Mitt Romney of Utah, Mike Rounds of South Dakota, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, and Susan Collins of Maine-Truly ignorant GOP senators!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
These truly dumb RINOs evidently don't understand REALITY of COVID and characteristics of most COVID related deaths.
Four Republican senators voted Thursday against reinstating military members who were discharged for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Now I can understand the idiot Democrats who DON"T comprehend numbers... but these 4 RINO GOP senators evidently are included!
FACTS regarding deaths from Covid.
1) of all Covid deaths in the USA As of 12/14/2022

Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2) Fact: US military has over 1.4 million in 2021,
3) FACT With 80 deaths and 258,800 cases overall, the military’s COVID-19 mortality rate sits at 0.03%,
well below the 1.6% mortality rate in the U.S. overall.
4) Total US military personnel under age 45: 1,333,822
So the question to these DUMB RINOs and the rest of the ignorant Senate...
If 80 deaths of 258,800 cases or 0.0309% of the cases OR 0.00599780% of the 1,333,822 died... WHAT THE HELL is the problem?

From 2006 through 2021, a total of 19,378 active-duty servicemembers have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Of those who died, 24% were killed while serving in in what the Department of Defense (DOD) categorizes as Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)—primarily within the territories of Iraq and Afghanistan. The remaining 76% died during operations categorized as Non-Overseas Contingency Operations (Non-OCO).
In fifteen years, 76% or 14,727 died in non-overseas action. Or 982 deaths per year... AND THESE IDIOTs are concerned about 80???
Concerned enough to force 3,400 troops who’ve been involuntarily separated from service for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, about 70 percent have received general discharges, service personnel chiefs said Wednesday.
AGAIN what is wrong with reality with these 4 RINOs and the Congress and the rest of the administration?
982 military deaths per year vs 80 from Covid.

Finally... LOOK again at the table! What percentage as the highest % of deaths???
Over 75 years of age! Folks
A) NO ONE is in the military at 75 years on more!
B) Most of the military will be in healthy shape due to the regime.... training, etc...

So again... why are these 4 RINOs and rest of the Democrats so totally ignorant of the numbers!!!
These truly dumb RINOs evidently don't understand REALITY of COVID and characteristics of most COVID related deaths.
Four Republican senators voted Thursday against reinstating military members who were discharged for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Now I can understand the idiot Democrats who DON"T comprehend numbers... but these 4 RINO GOP senators evidently are included!
FACTS regarding deaths from Covid.
1) of all Covid deaths in the USA As of 12/14/2022
View attachment 739777
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2) Fact: US military has over 1.4 million in 2021,
3) FACT With 80 deaths and 258,800 cases overall, the military’s COVID-19 mortality rate sits at 0.03%,
well below the 1.6% mortality rate in the U.S. overall.
4) Total US military personnel under age 45: 1,333,822
So the question to these DUMB RINOs and the rest of the ignorant Senate...
If 80 deaths of 258,800 cases or 0.0309% of the cases OR 0.00599780% of the 1,333,822 died... WHAT THE HELL is the problem?

From 2006 through 2021, a total of 19,378 active-duty servicemembers have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Of those who died, 24% were killed while serving in in what the Department of Defense (DOD) categorizes as Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)—primarily within the territories of Iraq and Afghanistan. The remaining 76% died during operations categorized as Non-Overseas Contingency Operations (Non-OCO).
In fifteen years, 76% or 14,727 died in non-overseas action. Or 982 deaths per year... AND THESE IDIOTs are concerned about 80???
Concerned enough to force 3,400 troops who’ve been involuntarily separated from service for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, about 70 percent have received general discharges, service personnel chiefs said Wednesday.
AGAIN what is wrong with reality with these 4 RINOs and the Congress and the rest of the administration?
982 military deaths per year vs 80 from Covid.

Finally... LOOK again at the table! What percentage as the highest % of deaths???
Over 75 years of age! Folks
A) NO ONE is in the military at 75 years on more!
B) Most of the military will be in healthy shape due to the regime.... training, etc...

So again... why are these 4 RINOs and rest of the Democrats so totally ignorant of the numbers!!!

Romney, Rounds, Cassidy, and Collins aren't "Government Of the People" Senators. They're "Government Of Biden" Senators. (GOBs)

May fuck be upon their heads. And that Liz Cheney asshole too.
So again... why are these 4 RINOs and rest of the Democrats so totally ignorant of the numbers!!!

Speaking as someone that was a loyal GOP voter for 40 years and as retired Navy Chief Petty Officer...

I say good on them. COVID-19's impact on the military is not just about percentages of deaths. It is/was about the impact of COVID on the militaries ability to perform the mission at the time and about infections overwhelming the military medical community to be able to cope with widespread disease. Individuals that disobeyed a direct order and were discharged should remain discharged and not "reinstated" (which means back pay and any normal promotions they would have been eligible for).

