Conservatives: Time to rally around a not-Romney


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
By LAURIE KELLMAN | AP – 31 mins ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prominent conservative leaders want their rank and file to quickly get behind a single presidential candidate, fearful that persistent splits will help Mitt Romney win the Republican nomination.

The former Massachusetts governor narrowly won the Iowa caucuses when conservative voters divided their support among several challengers, and the worry is that the same thing will happen in South Carolina, Florida and beyond if Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry all stay in the race.

"Conservatives are still divided among a number of different candidates, but the field is winnowing," said former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer. And, he said: "I certainly think that Sen. Santorum is in a good position to inherit a lot of that support."

How about you just vote for the person you like the most and not play political games?
Conservatives: If you don't have the courage to vote for Ron Paul, vote for the only other guy with a shot at beating Obama; Romney.
Santorum has next to no chance- he's a social conservative in an election cycle that will elect a Fiscal conservative. He has not had his turn in the barrel (that starts now) and once the media starts ripping him apart it will be tough for Rick. He'll go the same way that Bachman, Perry, Cain, and Newt have....

Romney will win New Hampshire easily. Then he'll finish in the top tier in South Carolina. After he wins's all over but the crying. If there is anyone we need to rally around- it's Mitt Romney!
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Santorum has next to no chance- he's a social conservative in an election cycle that will elect a Fiscal conservative. He has not had his turn in the barrel (that starts now) and once the media starts ripping him apart it will be tough for Rick. He'll go the same way that Bachman, Perry, Cain, and Newt have....

Romney will win New Hampshire easily. Then he'll finish in the top tier in South Carolina. After he wins's all over but the crying. If there is anyone we need to rally around- it's Mitt Romney!

Without Social responsibility, strong moral responsibility, and rebuilding the American Family?

Economic fortunes will NEVER recover.

There is a correlation. Santorum was smart enough to make the coorelation and tie them together.

He's correct.
By LAURIE KELLMAN | AP – 31 mins ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prominent conservative leaders want their rank and file to quickly get behind a single presidential candidate, fearful that persistent splits will help Mitt Romney win the Republican nomination.

The former Massachusetts governor narrowly won the Iowa caucuses when conservative voters divided their support among several challengers, and the worry is that the same thing will happen in South Carolina, Florida and beyond if Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry all stay in the race.

"Conservatives are still divided among a number of different candidates, but the field is winnowing," said former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer. And, he said: "I certainly think that Sen. Santorum is in a good position to inherit a lot of that support."

Huntsman....give it some thought.
By LAURIE KELLMAN | AP – 31 mins ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prominent conservative leaders want their rank and file to quickly get behind a single presidential candidate, fearful that persistent splits will help Mitt Romney win the Republican nomination.

The former Massachusetts governor narrowly won the Iowa caucuses when conservative voters divided their support among several challengers, and the worry is that the same thing will happen in South Carolina, Florida and beyond if Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry all stay in the race.

"Conservatives are still divided among a number of different candidates, but the field is winnowing," said former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer. And, he said: "I certainly think that Sen. Santorum is in a good position to inherit a lot of that support."

Huntsman....give it some thought.
Huntsman actually has a very conservative track record as governor of Utah- unfortunately he ran a very bad campaign.
By LAURIE KELLMAN | AP – 31 mins ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prominent conservative leaders want their rank and file to quickly get behind a single presidential candidate, fearful that persistent splits will help Mitt Romney win the Republican nomination.

The former Massachusetts governor narrowly won the Iowa caucuses when conservative voters divided their support among several challengers, and the worry is that the same thing will happen in South Carolina, Florida and beyond if Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry all stay in the race.

"Conservatives are still divided among a number of different candidates, but the field is winnowing," said former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer. And, he said: "I certainly think that Sen. Santorum is in a good position to inherit a lot of that support."

Huntsman....give it some thought.
Huntsman actually has a very conservative track record as governor of Utah- unfortunately he ran a very bad campaign.

At the risk of actually posing a straight question and having someone consider it, and answer it without profanity, I'll offer this....

Do you think that Huntsman can be this year's Romney insofar as learning how not to campaign; rather to be more NOT to run a campaign and be better for it in the next election if Obama holds office?

What I like about him is that he is a straight shooter; I think he may be incapable of the types of bullshit you see from Gingrich and, in my view Santorum (does anyone really believe that a 7 year old Rick Santorum actually thought, 'Those hands dug freedom for me')?

Anyway, if the question is worthy of your consideration, I'd like to hear what you think. In the morning. Good night.
Huntsman....give it some thought.
Huntsman actually has a very conservative track record as governor of Utah- unfortunately he ran a very bad campaign.

At the risk of actually posing a straight question and having someone consider it, and answer it without profanity, I'll offer this....

Do you think that Huntsman can be this year's Romney insofar as learning how not to campaign; rather to be more NOT to run a campaign and be better for it in the next election if Obama holds office?

What I like about him is that he is a straight shooter; I think he may be incapable of the types of bullshit you see from Gingrich and, in my view Santorum (does anyone really believe that a 7 year old Rick Santorum actually thought, 'Those hands dug freedom for me')?

Anyway, if the question is worthy of your consideration, I'd like to hear what you think. In the morning. Good night.
If John Huntsman really wants to be President he can learn from this experience and make a far better candidate in 4 years. More likely he'll just say screw it- and enjoy his life. Why go through the hell that a presidential run entails? You have to REALLY want it, I don't think Huntsman does. He gave it a shot, on his own terms, and he fell short. I think he's done with politics.
Santorum sucks harder than anyone on the list, A social conservative? The teaparty must truly be dead to even consider a Theocrat over a Neocon, he's even further away from libertarian values of non-interference than Romney.
Could conservatives prefer a not-Romney to lose to Obama, or see Romney beat Obama?

