Missouri Set To Throw 3,000 Parasites OFF Welfare

What years did you go to college?

Didnt,went to work and retired at 46.
I dont understand why liberals have this idea that people can't make it on their own without gov help.
have you seen the rules for means tested welfare?

Nope. Since I've never had to use any kind of gov assistance I havent felt the need to know the rules.
Give me a run down if you think it'll help your case.
you can't have any wealth to apply for means tested welfare; unless it is corporate, means tested welfare, then, you can keep your multimillion dollar bonuses.
You know how the Detroit institute of arts almost went bankrupt with the city? The people running it gave themselves bonus'. Had to give them back when people found out.

My brother is a VP. Told me rule 1 is feed the generals first. Rule number 2 dont forget rule number 1
It happens under any form of Capitalism; some on the left almost want to experiment with social equality regarding pay, merely to factor for that deficiency.
And sayit refused to tell me what years he went to college. He saulid the government never helped him. That means he isnt college educated because if not for the government his college would have cost $200k and tough shit if he couldn't afford it.

Once more for the terminally stupid one:
The issue for me is gov't confiscation of wealth from those working 60 hr/wk and earning $40,000-$60,000/yr, to give to those whose effort to earn just doesn't measure up. I went to a state college (paid for it myself) and have no problem with America subsidizing education for those actually there to get one. I also have no problem with gov't help for those who can't earn as opposed to supporting those who simply recognize that working 40 hrs/wk and collecting gov't benefits is as good as working 60 hrs/wk and not getting gov't freebies. Frankly, the whining by you bleeding heart hypocrites is pathetic (yet soooo typical). The fact is I've given more money to worthy causes than you will earn in yours.
I am all for student loans too, and also paid for my state college, but have no sympathy for those that spent borrowed going to Spring Break and other such foolishness.

Far too much money is loaned to young idiots who use if for things other than school.

Fuck 'em, put them in a debtors prison if they won't pay up.

Louisiana gives any Louisiana HS grad with a 3.0 four years free tuition, clock starts running when you enroll.

There is no need to run up a huge debt getting an education, if you aren't a dumbass in the first place
It started with the GOP reign after the Civil War...
some on the left in Alta California are easy to manipulate into practicing ingenuity merely to help bail out the South, as a moral obligation; so, simply complaining about it won't do any good anymore.

I think Texas should cut off the electricity to California.
just more practice with ingenuity, for us in Alta California.

I hope it works out better than the display of ingenuity you've shown with the water situation.
i guess natives may be praying to a rain god; it is raining today here in alta California. The last times it has rained, the rain gods have been pretty nice to us by having it rain gently for hours and mostly at night.

it is raining during the day, today.
I hope your state pulls through this ok.

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