For example the USS Theodore Roosevelt was taken off line and out of deployment for months and eventually over that time period over 1000 sailors tested positive for COVID (about 20% of the crew). A direct result of close quarters that military personnel are subject to that doesn't apply to the civilian's not standing the watch.

Speaking as someone that was a loyal GOP voter for 40 years and as retired Navy Chief Petty Officer...

I say good on them. COVID-19's impact on the military is not just about percentages of deaths. It is/was about the impact of COVID on the militaries ability to perform the mission at the time and about infections overwhelming the military medical community to be able to cope with widespread disease. Individuals that disobeyed a direct order and were discharged should remain discharged and not "reinstated" (which means back pay and any normal promotions they would have been eligible for).

For example the USS Theodore Roosevelt was taken off line and out of deployment for months and eventually over that time period over 1000 sailors tested positive for COVID (about 20% of the crew). A direct result of close quarters that military personnel are subject to that doesn't apply to the civilian's not standing the watch.


Without even a single thought about the current and long-term detrimental effects of the vaccine.

Boy if that wasn't a strategic blunder. :laughing0301:
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Speaking as someone that was a loyal GOP voter for 40 years and as retired Navy Chief Petty Officer...

I say good on them. COVID-19's impact on the military is not just about percentages of deaths. It is/was about the impact of COVID on the militaries ability to perform the mission at the time and about infections overwhelming the military medical community to be able to cope with widespread disease. Individuals that disobeyed a direct order and were discharged should remain discharged and not "reinstated" (which means back pay and any normal promotions they would have been eligible for).

For example the USS Theodore Roosevelt was taken off line and out of deployment for months and eventually over that time period over 1000 sailors tested positive for COVID (about 20% of the crew). A direct result of close quarters that military personnel are subject to that doesn't apply to the civilian's not standing the watch.

But the point is the DEATHS! 80 total deaths of military personnel from Covid out of 258,800 cases overall.
I don't think you understand the "SCIENCE" here!
Almost 95% of the "COVID" deaths in the USA were people OVER age 45! The term is "COMORBIDITY"!
After age 45 or more most people --BUT not even the military people) have other issues that COVID made deadly!
Comorbidity means .." the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in a patient."
But don't take MY words for it!
READ what the experts tell you!!!
Age remains the strongest risk factor for severe COVID-19 outcomes, with risk of severe outcomes increasing markedly with increasing age.
Based on data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) at NCHS (Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death By Age Group), compared with ages 18–29 years, the risk of death is 25 times higher in those ages 50–64 years, 60 times higher in those ages 65–74 years, 140 times higher in those ages 75–84 years, and 340 times higher in those ages 85+ years. Notably, these data include all deaths in the United States that occurred throughout the pandemic, from February 2020 to July 1, 2022, including deaths among unvaccinated individuals.

Risk of severe outcomes is increased in people of all ages with certain underlying medical conditions and in people who are 50 years and older, with risk increasing substantially at ages >65 years.4,5 Residents of long-term care facilities are also at increased risk, making up less than 1% of the U.S. population but accounting for more than 35% of all COVID-19 deaths.6-10

NOW the point I'm making is that again people didn't READ closely!
80 Covid deaths out of 258,800 CASES! That's 0.00354%!
WHY??? AGE!!! 95% of deaths in civilian population over 45!
WHY??? Most of the military personnel are under 45!

SO again you tell me why if the majority of military personnel are healthy, are under age 45 why weren't YOU so anxious about the
the 14,727 military personnel that died From 2006 through 2021, during operations categorized as Non-Overseas Contingency Operations (Non-OCO).
Doesn't make any sense... you excusing ignorance about the realities of COVID... 80 military deaths out of the 1.4 million in 2021 military personnel but zero concern about the 14,727 deaths.
Do you understand the real hoax being played on people like you?
Much of the issue is that our soldiers must be deployed to nations that still require foreigners to be vaccinated against COVID
Their country, their rules
So don't send them there. Simple. What happened to democrats cutting defense? Looks like Nancy increased the Defense budget!!
These truly dumb RINOs evidently don't understand REALITY of COVID and characteristics of most COVID related deaths.
Four Republican senators voted Thursday against reinstating military members who were discharged for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Now I can understand the idiot Democrats who DON"T comprehend numbers... but these 4 RINO GOP senators evidently are included!
FACTS regarding deaths from Covid.
1) of all Covid deaths in the USA As of 12/14/2022
View attachment 739777
Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0-18 Years | Data | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
2) Fact: US military has over 1.4 million in 2021,
3) FACT With 80 deaths and 258,800 cases overall, the military’s COVID-19 mortality rate sits at 0.03%,
well below the 1.6% mortality rate in the U.S. overall.
4) Total US military personnel under age 45: 1,333,822
So the question to these DUMB RINOs and the rest of the ignorant Senate...
If 80 deaths of 258,800 cases or 0.0309% of the cases OR 0.00599780% of the 1,333,822 died... WHAT THE HELL is the problem?

