Missing texts between anti Trump FBI agents uncovered by DOJ

the messages between the two agents were not the only ones found, debunking the clowny conservative theory that the Strzok/Page texts were somehow being selectively hidden.
""The OIG has been investigating this matter and, this week, succeeded in using forensic tools to recover text messages from FBI devices, including text messages between Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page that were sent or received between December 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017," DOJ watchdog says missing texts recovered - CNNPolitics
Who said they were selective? Any good criminal knows to shotgun a crime.
the messages between the two agents were not the only ones found, debunking the clowny conservative theory that the Strzok/Page texts were somehow being selectively hidden.
""The OIG has been investigating this matter and, this week, succeeded in using forensic tools to recover text messages from FBI devices, including text messages between Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page that were sent or received between December 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017," DOJ watchdog says missing texts recovered - CNNPolitics

They made a good try of it, didn't they?
I want all the other texts from the other agents restored as well. It is a legal requirement to preserve them for a reason. That the FBI allowed this to go on for MONTHS is more than suspicious. I think there are other players involved and their texts were also "lost" in this "glitch." They should ALL be restored in order to comply with the law, at minimum.
I just heard the oig found the texts in approximately 30 minutes.

Sure, they were gone due to a glitch and unrecoverable.
I want all the other texts from the other agents restored as well. It is a legal requirement to preserve them for a reason. That the FBI allowed this to go on for MONTHS is more than suspicious. I think there are other players involved and their texts were also "lost" in this "glitch." They should ALL be restored in order to comply with the law, at minimum.
Oig said they’d be more than happy to help. Wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t already done.
Actually now that the FBI basically lied to THE DOJ, Sessions has a right to recover any and ALL TEXT MESSAGES and make them available to Congress and THE PUBLIC, including messages that were on James Comey's Phone.
I was thinking about that. And if they really thought they could get away with it, I worry about how they ever got such a job to begin with. Glad they weren’t smart in this instance, but really makes you wonder. And to claim later over 10% of phones were affected, to make it look more believable! Really ?!?
Yep, just heard the oig recovered them in around 30 minutes.
So in other words the FBI made no attempt to retrieve them and simply told America to F off.
So the FBI continues to lie. And they made the stupidest lie possible thinking everyone is too stupid.
they're either guilty as hell
they're incompetent as hell

either way they gotta go.
At this point how do we know that the incriminating evidence has not been edited out?
It doesn’t seem like they would have had enough time to accomplish that with over 50,000 messages. Particularly how dumb they must have been to think they could fool the oig with their little disappearance trick.

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