Mitt Romney: Federal Reserve Should Avoid Stimulus


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney says the Federal Reserve shouldn't use new stimulus measures to boost the still-sluggish economy.

The Republican presidential hopeful says he doesn't think another round of stimulus would help the economy, arguing that previous measures didn't work.

Romney tells CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview scheduled to air Sunday morning that business incentives are preferable to more government intervention.

More: Mitt Romney: Federal Reserve Should Avoid Stimulus
In other words, like House and Senate Republicans, Romney doesn't want anyone to do anything that may help the economy before Election Day.
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney says the Federal Reserve shouldn't use new stimulus measures to boost the still-sluggish economy.

The Republican presidential hopeful says he doesn't think another round of stimulus would help the economy, arguing that previous measures didn't work.

Romney tells CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview scheduled to air Sunday morning that business incentives are preferable to more government intervention.

More: Mitt Romney: Federal Reserve Should Avoid Stimulus

They wont though so relax.......Some one has to buy our debt. Why not out of thin air, its been working right?
In other words, like House and Senate Republicans, Romney doesn't want anyone to do anything that may help the economy before Election Day.
You don't even know what he's talking about.

"Stimulus" is the Federal Reserve ordering Trillions of dollars in money to be deposited in Banks WORLDWIDE (That's a fact, 7.7 Trillion at last count) so that they can play the stock market and loan it back to us at inflated rates.

By the way that's not "Stimulus" it's "Quantitative Easing". The guys in $5,000 suits who work at the Federal Reserve System made up that phrase to fool people into thinking it actually does any good.

It's a scam. We're getting f*cked.

This actualy makes me have some faith that Romney isn't just a Puppet Tool like Obama and Bush.
In other words, like House and Senate Republicans, Romney doesn't want anyone to do anything that may help the economy before Election Day.
You don't even know what he's talking about.
Even if it does help, it won't be anything but short term. And it sure as hell won't help long term.

"Stimulus" is the Federal Reserve ordering Trillions of dollars in money to be deposited in Banks WORLDWIDE (That's a fact, 7.7 Trillion at last count) so that they can play the stock market and loan it back to us at inflated rates.
Yeah... I hear you.

By the way that's not "Stimulus" it's "Quantitative Easing". The guys in $5,000 suits who work at the Federal Reserve System made up that phrase to fool people into thinking it actually does any good.

It's a scam. We're getting f*cked.
Smart man.

This actualy makes me have some faith that Romney isn't just a Puppet Tool like Obama and Bush.
Some faith?

Considering the US president, even if he wanted to, has no say into what the Fed does and doesn't do... I don't get why a guy who is running for president would mean two shits to anyone let alone the Fed.

Hell... Even Ron Paul doesn't even mean anything to anything when it comes to the Fed... Only congress.
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney says the Federal Reserve shouldn't use new stimulus measures to boost the still-sluggish economy.

The Republican presidential hopeful says he doesn't think another round of stimulus would help the economy, arguing that previous measures didn't work.

Romney tells CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview scheduled to air Sunday morning that business incentives are preferable to more government intervention.

More: Mitt Romney: Federal Reserve Should Avoid Stimulus
Would be better if more stimulus came from government, the fed can only so so much.
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney says the Federal Reserve shouldn't use new stimulus measures to boost the still-sluggish economy.

The Republican presidential hopeful says he doesn't think another round of stimulus would help the economy, arguing that previous measures didn't work.

Romney tells CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview scheduled to air Sunday morning that business incentives are preferable to more government intervention.

More: Mitt Romney: Federal Reserve Should Avoid Stimulus

No you jack ass, It means he does not want them to Further Devalue our Currency, Or Further Damage our Credit Rating. The Fed Is out of Tricks man, They can't Lower Interest Rates, and QE comes at a price we can't keep affording for ever. Sooner or later the Hyper Inflation is going to come. More Action from the Fed is only going to make things worse.

