Mitt Romney on video stating he is a MODERATE--with progressive ideas.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Mitt Romney--Really? Come-on the more I learn and watch the old videos of Mitt Romney--it couldn't be clearer of what he is. Romney will say "anything" to win this nomination--and if he wins this nomination--you can count on these video's being played over and over again-by Obama's campaign committee to show just what type of person he is.

For instance in the below video he clearly states that he is a MODERATE--and not only that but El Mundo just endorsed him--a Latino newspaper. In 2012 for his run for the Presidency however--in two debates now is stance on illegals is--he plans on sending out Gestapo squads to rip illegal Grandma's and Grandpa's from their family circles to send them back to nothing.

It's not only in this instance but in several we catch a moderate with progressive tendencies doing everything he can to try and convince voters joining in the primaries that he is conservative when he's nothing more than another politician who continually speaks out of both sides of his mouth. And he's been doing it for years now.

Watch it for yourself:--and watch ALL of the below threaded videos for proof.
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Mitt Romney--Really? Come-on the more I learn and watch the old videos of Mitt Romney--it couldn't be clearer of what he is. Romney will say "anything" to win this nomination--and if he wins this nomination--you can count on these video's being played over and over again-by Obama's campaign committee to show just what type of person he is.

For instance in the below video he clearly states that he is a MODERATE--and not only that but El Mundo just endorsed him--a Latino newspaper. In 2012 for his run for the Presidency however--in two debates now is stance on illegals is--he plans on sending out Gestapo squads to rip illegal Grandma's and Grandpa's from their family circles to send them back to nothing.

It's not only in this instance but in several we catch a moderate with progressive tendencies doing everything he can to try and convince voters joining in the primaries that he is conservative when he's nothing more than another politician who continually speaks out of both sides of his mouth. And he's been doing it for years now.

Watch it for yourself:

Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube
Of course he will do whatever is needed to secure the nomination. He's a politician. He's trying to cast himself as a conservative and at the same time a moderate progressive. He needs conservative votes to win the nomination, but in the general election he wants to appeal to progresses as well as conservatives.

A few days ago I heard him saying how he would slash government spending and reduce the deficit. He then followed up with his plans for additional spending for the military and homeland security and tax cuts that would add $180 billion to the deficit. He's going to see that America is number one in education and see that new college graduates have jobs but he's going to cut funding. He's going to trim spending from Medicare but promises Medicare won't be cut.

It's all B.S.
Mitt Romney--Really? Come-on the more I learn and watch the old videos of Mitt Romney--it couldn't be clearer of what he is. Romney will say "anything" to win this nomination--and if he wins this nomination--you can count on these video's being played over and over again-by Obama's campaign committee to show just what type of person he is.

For instance in the below video he clearly states that he is a MODERATE--and not only that but El Mundo just endorsed him--a Latino newspaper. In 2012 for his run for the Presidency however--in two debates now is stance on illegals is--he plans on sending out Gestapo squads to rip illegal Grandma's and Grandpa's from their family circles to send them back to nothing.

It's not only in this instance but in several we catch a moderate with progressive tendencies doing everything he can to try and convince voters joining in the primaries that he is conservative when he's nothing more than another politician who continually speaks out of both sides of his mouth. And he's been doing it for years now.

Watch it for yourself:

Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube
Of course he will do whatever is needed to secure the nomination. He's a politician. He's trying to cast himself as a conservative and at the same time a moderate progressive. He needs conservative votes to win the nomination, but in the general election he wants to appeal to progresses as well as conservatives.

A few days ago I heard him saying how he would slash government spending and reduce the deficit. He then followed up with his plans for additional spending for the military and homeland security and tax cuts that would add $180 billion to the deficit. He's going to see that America is number one in education and see that new college graduates have jobs but he's going to cut funding. He's going to trim spending from Medicare but promises Medicare won't be cut.

It's all B.S.

Here's another video in Mitt Romney's own statements of flip-flops on abortion--global warming and Romneycare for ALL--and he states at the national level.

