Missouri Lawmaker Says Consensual Rape in Debate About New Abortion Laws

You are here: Home / Men's Rights / False Rape Culture / Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
June 19, 2011 By Paul Elam 1107 Comments

Editorial note: among the thousands of articles published over the years of AVfM’s existence, a tiny handful are cited over and over again by dishonest critics of the Men’s Human Rights Movement as ‘typical” content for this publication. With about a thousand articles a year published on this site, it should be telling that only a small handful are cited over and over again as if they are typical, rather than unusual. This is one of those few articles.

This particular article, penned in mid-2011, was written to illustrate the still-common phenomena among gender ideologue “researchers” of incompetently or intentionally misusing scientific evidence: twisting statistics in an invalid manner, or worse, simply repeating statistics that have been disproven or were entirely fabricated, known as the woozle effect. The entire below article is nothing but an illustrative example of what Murray Straus identified as “Evidence by Citation” and other forms of academic fraud in widespread and unchallenged use by pseudoscientific ideologues with PhDs, and it quite clearly says so if you just read it to the end: this entire article is a bunch of fraudulent lies, meant to teach a lesson about just how gullible people can be and how easily they will accept horrible lies about male sexuality but get angry about lies regarding female sexuality.

What should also be instantly noticeable to you is that the odds are good if you found this link recently from a site that angrily linked it as “typical” of AVfM content, it is actually quite old; if it were “typical,” why this same old article over and over and over again? And, right at the bottom, it has always stated quite clearly that the whole article is a satirical lie–and still, on a regular basis, people angrily refer to it as if it’s a serious article that reflects our everyday views. What this says about our attitudes about male vs. female sexuality, and just how gullible people can be when presented with information that looks scientific, and just how shallow and/or dishonest our critics seem to be, should give thoughtful readers pause.

The original article–which again, is nothing but a pack of lies, and which the very last paragraph explains to be nothing but lies–appears unaltered below this point. –Eds.

A university study, Romeo, Felicia F. “Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses,” AAETS. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.” The study of female rape victims concluded that the majority – 57% – of women who were raped on college campuses, reported feelings that were described as “positive” and “satisfied,” about the experience.

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
Further proof of just how reprehensible most on the right truly are.
As a baby murderer, could you expand on that?
Yep... plus he is a former law enforcement officer.

"A Missouri state lawmaker was met with hisses when he used the phrase "consensual rape" during a highly charged House debate on a bill that would ban abortions at eight weeks, including in cases of rape and incest.

Republican Rep. Barry Hovis, of Cape Girardeau, said in the chamber Friday that most of the sexual assaults he handled before retiring from law enforcement weren't strangers "jumping out of the bushes" but instead "date rapes or consensual rapes.""

Missouri lawmaker tries to walk back 'consensual rape' remark

These are the idiots making laws for people...

Can someone please define consensual rape?

So one guy misspeaks while giving a speech.

At least you idiots have something to howl about.

Misspeaks? Consensual rape is him misspeaking? :abgg2q.jpg: He went into full detail beforehand to try and classify that there are some rapes worse than others... trying to justify why abortion shouldn't be legal even in the case of rape.

He did not misspeak.

He was talking about consensual relationships and then getting raped, as opposed to being raped by a stranger that jump a woman in public.
You are here: Home / Men's Rights / False Rape Culture / Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
June 19, 2011 By Paul Elam 1107 Comments

Editorial note: among the thousands of articles published over the years of AVfM’s existence, a tiny handful are cited over and over again by dishonest critics of the Men’s Human Rights Movement as ‘typical” content for this publication. With about a thousand articles a year published on this site, it should be telling that only a small handful are cited over and over again as if they are typical, rather than unusual. This is one of those few articles.

This particular article, penned in mid-2011, was written to illustrate the still-common phenomena among gender ideologue “researchers” of incompetently or intentionally misusing scientific evidence: twisting statistics in an invalid manner, or worse, simply repeating statistics that have been disproven or were entirely fabricated, known as the woozle effect. The entire below article is nothing but an illustrative example of what Murray Straus identified as “Evidence by Citation” and other forms of academic fraud in widespread and unchallenged use by pseudoscientific ideologues with PhDs, and it quite clearly says so if you just read it to the end: this entire article is a bunch of fraudulent lies, meant to teach a lesson about just how gullible people can be and how easily they will accept horrible lies about male sexuality but get angry about lies regarding female sexuality.

What should also be instantly noticeable to you is that the odds are good if you found this link recently from a site that angrily linked it as “typical” of AVfM content, it is actually quite old; if it were “typical,” why this same old article over and over and over again? And, right at the bottom, it has always stated quite clearly that the whole article is a satirical lie–and still, on a regular basis, people angrily refer to it as if it’s a serious article that reflects our everyday views. What this says about our attitudes about male vs. female sexuality, and just how gullible people can be when presented with information that looks scientific, and just how shallow and/or dishonest our critics seem to be, should give thoughtful readers pause.