The Problem we have, and I wont blame it on Obama or anyone else, it's the System. Is that our Government can not ever look more than 1 election Cycle Ahead when they act, so what we get is Things that will make things feel and or look better in the Short term, and To hell with the Long term Consequences. Period. The Fed Res was suppose to be Independant to Avoid the Influence of BS like that on it, But clearly it is Beholden to the Same 2 and 4 year Cycle. Their Actions show it. Just keep trying to Re-Inflate the Bubble, Who cares what it will mean in 3 or 5 Years from now, Just so long as it makes the GDP numbers tick up some before Nov. Is all we ever get.

As long as we have Elections every 2 Years and 2 Year Long Presidential Campaigns, Were Never going to break that Cycle. Obama clearly isn't going to Change it, and Romney wont either.
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I find it odd that he doesn't want the Fed to do anything, but he wants to give a big tax cut to the wealthy. I agree that the Fed shouldn't do anything more, but Romney is talking out of both ends. This is why I just can't stand the man anymore.
In other words, like House and Senate Republicans, Romney doesn't want anyone to do anything that may help the economy before Election Day.
You don't even know what he's talking about.

"Stimulus" is the Federal Reserve ordering Trillions of dollars in money to be deposited in Banks WORLDWIDE (That's a fact, 7.7 Trillion at last count) so that they can play the stock market and loan it back to us at inflated rates.

By the way that's not "Stimulus" it's "Quantitative Easing". The guys in $5,000 suits who work at the Federal Reserve System made up that phrase to fool people into thinking it actually does any good.

It's a scam. We're getting f*cked.

This actualy makes me have some faith that Romney isn't just a Puppet Tool like Obama and Bush.

Well the 7.7 T loan isn't on their balance sheet anymore. Must have been paid back.
I find it odd that he doesn't want the Fed to do anything, but he wants to give a big tax cut to the wealthy. I agree that the Fed shouldn't do anything more, but Romney is talking out of both ends. This is why I just can't stand the man anymore.

You are Comparing apples to Oranges.

Romney Believes as most Economist do, that Only Private Sector Growth can Generate the Kind of job Growth, and Growth in the Tax base we need, to ease our Problems.

Nothing the Fed Can do is going to Help the Private Sector, Tax Cuts, to any Income Level do. Tax Breaks to Income Levels the Create Jobs, and Invest really do.

But, I am not suggesting I agree with Tax cuts now. I think were in to fucking deep, and I think we can not Cut Taxes, unless we massively Cut spending, and that isn't going to happen.

Basically everything we have done since the Collapse has only served to Delay the Inevitable Completion of a Correction. You have to Fully go through the Pain before you see the Recovery. We never let it happen, We put on Band aids. Now were scrambling to put on Another, But Eventually Were going to have to go through the Pain before a Real Recovery can happen.

But again, our Never see further than the Next Election Government will never admit that.
I find it odd that he doesn't want the Fed to do anything, but he wants to give a big tax cut to the wealthy. I agree that the Fed shouldn't do anything more, but Romney is talking out of both ends. This is why I just can't stand the man anymore.

You are Comparing apples to Oranges.

Romney Believes as most Economist do, that Only Private Sector Growth can Generate the Kind of job Growth, and Growth in the Tax base we need, to ease our Problems.

Nothing the Fed Can do is going to Help the Private Sector, Tax Cuts, to any Income Level do. Tax Breaks to Income Levels the Create Jobs, and Invest really do.

But, I am not suggesting I agree with Tax cuts now. I think were in to fucking deep, and I think we can not Cut Taxes, unless we massively Cut spending, and that isn't going to happen.

Basically everything we have done since the Collapse has only served to Delay the Inevitable Completion of a Correction. You have to Fully go through the Pain before you see the Recovery. We never let it happen, We put on Band aids. Now were scrambling to put on Another, But Eventually Were going to have to go through the Pain before a Real Recovery can happen.

