Mitt Romney could be changing American politics forever.


You're on a roll - Keep 'em coming.
Mitt Romney has changed every position he's had for the last two years in the last three weeks.

Remember "Geo Political Foe" and the news it made? Romney never said it.

Let Detroit go "Bankrupt". Never wrote that article.

Out of Afghanistan by 2014. Good idea. Never had any other position.

The question here is if a candidate can change every position in the last couple of weeks, and the press doesn't challenge him, can anyone say anything and win? What does that say about American Politics????

One note. Tag apologized to Obama with "dad" watching on stage after the debate when the families were "mingling". I think dad made him do it. He really looked like he was "begging". Talk about "apology tour".
Hmmm.. Looks as if Obama was wrong. Romney did not call Russia a threat and he did support government guarantees for Detroit.He just didn't support Obama circumventing bankruptcy law and paying off the unions for their political support. :eusa_whistle:
The hot mic

In March 2012, at a summit in South Korea, Obama was caught in a "hot mic" incident. Without realizing he could be overheard, Obama told Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more ability to negotiate with the Russians about missile defense after the November election.

"On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved, but it’s important for him to give me space," Obama was heard telling Medvedev, apparently referring to incoming Russian president Vladi*mir Putin.

"Yeah, I understand," Medvedev replied.

Obama interjected, saying, "This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility."

The exchange drew swift rebuke from Republicans, who accused Obama of caving on an important security issue. Romney quickly joined the chorus of critics.

In a March 26 interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, he said the president seemed to be willing to negotiate with Russians on matters he was hiding from the American people.

Said Romney: "This is without question our No. 1 geopolitical foe. They fight for every cause for the world's worst actors. The idea that he has more flexibility in mind for Russia is very, very troubling indeed."

Blitzer asked Romney if he thought Russia is a bigger foe than Iran, China or North Korea.

"I'm saying in terms of a geopolitical opponent, the nation that lines up with the world's worst actors," Romney said. "Of course the greatest threat that the world faces is a nuclear Iran, and a nuclear North Korea is already troubling enough. But when these terrible actors pursue their course in the world and we go to the United Nations looking for ways to stop them ... who is it that always stands up with the world's worst actors? It's always Russia, typically with China alongside. And so in terms of a geopolitical foe, a nation that's on the Security Council that has the heft of the Security Council, and is of course is a massive nuclear power, Russia is the geopolitical foe."

PolitiFact | Obama: Romney called Russia our top geopolitical threat

In the editorial, Romney said that "if General Motors, Ford and Chrysler get the bailout that their chief executives asked for yesterday, you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye." Romney argued that the auto companies should seek a privately financed managed bankruptcy, with the government providing guarantees to their loans.

You know, I noticed last night that Obama didn't really seem to understand the meaning of "geo-political foe". I wonder if Mitt schooled him on it after the debate.
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Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info


I know that some are saying the little twerp apologized to the president of the United States but did he really?


Yes, he DID say it.

Romney: Russia Is 'No. 1 Geopolitical Foe' - YouTube

Pretty bad when luddy calls you a lying sack of shit, rdean.


Go read his post again.


Dean, and Obama claimed Romney called Russia our greatest foe. Romney corrected him, saying he called Russia a 'Geo Political foe.'

rdean twists that and makes a strawman out of it, claiming Romney did not say Russia was a 'geo political foe.'

Romney did not claim he did not say it. In fact, he said he said it.

You aren't bright.

Links, please.

And destroy his silly strawman arguments?


I'm genuinely curious if Romney claimed that he never said Russia is a geo political foe, because that's not what he said at the debate last night. Also, in regards to that op-ed article he wrote, he didn't choose the title...the NYT did.

Romney was quibbling about whether he said "threat" or "foe". And while he may not have chosen the title, he said in subsequent interviews that letting the Auto Industry go bankrupt was the right thing to do. If you read the OpEd, he wanted those things to happen because he thought price of American labor was to high and that the Auto industry should "consolidate". In other words, monopoly and a destruction of Unions.

That's not what he's saying now by the way. He wants people get jobs and to make "higher wages". But really, unless the government introduces some sort of legislation to make that happen, without labor unions, and fewer places to work..wages will stay stagnant.
Romney is using a totally new method on running for political office. I don't know of anyone that has tried this tack before, I mean of being all things to all people. Speaking to the general public he is liberal, to his party he is conservative. Does his party know if this is real or a new political strategy, sort of a wink wink strategy. Makes one wonder does the man have no principles at all, or is this a new method and it might work? And the bigger question if it does work what will it mean for America?
And destroy his silly strawman arguments?


I'm genuinely curious if Romney claimed that he never said Russia is a geo political foe, because that's not what he said at the debate last night. Also, in regards to that op-ed article he wrote, he didn't choose the title...the NYT did.

Romney was quibbling about whether he said "threat" or "foe". And while he may not have chosen the title, he said in subsequent interviews that letting the Auto Industry go bankrupt was the right thing to do. If you read the OpEd, he wanted those things to happen because he thought price of American labor was to high and that the Auto industry should "consolidate". In other words, monopoly and a destruction of Unions.

That's not what he's saying now by the way. He wants people get jobs and to make "higher wages". But really, unless the government introduces some sort of legislation to make that happen, without labor unions, and fewer places to work..wages will stay stagnant.


When someone surrounds a one word quote with several sentences of spin, you know they are obfuscating.
And destroy his silly strawman arguments?