The original article–which again, is nothing but a pack of lies, and which the very last paragraph explains to be nothing but lies–appears unaltered below this point. –Eds.

A university study, Romeo, Felicia F. “Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses,” AAETS. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.” The study of female rape victims concluded that the majority – 57% – of women who were raped on college campuses, reported feelings that were described as “positive” and “satisfied,” about the experience.

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
Further proof of just how reprehensible most on the right truly are.

Those who did the scientific study of the female sexual response to rape were all academics...aka democrats
Last edited:
You are here: Home / Men's Rights / False Rape Culture / Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
June 19, 2011 By Paul Elam 1107 Comments

Editorial note: among the thousands of articles published over the years of AVfM’s existence, a tiny handful are cited over and over again by dishonest critics of the Men’s Human Rights Movement as ‘typical” content for this publication. With about a thousand articles a year published on this site, it should be telling that only a small handful are cited over and over again as if they are typical, rather than unusual. This is one of those few articles.

This particular article, penned in mid-2011, was written to illustrate the still-common phenomena among gender ideologue “researchers” of incompetently or intentionally misusing scientific evidence: twisting statistics in an invalid manner, or worse, simply repeating statistics that have been disproven or were entirely fabricated, known as the woozle effect. The entire below article is nothing but an illustrative example of what Murray Straus identified as “Evidence by Citation” and other forms of academic fraud in widespread and unchallenged use by pseudoscientific ideologues with PhDs, and it quite clearly says so if you just read it to the end: this entire article is a bunch of fraudulent lies, meant to teach a lesson about just how gullible people can be and how easily they will accept horrible lies about male sexuality but get angry about lies regarding female sexuality.

What should also be instantly noticeable to you is that the odds are good if you found this link recently from a site that angrily linked it as “typical” of AVfM content, it is actually quite old; if it were “typical,” why this same old article over and over and over again? And, right at the bottom, it has always stated quite clearly that the whole article is a satirical lie–and still, on a regular basis, people angrily refer to it as if it’s a serious article that reflects our everyday views. What this says about our attitudes about male vs. female sexuality, and just how gullible people can be when presented with information that looks scientific, and just how shallow and/or dishonest our critics seem to be, should give thoughtful readers pause.

The original article–which again, is nothing but a pack of lies, and which the very last paragraph explains to be nothing but lies–appears unaltered below this point. –Eds.

A university study, Romeo, Felicia F. “Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses,” AAETS. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.” The study of female rape victims concluded that the majority – 57% – of women who were raped on college campuses, reported feelings that were described as “positive” and “satisfied,” about the experience.

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
You posted Paul Elam's condemnation of the report as satirical and a pack of lies, and then you posted the research results as fact. What are you trying to tell us Mac?
I'm very glad that the editor of AVfM does not subscribe to this nonsense, but do you?
That's a law that only control's men's bodies?
I'm still waiting for an example that is legit....tho it is odd that a poster would think that murder laws only are designed for men. Really strange, that.

Women lawmakers vote on murder laws. Those laws end up controlling the bodies of men.

I have already laughed at you for the "just" moving of the goal posts. Your refusal to even try to defend that line of reasoning, shows that you know it is shit.

At this point, I have answered your question, and you are just playing stupid games to try to hide from the fact that you can't make an argument at all.
Murder laws control everyone.....unless you would like to make the case that women can murder someone and these laws don't apply to them. I'd like to see you prove that is the case.

And women vote on them, even though they control the bodies of men.

Ta Da.
They control all bodies...male and female. You are struggling with this, aren't you?
He has a huge issue with it. The fact is that he is only against rape if it is "muslim rape gangs " responsible.
Nature has developed a very intense desire for males and females to have sex. To insure the propagation of the species.

Society has set up rules governing the sexual behavior of men because of their frequent display they cannot or are unwilling to control their aggressive sexual nature in many cases.

Otherwise there would be much more rape than occurs now...that cannot be denied.

Look at scenarios where there is no law and order ...i.e. when Russian troops overran Germany...there was hardly a woman that was not raped in areas controlled by Russia...no matter the age of the female.

So men must accept a lot if not most of the blame for rape of women. Not to forget that in prison...that stronger men rape weaker men. You hear little about that...no one seems too concerned about that....not even liberals. The reasoning on that usually goes well they are criminals so no need to get concerned about that.

