Mitch McConnell Filibuster's Himself


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
What a joke the GOP keeps being..


WASHINGTON -- A move to embarrass Democrats backfired on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Thursday as the Kentucky Republican proposed a vote on raising the nation's debt ceiling -- then filibustered it when the Democrats tried to take him up on the offer.

On Thursday morning McConnell had made a motion for the vote on legislation that would let the president extend the country's borrowing limit on his own. Congress would then have the option to disapprove such hikes, in a fashion similar to one that McConnell first suggested during last year's standoff over the debt ceiling.

The minority leader apparently did not think Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) would take him up on his offer, which would have allowed McConnell to portray President Barack Obama's desire for such authority as something even Democrats opposed.

Reid objected at first, but told McConnell he thought it might be a good idea. After Senate staff reviewed the proposal, Reid came back to the floor and proposed a straight up-or-down vote on the idea.

McConnell was forced to say no.
Debt Ceiling Bluff Called By Harry Reid, Leaving Mitch McConnell To Filibuster Himself

You can't make this stuff up!

I love that dummies on this board and other places have been posting the misleading version of this story.

They heard the Fox News version and ran to their computers.
I love that dummies on this board and other places have been posting the misleading version of this story.

They heard the Fox News version and ran to their computers.

They should watch the actual video tape.

It was amazing.

They're just a bunch of frustrated bigots who like being frightened....sad, but dangerous. They're the modern day, American version of brownshirts.
They're just a bunch of frustrated bigots who like being frightened....sad, but dangerous. They're the modern day, American version of brownshirts.

Pretty much.

But they continue to play this dangerous game..despite what it's doing to the country.

At least some of them are trying to sound reasonable.

But Mcconnell really needs to go.
This is the greatest story.

I hope the far-rightie Fox sheep are reading this and understanding just what happened yesterday.

Mitch stepped in his own poop.... then ate his shoe.
Look at this dummy here.

She has no clue what went on.

What a bunch of idiots.

Fox and Limbaugh continue to dumb down our country.

Not really.

People that watch and get information from them..already have a baked in view of the world.

Those folks just reinforce that vision.

This is what conservatism is all about.

But since they don't watch C-SPAN (or even understand how congress works) then they get their "news" from Fox and Limbaugh. That version is a dumbed down misleading straw man.
In this case, a lie. So they go about their day believing the dumbed down lie. And posting it here.

We try to correct them and they think we're lying to them because the truth contradicts their world view.

Mitch McConnell is an imbecile. He should be thrown out of congress. That fact shatters their view that the GOP walks a moral high ground.

They must plug their ears and run from threads like this.

Run away, run away....
Bump this thread down their throats.

Right-wingers, remove the sausage and suck on this thread.
they only see what they want to see.

its why they always fail.

bad info in

bad decisions out
Bump this thread down their throats.

Right-wingers, remove the sausage and suck on this thread.

This is the thing about "convincing" rightwingers about anything.

Piss and vinegar is going to work.

Heavy shaming and mockery have been known to get through their thick skulls.

Hence the popularity of the Daily Show and Colbert.


But most of that isn't mean spirited.

Jon Stewart seems to be pretty good friends with O'Reilly.

And, before he was punted, Rachel Maddow got along with Buchanan.
there is no sense in treating them with any respect.

They dont EVER return it and dont have ANY respect for facts.

redicule is correctly directed at them

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