[ame=]Mitt Romney Flip Flops | Mitt Romney abortion | Mitt Romney global warming | Mitt Romney Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]

The Obama campaign is going to have WMD in utube video's on this guy.
He may call himself progressive but the progressives know better, do not worry about his conservatism, when it counts he will do what all conservatives expect from their politicians, protect the 1% and screw the working man.
And another on "tough gun laws" in Mass.

[ame=]McCain's leaked anti-Romney ad - YouTube[/ame]
John McCain's response in New Hampshire to an attack ad from Mitt Romney

[ame=]John McCain responds to Mitt Romney attack ad - YouTube[/ame]
He needs conservative votes to win the nomination, but in the general election he wants to appeal to progresses as well as conservatives.

Which is sad and unfortunate.
A few days ago I heard him saying how he would slash government spending and reduce the deficit. He then followed up with his plans for additional spending for the military and homeland security and tax cuts that would add $180 billion to the deficit.
Right out of the George W. Bush play book.
He needs conservative votes to win the nomination, but in the general election he wants to appeal to progresses as well as conservatives.

Which is sad and unfortunate.
A few days ago I heard him saying how he would slash government spending and reduce the deficit. He then followed up with his plans for additional spending for the military and homeland security and tax cuts that would add $180 billion to the deficit.
Right out of the George W. Bush play book.

You've got it right. This is an establishment candidate with tons of money--that is going to get shoved down our throats. And even G.W. Bush was a lot more conservative that Romney--and I never considered G.W. really conservative.

Romney has never gotten over 25%--in fact in Iowa--2/3's of that state wanted someone other than Romney--primarily because of all of his flip-flops. So how he is winning is spending millions of Romney pac money in negative advertisments to pound down other much more conservative candidates.

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Mitt Romney--Really? Come-on the more I learn and watch the old videos of Mitt Romney--it couldn't be clearer of what he is. Romney will say "anything" to win this nomination--and if he wins this nomination--you can count on these video's being played over and over again-by Obama's campaign committee to show just what type of person he is.

For instance in the below video he clearly states that he is a MODERATE--and not only that but El Mundo just endorsed him--a Latino newspaper. In 2012 for his run for the Presidency however--in two debates now is stance on illegals is--he plans on sending out Gestapo squads to rip illegal Grandma's and Grandpa's from their family circles to send them back to nothing.

It's not only in this instance but in several we catch a moderate with progressive tendencies doing everything he can to try and convince voters joining in the primaries that he is conservative when he's nothing more than another politician who continually speaks out of both sides of his mouth. And he's been doing it for years now.

Watch it for yourself:--and watch ALL of the below threaded videos for proof.

Mitt Romney in Worcester 2002 "My views are progressive" - YouTube

When he acted like a moderate, I actually liked him. Now I have no respect for him. He'll never get my vote. And I even have a coffee cup with his name on it from 08.
You realize people change right? You think old videos are going to matter now? What about the video of Newt next to Nancy Pelosi proposing big government solutions to global warming? A government solution to a problem that doesnt exist.

It's ironic that Newt is everything you hate about Romney times 10.
You realize people change right? You think old videos are going to matter now? What about the video of Newt next to Nancy Pelosi proposing big government solutions to global warming? A government solution to a problem that doesnt exist.

It's ironic that Newt is everything you hate about Romney times 10.

The problem Mitt Romney is going to have is his DAILY changes for personal political gain only. You can bet your bottom dollar this is what the Obama campaign stated when they said they were going to DESTROY Mitt Romney--probably with these old video's making him look incompetent to be POTUS

Barack Obama’s aides and advisers are preparing to center the president’s reelection campaign on a ferocious personal assault on Mitt Romney’s character and business background, a strategy grounded in the early-stage expectation that the former Massachusetts governor is the likely GOP nominee.

Obama plan: Destroy Romney - Ben Smith and Jonathan Martin -

BTW--the politico article is from last September 2011. They are warming up and they have the WMD in video's to cream Romney with them. Get used to seeing them--should he win the nomination.
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