Also overlooked is the rape of men by other men in the Armed Forces.....something that did not occur very often in the past....but since the integration of the services it has gradually increased to a crisis point and has generated some concern in recent years....thous the main cause of it is overlooked...the desire of negroes to have sex with white women or white men....and that combined with rhip...rank has its privelege where black men often are in positions of power over white men and white women aka outrank them...gives them the opportunity to exploit that advantage whilst also making it difficult for someone to report anyone who outranks them.
You need to get help you sick fuck.
Consensual rape is when a woman decides after the fact that the sex she had with some poor guy was rape.
If the term consensual rape seems idiotic that's because it is but many men, mostly college students, have discovered after a night of consensual sex that they have been charged with rape so there you are.

A ridiculous name for a ridiculous "crime".
Just imagine, if you would, if males kept their pants zipped until they knew for sure that this was "the one".....

Birth rate drops even more, as normal courtship breaksdown.

The next generation is even more dominated by those men who dont' play by the rules, as they get far more play, and the rules following men stand on the sidelines.

Women end up more and more with men who treat them like shit, because all the good guys were told to wait for clear communication that never came.

SOund about right?
Why is it that men feel that it's acceptable to not "play by the rules"? Do they have fathers that teach them that? Do males have this over-blown sense of entitlement when it comes to women's bodies?...

I did not say that men don't play by the rules.

I said that those men that don't play by the rules would be more successful in breeding the next generation.

Do you wish to encourage bad behavior now and even more so in the next generation?

Because rules that punish men that follow them, and deny/reduce their chance for breeding, will do that.
"those men that don't play by the rules would be more successful in breeding the next generation"......in other words those who force themselves (rape) on women are more successful.

There are times when I seriously wonder if people think before they post their deep felt beliefs about these kinds of issues.

Big difference between, "kept their pants zipped until they knew for sure that this was "the one" "

and "rape".

Why did you lie about that?
Lots of laws control people's bodies.

Does it bother you when a woman gets to vote on laws that control men's bodies, or are you a complete hypocrite just spewing shit?
Name a law that just controls men's bodies.....name one.

I already laughed at you for moving the goal post you coward.

What more do you want from me?
Still waiting to see you provide us with an example of just one law that controls only men's bodies. No goalpost was moved....however, I am seeing a lot of deflection and avoidance on your part.

The idea that a male legislator is not qualified to vote on a law that effects woman's bodies, because he is not a woman, is utterly senseless.

You show that you know this, because you have made no attempt to defend or explain it at all.

All you do, is keep repeating it. Like a fucking asshole.
The fact that NO Women got to vote on the law is senseless

What? THe women that choose not to run for office, did not have that right? THe voters that choose to elect male legislators, did not have that right?

The idea that the male legislators don't have the right to do their job, because of their gender is stupid.
YOu were discussing laws that effect a woman's body. The "only" was added later, in order to move the goal posts.

This is you being dishonest.

Your speculation about what he meant, is self serving at best, and asshole of you at worst.

This is rich.

This politician said, "consensual rape," and you are trying to call me an asshole. Along with your post of defending him by saying that "consensual rape" is just not p.c., nothing wrong with it.

You're a hoot!


The way that you ridiculed me, while making no attempt to actually answer the question, ie what do you think he meant,

proves me accusation to be true, ie,

You are an asshole.
Just calling names at someone does NOT answer the question as to what laws are written that control only men's bodies....it just shows that you've got no answer. The more you insult, the more obvious it is.

I addressed that question, and answered it, AND I have asked you another, ie

what do you think that man meant by "consensual rape"?
Oh? What is that law that only applies to men?.....murder laws are not an example...they apply to everyone, male and female.

I addressed that question, and answered it, AND I have asked you another, ie

what do you think that man meant by "consensual rape"?
Why is it that men feel that it's acceptable to not "play by the rules"? Do they have fathers that teach them that? Do males have this over-blown sense of entitlement when it comes to women's bodies?
You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

LInk, or apologize to every reader for lying to them.
Why is it that men feel that it's acceptable to not "play by the rules"? Do they have fathers that teach them that? Do males have this over-blown sense of entitlement when it comes to women's bodies?
You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".
You are here: Home / Men's Rights / False Rape Culture / Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
June 19, 2011 By Paul Elam 1107 Comments

Editorial note: among the thousands of articles published over the years of AVfM’s existence, a tiny handful are cited over and over again by dishonest critics of the Men’s Human Rights Movement as ‘typical” content for this publication. With about a thousand articles a year published on this site, it should be telling that only a small handful are cited over and over again as if they are typical, rather than unusual. This is one of those few articles.

This particular article, penned in mid-2011, was written to illustrate the still-common phenomena among gender ideologue “researchers” of incompetently or intentionally misusing scientific evidence: twisting statistics in an invalid manner, or worse, simply repeating statistics that have been disproven or were entirely fabricated, known as the woozle effect. The entire below article is nothing but an illustrative example of what Murray Straus identified as “Evidence by Citation” and other forms of academic fraud in widespread and unchallenged use by pseudoscientific ideologues with PhDs, and it quite clearly says so if you just read it to the end: this entire article is a bunch of fraudulent lies, meant to teach a lesson about just how gullible people can be and how easily they will accept horrible lies about male sexuality but get angry about lies regarding female sexuality.