It seems the right sees no difference. They’re tired of ‘RINOs,’ they’re tired of compromising (at least with presidential candidates, if nothing else), they’re tired of ‘big-government,’ deficit spending republicans like GWB and his father.

He has not had his turn in the barrel (that starts now) and once the media starts ripping him apart it will be tough for Rick.


Relating the facts as to a candidate’s positions, in his own words, isn’t ‘ripping apart’ anyone; Santorum has only himself to blame for his ignorance, error, and arrogance. Don’t blame ‘the media.’

Otherwise, conservatives and republicans need to get this resolved by 2016, after Obama’s second term. A republican win should be assured, but everyone needs to be on the same page that Christie will be the nominee from the start.
Santorum has next to no chance- he's a social conservative in an election cycle that will elect a Fiscal conservative. He has not had his turn in the barrel (that starts now) and once the media starts ripping him apart it will be tough for Rick. He'll go the same way that Bachman, Perry, Cain, and Newt have....

Romney will win New Hampshire easily. Then he'll finish in the top tier in South Carolina. After he wins's all over but the crying. If there is anyone we need to rally around- it's Mitt Romney!

You better hope your wrong, cause if your right then the conservatives of the Republican Party will demand Ron Paul runs third party.

Consider it a hostage situation. No more compromise.
Santorum has next to no chance- he's a social conservative in an election cycle that will elect a Fiscal conservative. He has not had his turn in the barrel (that starts now) and once the media starts ripping him apart it will be tough for Rick. He'll go the same way that Bachman, Perry, Cain, and Newt have....

Romney will win New Hampshire easily. Then he'll finish in the top tier in South Carolina. After he wins's all over but the crying. If there is anyone we need to rally around- it's Mitt Romney!

You better hope your wrong, cause if your right then the conservatives of the Republican Party will demand Ron Paul runs third party.

Consider it a hostage situation. No more compromise.

The conservatives of the Republican party arent voting for Ron Paul for the nomination, they aren't going to be demanding a third party run if one of the people they do support wins.
By LAURIE KELLMAN | AP – 31 mins ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Prominent conservative leaders want their rank and file to quickly get behind a single presidential candidate, fearful that persistent splits will help Mitt Romney win the Republican nomination.

The former Massachusetts governor narrowly won the Iowa caucuses when conservative voters divided their support among several challengers, and the worry is that the same thing will happen in South Carolina, Florida and beyond if Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry all stay in the race.

"Conservatives are still divided among a number of different candidates, but the field is winnowing," said former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer. And, he said: "I certainly think that Sen. Santorum is in a good position to inherit a lot of that support."

The BOSTON GLOBE--Mitt Romney's home town newspaper--just endorsed Jon Huntsman.

Republican presidential hopeful Jon Huntsman on Thursday won the endorsement of The Boston Globe, marking the second time Massachusetts' largest newspaper has snubbed its former governor, Mitt Romney, ahead of the New Hampshire primary.The Boston Globe, which has subscribers in southern New Hampshire, endorsed Sen. John McCain over Romney for the 2008 election. On Thursday, it said both Romney and Huntsman stand out as presidential, but where Romney has been cautious, Huntsman has been bold.

Huntsman Picks Up Boston Globe Endorsement | Fox News

[ame=]Mitt Romney Flip Flops | Mitt Romney abortion | Mitt Romney global warming | Mitt Romney Obamacare - YouTube[/ame]

There are so many of these u-tube videos out there about Romney and his past flip-flopping statements-it's unbelieveable.Obama is going to have a hay-day with them. I am a conservative and I am going to fight to get a real conservative as our nominee. I am not going to give up. I don't believe the media who says that only Romney can beat Obama--that is complete BULL-SHIT. With a Romney nominee it's going to look like another McCain/Obama debate. Romney is certain to win New Hampshire--BECAUSE HE LIVES THERE--but he's going to have one hell of time convincing southerner's who he really is. And that's where we go after New Hampshire.

And the candidate I have been behind and intend on staying behind is the ONLY candidate that has a proven record of cutting the size of the Federal Government--and that is Newt Gingrich--the only REAL Reagan conservative in this race that is more than capable of beating Barack Obama.

Here is Mitt Romney telling us he is NOT a Reagan Conservative.
Here is Mitt Romney telling us he is a moderate
Here is John McCain's advertisement on the two Mitts
Here are Romney's statement on tough gun laws in his state

And there's tons more of these:

Which amounts to this as our front runner>

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How about you just vote for the person you like the most and not play political games?

This isn't a popularity contest--go back to high school if you want that. The opt is right we non-Romney's need to get behind ONE single candidate to make this work.

The ONLY candidate that has a track record of cutting the size of the Federal Government is Newt Gingrich. The rest are already on their way out. Rick Santorum has some major issues going on right now--with videos all over the place on his earmarks and his big spending days. Ron Paul never had a shot in hell anyway--and his racist newsletters and attacks on Abe Lincoln last week when he tweeted on his home page that Lincoln is responsible for killing 500,000 in the civil war--and whom Ron Paul has already admitted that he won't win the White House. Rick Perry--(I personally like) but won't vote for him--because Obama would kick his butt in any debate and make him look stupid.

So that leaves Newt Gingrich who is the only viable candidate of winning the nomination and then the Presidency.

The below is the ad on Rick Santorum and unfortunately it's TRUE--let alone that he is way to socially conservative to have a snowballs chance in hell of winning.

Game Show - YouTube
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