I'm genuinely curious if Romney claimed that he never said Russia is a geo political foe, because that's not what he said at the debate last night. Also, in regards to that op-ed article he wrote, he didn't choose the title...the NYT did.

Romney was quibbling about whether he said "threat" or "foe". And while he may not have chosen the title, he said in subsequent interviews that letting the Auto Industry go bankrupt was the right thing to do. If you read the OpEd, he wanted those things to happen because he thought price of American labor was to high and that the Auto industry should "consolidate". In other words, monopoly and a destruction of Unions.

That's not what he's saying now by the way. He wants people get jobs and to make "higher wages". But really, unless the government introduces some sort of legislation to make that happen, without labor unions, and fewer places to work..wages will stay stagnant.

The point is how Obama attempted to mischaracterize Romney's positions by claiming that he stated Russia was our biggest enemy and that he wanted to destroy American car makers...look, it's all a political game, and Obama gave it his best shot, but he overreached and fell short in successfully painting Romney as Satan to the majority of Americans.:D
And destroy his silly strawman arguments?


I'm genuinely curious if Romney claimed that he never said Russia is a geo political foe, because that's not what he said at the debate last night. Also, in regards to that op-ed article he wrote, he didn't choose the title...the NYT did.

Romney was quibbling about whether he said "threat" or "foe". And while he may not have chosen the title, he said in subsequent interviews that letting the Auto Industry go bankrupt was the right thing to do. If you read the OpEd, he wanted those things to happen because he thought price of American labor was to high and that the Auto industry should "consolidate". In other words, monopoly and a destruction of Unions.

That's not what he's saying now by the way. He wants people get jobs and to make "higher wages". But really, unless the government introduces some sort of legislation to make that happen, without labor unions, and fewer places to work..wages will stay stagnant.

You are a lying piece of shit, swallow, and easily disproved:

'ROMNEY: Excuse me. It's a geopolitical foe, and I said in the same - in the same paragraph I said, and Iran is the greatest national security threat we face. Russia does continue to battle us in the U.N. time and time again. I have clear eyes on this. I'm not going to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to Russia, or Mr. Putin. And I'm certainly not going to say to him, I'll give you more flexibility after the election. After the election, he'll get more backbone. Number two, with regards to Iraq, you and I agreed I believe that there should be a status of forces agreement.'
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Romney is using a totally new method on running for political office. I don't know of anyone that has tried this tack before, I mean of being all things to all people. Speaking to the general public he is liberal, to his party he is conservative. Does his party know if this is real or a new political strategy, sort of a wink wink strategy. Makes one wonder does the man have no principles at all, or is this a new method and it might work? And the bigger question if it does work what will it mean for America?

At the end of his first term, the left could admire him more than the right.:lol: The irony of all ironies would be if the old, rich, white dude made us a less divided nation.;)
Mitt Romney has changed every position he's had for the last two years in the last three weeks.

Remember "Geo Political Foe" and the news it made? Romney never said it.

Let Detroit go "Bankrupt". Never wrote that article.

Out of Afghanistan by 2014. Good idea. Never had any other position.

The question here is if a candidate can change every position in the last couple of weeks, and the press doesn't challenge him, can anyone say anything and win? What does that say about American Politics????

One note. Tag apologized to Obama with "dad" watching on stage after the debate when the families were "mingling". I think dad made him do it. He really looked like he was "begging". Talk about "apology tour".

Romney does not deny calling Russia our biggest Geo Political Foe dumb fuck. The Problem is when you guys try to twist that into him saying they are our greatest Enemy. He explained very well in the last debate that Russia is out biggest Geo Political Foe because of how they oppose us in the UN, and fight our efforts.

He also does not deny Saying let Detroit Go Bankrupt, Once again the Problem is you idiots try to twist him saying to let them go through Re-organization, And specifically saying the Government would Guarantee Loans, and Warranties. Into him saying just let them go out of Business.

He has never said it's not a good idea to get out of Afghan by 2014, Once again the Problem comes because you guys try and twist what he says. He says Projecting a Definite Time line is a Bad idea, not that you should not have one. His is the Responsible position. Unlike Obama and Biden who keep telling everyone we will leave Regardless of the Situation on the ground by a certain date.

You really need to pay more attention, and be more honest bud.

oh wait, nm forgot who I was talking to.
Links, please.

And destroy his silly strawman arguments?


I'm genuinely curious if Romney claimed that he never said Russia is a geo political foe, because that's not what he said at the debate last night. Also, in regards to that op-ed article he wrote, he didn't choose the title...the NYT did.
[ame=]Romney: Russia Is 'No. 1 Geopolitical Foe' - YouTube[/ame]

Edit:: It's at the 40 second mark. *shrugs* He does go on later though... So watch the whole thing.

Just... Because

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And destroy his silly strawman arguments?


I'm genuinely curious if Romney claimed that he never said Russia is a geo political foe, because that's not what he said at the debate last night. Also, in regards to that op-ed article he wrote, he didn't choose the title...the NYT did.
[ame=]Romney: Russia Is 'No. 1 Geopolitical Foe' - YouTube[/ame]

Edit:: It's at the 40 second mark. *shrugs* He does go on later though... So watch the whole thing.

Just... Because

[ame=]Mitt Romney: Russia is a geopolitical foe - YouTube[/ame]

Uh oh, someone's not paying attention.:eusa_whistle:

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