What should also be instantly noticeable to you is that the odds are good if you found this link recently from a site that angrily linked it as “typical” of AVfM content, it is actually quite old; if it were “typical,” why this same old article over and over and over again? And, right at the bottom, it has always stated quite clearly that the whole article is a satirical lie–and still, on a regular basis, people angrily refer to it as if it’s a serious article that reflects our everyday views. What this says about our attitudes about male vs. female sexuality, and just how gullible people can be when presented with information that looks scientific, and just how shallow and/or dishonest our critics seem to be, should give thoughtful readers pause.

The original article–which again, is nothing but a pack of lies, and which the very last paragraph explains to be nothing but lies–appears unaltered below this point. –Eds.

A university study, Romeo, Felicia F. “Acquaintance Rape on College and University Campuses,” AAETS. Web. 22 Nov. 2010.” The study of female rape victims concluded that the majority – 57% – of women who were raped on college campuses, reported feelings that were described as “positive” and “satisfied,” about the experience.

Study Reveals Female Rape Victims Enjoyed the Experience
Further proof of just how reprehensible most on the right truly are.
As a baby murderer, could you expand on that?
Clayton, have you ever murdered babies or is someone lying?
I already laughed at you for moving the goal post you coward.

What more do you want from me?
Still waiting to see you provide us with an example of just one law that controls only men's bodies. No goalpost was moved....however, I am seeing a lot of deflection and avoidance on your part.

The idea that a male legislator is not qualified to vote on a law that effects woman's bodies, because he is not a woman, is utterly senseless.

You show that you know this, because you have made no attempt to defend or explain it at all.

All you do, is keep repeating it. Like a fucking asshole.
Yeah...it's only one male legislator......:71:

Like this committee on feline health: View attachment 261404

Nice photos.


The idea that a male legislator is not qualified to vote on a law that effects woman's bodies, because he is not a woman, is utterly senseless.

You show that you know this, because you have made no attempt to defend or explain it at all.

All you do, is keep repeating it. Like a fucking asshole
Male legislators and ONLY male legislators are not qualified to make decisions on laws that effect ONLY woman's [sic] bodies. Just as you would not (I know you wouldn't) want a committee of only women legislators crafting and then voting on men's health issues.

Legislators represent the interests and wishes of their constituents. The idea that man is not able to do that, because of his genitalia is nothing but sexism.
You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".

"Let" was from the assaulter's perspective. Some 20 women have since come forward to say they didn't "let" him grope them.

Your moronic defense is like defending a rapist who says his victims wanted to be raped.
Why is it that men feel that it's acceptable to not "play by the rules"? Do they have fathers that teach them that? Do males have this over-blown sense of entitlement when it comes to women's bodies?
You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Why is it that men feel that it's acceptable to not "play by the rules"? Do they have fathers that teach them that? Do males have this over-blown sense of entitlement when it comes to women's bodies?
You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia

I moved on her, and I failed. I'll admit it.

I did try and fuck her. She was married.

And I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, "I'll show you where they have some nice furniture." I took her out furniture—I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She's totally changed her look.[3]

Later, referring to Arianne Zucker (whom they were waiting to meet), Trump says:

I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything.[3]

"let" equals consent, as you well know.

Dumb ass.
Again, trump said that... not the women he groped. Many of the women he groped said they didn't "let" him. i.e., no consent.
You can start to correct yourself by not treating every single man as an amoral beast. Not every man is a rapist.
I don't know if someone has told you this, and you stupidly assumed it was true or if that's your view of every single man you've ever come across because there is something wrong with your thought processes.

You are a flaming mess in any event.
You are absolutely right...not every man is an immoral beast....in fact the vast majority of men are not immoral beasts......I never claimed that....but there certainly are enough for this to be an issue, right? Especially large enough of an issue that 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before they even reach 18....and that the #1 cause of death of pregnant women is murder. You don't see this as an issue? You don't see a culture of "boys will be boys" as an issue? You don't see calling a presidential candidate bragging about sexually assaulting women as just "locker room talk" as an issue?

The President did not brag about sexually assaulting women.

That you lied about that, shows that your position is a lie.
He sure did

Married women too. He does not even respect the fact that a woman may be married

The Billy Bush video demonstrates that Trump believes married women are a target for sexual assault

Said the man too stupid to understand the meaning of the word "let".
How many women do you think "let" someone come up to them in public and grab their pussy? How many women like that do you know? Try doing what he brags of doing in public or better yet at work and see what happens.

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