From 2006 through 2021, a total of 19,378 active-duty servicemembers have died while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. Of those who died, 24% were killed while serving in in what the Department of Defense (DOD) categorizes as Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO)—primarily within the territories of Iraq and Afghanistan. The remaining 76% died during operations categorized as Non-Overseas Contingency Operations (Non-OCO).
In fifteen years, 76% or 14,727 died in non-overseas action. Or 982 deaths per year... AND THESE IDIOTs are concerned about 80???
Concerned enough to force 3,400 troops who’ve been involuntarily separated from service for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, about 70 percent have received general discharges, service personnel chiefs said Wednesday.
AGAIN what is wrong with reality with these 4 RINOs and the Congress and the rest of the administration?
982 military deaths per year vs 80 from Covid.

Finally... LOOK again at the table! What percentage as the highest % of deaths???
Over 75 years of age! Folks
A) NO ONE is in the military at 75 years on more!
B) Most of the military will be in healthy shape due to the regime.... training, etc...

So again... why are these 4 RINOs and rest of the Democrats so totally ignorant of the numbers!!!
Not ignorant, just assholes.
So don't send them there. Simple. What happened to democrats cutting defense? Looks like Nancy increased the Defense budget!!

It doesn’t work like that

You are assigned to a Brigade. Personnel in that Brigade have specific functions. If certain personnel are left home because they are not vaccinated, then those functions are vacant.
But the point is the DEATHS!

Disagree, the point is mission readiness and the ability to deploy.

When you have to park a carrier in Guam for a couple of months, that is an example of "low deaths, but negative impact".

Listen, I don't disagree that the military as a population being younger and healthier isn't going to have fewer deaths. However military rediness is much more than just "OMG, not many will ultimately die if they get sick".

Disagree, the point is mission readiness and the ability to deploy.

When you have to park a carrier in Guam for a couple of months, that is an example of "low deaths, but negative impact".

Listen, I don't disagree that the military as a population being younger and healthier isn't going to have fewer deaths. However military rediness is much more than just "OMG, not many will ultimately die if they get sick".

Well why would the park the carrier in Guam?
The Navy soon began a process to quarantine and test the ship's crew in Navy facilities and hotels on Guam
but ultimately more than 1,110 sailors, or close to a quarter of the ship's crew, contracted the virus.
There was one sailor who died.

WOW How dangerous!
To study the incidence and severity of sea sickness among 500 naval personnel from various ships. Setting and design: An observational study conducted from May 2019 to March 2020 among 500 naval personnel from various ships of the fleet.
The majority suffered mild symptoms (78.78%) and did not require any medication. Their symptoms were selflimiting and settled on rest within 24 hours. Moderately severe symptoms were observed among 19.31 % personnel and had to be administered medication and rest for 24 hours. Only 1.91% had severe symptoms and had to be excused from duties along with medication and rest.
So why didn't the Navy quarantine these ships? 500 personnel... all unable to perform services!
Wow... But no quarantine!

1 DEATH out of 1,110 cases! 0.090090%!
Totally a function of the BIASED MSM not providing REALITY!
1 Death out of 1,110 young sailors...

Disease and combat mortality data from America's principal wars (1775-present) fall into two clearly defined time periods:
the Disease Era (1775-1918), during which infectious diseases were the major killer of America's armed forces,
and the Trauma Era (1941-present)
So were there any ships quarantined during those times? Of course not!
Speaking as someone that was a loyal GOP voter for 40 years and as retired Navy Chief Petty Officer...

I say good on them. COVID-19's impact on the military is not just about percentages of deaths. It is/was about the impact of COVID on the militaries ability to perform the mission at the time and about infections overwhelming the military medical community to be able to cope with widespread disease. Individuals that disobeyed a direct order and were discharged should remain discharged and not "reinstated" (which means back pay and any normal promotions they would have been eligible for).

For example the USS Theodore Roosevelt was taken off line and out of deployment for months and eventually over that time period over 1000 sailors tested positive for COVID (about 20% of the crew). A direct result of close quarters that military personnel are subject to that doesn't apply to the civilian's not standing the watch.

Failure to follow direct orders.

Fuck em
It doesn’t work like that
You are assigned to a Brigade. Personnel in that Brigade have specific functions. If certain personnel are left home because they are not vaccinated, then those functions are vacant.
Here's how it works.
You fight with the men you have, vaccinated or not. Otherwise the unit fails, duh. Losing good men for a stupid vaccination policy is moronic.
Outside the military there is no vaccine mandate.
Failure to follow direct orders.

Fuck em

Yeah cuz nothing says "AMERICAN!" more than the unquestioning kowtowing to oppressive and unjust authoritarianism.

Come to think of it, I believe Hitler said something similar when dispensing of some of his underlings.

And, for the record: Hitler was not a great guy.

You keep spectacular company. ;)

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