But again, our Never see further than the Next Election Government will never admit that.

I can actually pretty much agree with that. I said this was going to be a ten year downturn when the recession started. I have never been opposed to cutting taxes in the past, but the fact is that taxes are at extremely low levels now, so cutting them further isn't likely to do very much other than continue to reduce government revenue.
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney says the Federal Reserve shouldn't use new stimulus measures to boost the still-sluggish economy.

The Republican presidential hopeful says he doesn't think another round of stimulus would help the economy, arguing that previous measures didn't work.

Romney tells CNN's "State of the Union" in an interview scheduled to air Sunday morning that business incentives are preferable to more government intervention.

More: Mitt Romney: Federal Reserve Should Avoid Stimulus
Would be better if more stimulus came from government, the fed can only so so much.

Because past stimulus programs have done so much?
We've had programs under Bush, and many under Obama. THey have been complete failures. The best "stimulus" is to create policies that encourage people to work harder and take risks. That is the opposite of the Obama Administration's approach, and the reason the economy sucks.
Would be better if more stimulus came from government, the fed can only so so much.

Because past stimulus programs have done so much?

Spending during WW II had a huge positive effect. Unfortunately we don't have that option right now because our debt was already so high going into the recession.

We've had programs under Bush, and many under Obama. THey have been complete failures.

Without TARP we'd all be in the bread line right now.

And the Obama stimulus prevented more job losses. : Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?

The best "stimulus" is to create policies that encourage people to work harder and take risks.
Ahh. So the 8% are unemployed because they weren't encouraged enough to work hard. Yeah.

That is the opposite of the Obama Administration's approach, and the reason the economy sucks.
I don't really see how that's the opposite. Did 300 million in tax cuts discourage people form working hard?
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Would be better if more stimulus came from government, the fed can only so so much.

Because past stimulus programs have done so much?

Spending during WW II had a huge positive effect. Unfortunately we don't have that option right now because our debt was already so high going into the recession.

Without TARP we'd all be in the bread line right now.

And the Obama stimulus prevented more job losses. : Did the Stimulus Create Jobs?

The best "stimulus" is to create policies that encourage people to work harder and take risks.
Ahh. So the 8% are unemployed because they weren't encouraged enough to work hard. Yeah.

That is the opposite of the Obama Administration's approach, and the reason the economy sucks.
I don't really see how that's the opposite. Did 300 million in tax cuts discourage people form working hard?
The typical "it could have been worse" excuse for failed policy. Obama's advisors promised UE would not exceed 7% if we passed his monstrosity. Instead UE has been higher every day of the Obama Administration than the day Bush left office.
The Obama tax cuts did not encourage anything except waste. Every program was a failure.
The best "stimulus" is to create policies that encourage people to work harder and take risks.

Because the 8%+ unemployed are unemployed because they weren't encouraged to work hard?

The Obama tax cuts did not encourage anything except waste.
Ahh. So you think cutting the payroll tax discouraged work. The making work pay tax credit - discouraged work. The 50% or 100% bonus depreciation discouraged capital investment. I see your argument. Its apparently the exact opposite of the one you would use to argue in favor of the Republicans returning tax dollars to tax payers.
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The best "stimulus" is to create policies that encourage people to work harder and take risks.

Because the 8%+ unemployed are unemployed because they weren't encouraged to work hard?

The Obama tax cuts did not encourage anything except waste.
Ahh. So you think cutting the payroll tax discouraged work. The making work pay tax credit - discouraged work. Funny how when Democrats give tax dollars back to the middle class it discourages work.

Can you read and understand a simple sentence?
8% are unemployed because the people working do not have sufficient incentive to go out, work harder, or start new businesses.
Cutting the payroll tax did nothing. It is a failed policy. Making work pay is a failed policy. They are all failed policies, and the numbers dont lie.
8% are unemployed because the people working do not have sufficient incentive to go out, work harder, or start new businesses.

