. This was stuff McCain put together to get GOP voters to pick him over the Mormon Robot.

Those voters, for the most part, are going to go for Romney regardless. They just hate Obama that insanely.

I don't think voters hate Obama, some do I suppose, I think their mainly worried about the direction of the country.

Right. Sure you don't. Frankly, most of the real damage happened on Bush's watch, and these same people didn't complain about it.
what an out and out prog you have marked yourself to be.

He didn't have to show squat, but the progs cry he only showed 2 years.

Every other presidential candidate, Republican and Democrat alike, have released YEARS of tax forms. So I have to ask, what is Romney hiding?



Bain had about a 75% save rate once they took over a company.

Thousands upon thousands of jobs saved.

so stick your arrogant lying bullshit up your ass.

Bain was a vampire that sucked the life out of companies.

So would you fly an airline that only crashes its planes 25% of the time?

Or go to a doctor that lost only 25% of his patients.

More to the point, would you go to a doctor who said, "Eh, screw it, too much trouble to fix this guy, let's harvest his kidneys!" which pretty much describes what Bain did to companies like AmPad and GS Steel and DDi.

Bain didn't "save" any jobs. Most of Bain's work was in the 1990's, when the economy was humming, we had 4% unemployment for years and you had to be nearly a retard to fuck up a business.

Of course, when a Bain company did well, it was always because of Bain's leadership. When a Bain company failed, there was always someone else to blame.

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