Profit is not sufficient incentive to work harder or start a new business? The present barriers to business are primarily lack of consumer demand and secondarily lack of available credit - not a lack of desire to make a living!

Cutting the payroll tax did nothing. It is a failed policy. Making work pay is a failed policy. They are all failed policies, and the numbers dont lie.

They failed - because they returned tax dollars to tax payers?
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Romney doesn't seem to understand that the Federal Reserve is mandated by Congress to both keep inflation low and encourage full employment.
I find it odd that he doesn't want the Fed to do anything, but he wants to give a big tax cut to the wealthy. I agree that the Fed shouldn't do anything more, but Romney is talking out of both ends. This is why I just can't stand the man anymore.

You are Comparing apples to Oranges.

Romney Believes as most Economist do, that Only Private Sector Growth can Generate the Kind of job Growth, and Growth in the Tax base we need, to ease our Problems.

Nothing the Fed Can do is going to Help the Private Sector, Tax Cuts, to any Income Level do. Tax Breaks to Income Levels the Create Jobs, and Invest really do.

But, I am not suggesting I agree with Tax cuts now. I think were in to fucking deep, and I think we can not Cut Taxes, unless we massively Cut spending, and that isn't going to happen.

Basically everything we have done since the Collapse has only served to Delay the Inevitable Completion of a Correction. You have to Fully go through the Pain before you see the Recovery. We never let it happen, We put on Band aids. Now were scrambling to put on Another, But Eventually Were going to have to go through the Pain before a Real Recovery can happen.

But again, our Never see further than the Next Election Government will never admit that.
Thank you for a well thought post, but I would like to run a couple of Romney's platform on what his plan is and get your opinion:

Mitt's Plan

Mitt Romney believes that free trade is essential to restoring robust economic growth and creating jobs. We need to open new markets beyond our borders for American goods and services on terms that work for America.
Opening New Markets
Every president beginning with Ronald Reagan has recognized the power of open markets and pursued them on behalf of the United States. George W. Bush successfully negotiated eleven FTAs, encompassing sixteen countries. He also had the vision to commence negotiations with a number of allies around the Pacific Rim to expand significantly the Trans-Pacific Partnership. All told, these agreements have enabled people across the world to come together and build a better future. Economists estimate that the agreements have led to the creation of 5.4 million new American jobs and support a total of nearly 18 million jobs. Looking beyond just our FTA partners, our total exports support nearly 10 million American jobs. These are not just jobs; they’re good jobs, paying significantly above average, and more than one-third are in manufacturing.

  • Reinstate the president’s Trade Promotion Authority
  • Complete negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
  • Pursue new trade agreements with nations committed to free enterprise and open markets
  • Create the Reagan Economic Zone
Confronting China
China presents a broad set of problems that cry out urgently for solutions. It is time to end the Obama administration’s acquiescence to the one-way arrangements the Chinese have come to enjoy. We need a fresh and fearless approach to that trade relationship. Our first priority must be to put on the table all unilateral actions within our power to ensure that the Chinese adhere to existing agreements. Anyone with business experience knows that you can succeed in a negotiation only if you are willing to walk away. If we want the Chinese to play by the rules, we must be willing to say “no more” to a relationship that too often benefits them and harms us.​

  • Increase CBP resources to prevent the illegal entry of goods into our market
  • Increase USTR resources to pursue and support litigation against unfair trade practices
  • Use unilateral and multilateral punitive measures to deter unfair Chinese practices
  • Designate China a currency manipulator and impose countervailing duties
  • Discontinue U.S. government procurement from China until China commits to GPA

He also has other comprehensive economy get well plans that may surprise even the most calloused person who is tired of waiting to see which way the wind blows in the economy. :) It's all here: Americans deserve more jobs and more take-home pay.

Thanks for your perusal, Mr. Main.

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