Zone1 Minnesota's Criminal Justice System


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
Data consistently show a political narrative at odds with the facts

Executive Summary

In direct conflict with the prevailing narrative, the disparities that followed criminal offenders through the system were frequently more favorable to black offenders and less favorable to white offenders at every stage, including incarceration. • Minnesota’s criminal justice system is a system that deals with grossly disproportionate numbers of black offenders at the outset. Deflecting attention away from this fact and gutting accountability in a misguided effort to address “disparities” only subjects black communities to continued disproportionately high crime levels.

There is no white conspiracy to keep blacks down. The reason a higher percentage of blacks are in prison than the percentage of whites there is because a higher percentage of blacks are criminals.

The reason a lower percentage of blacks are managers and professionals is because a lower percentage of blacks have the necessary intelligence.

This is why blacks do not deserve affirmative action, and they do not deserve racial reparations.
There is no white conspiracy to keep blacks down. The reason a higher percentage of blacks are in prison than the percentage of whites there is because a higher percentage of blacks are criminals.

The reason a lower percentage of blacks are managers and professionals is because a lower percentage of blacks have the necessary intelligence.

This is why blacks do not deserve affirmative action, and they do not deserve racial reparations.

Why are more blacks criminals?

Why are more blacks in poverty?
I don't agree with affirmative action, because I think it hides the real talking points about the injustices within society. These need to be addressed, rather than making things more favorable to one ethnic group or another.
Why are more blacks criminals?

Why are more blacks in poverty?
I don't agree with affirmative action, because I think it hides the real talking points about the injustices within society. These need to be addressed, rather than making things more favorable to one ethnic group or another.
More blacks are in poverty because they tend to have less of what our economy values, specifically intelligence. This is going to become more of a problem, as our economy becomes more complex and technological, and consequently more demanding of intelligence. Computer technology increases the relationship between intelligence and income. It enables geniuses to become billionaires. It provides careers for people of above average intelligence. It destroys jobs for people of below average intelligence.
More blacks are in poverty because they tend to have less of what our economy values, specifically intelligence. This is going to become more of a problem, as our economy becomes more complex and technological, and consequently more demanding of intelligence. Computer technology increases the relationship between intelligence and income. It enables geniuses to become billionaires. It provides careers for people of above average intelligence. It destroys jobs for people of below average intelligence.

What "intelligence" do you need to make money?

Sometimes it's not even about intelligence, it's about who you know. But EQ is often the type of intelligence that gets people the most money. Being able to manipulate and the like. Are you saying black people have lower EQ?

Black people might end up getting lower scores, but in the UK black Africans get scores similar to White British. Black Caribbean (especially boys) do much, much worse. Is it because they're black? Or is it to do with their localized society?

In the 1980s the Yardies moved into the UK, they could get to the UK because the UK kind of controlled Jamaica (executions, for example, needed to be signed off in London) and had visa free access. By the early 2000s gun crime had risen because of the Yardies bring a gun culture. Those kids most susceptible to crime in London are black Caribbean boys. They're most likely to do badly in education.

Not because they're less intelligent, but because their localized society does not push for education, because parents are less likely to educate. Why? Because of what they went through, what their parents went through, it goes back generations.
What "intelligence" do you need to make money?

Sometimes it's not even about intelligence, it's about who you know. But EQ is often the type of intelligence that gets people the most money. Being able to manipulate and the like. Are you saying black people have lower EQ?

Black people might end up getting lower scores, but in the UK black Africans get scores similar to White British. Black Caribbean (especially boys) do much, much worse. Is it because they're black? Or is it to do with their localized society?

In the 1980s the Yardies moved into the UK, they could get to the UK because the UK kind of controlled Jamaica (executions, for example, needed to be signed off in London) and had visa free access. By the early 2000s gun crime had risen because of the Yardies bring a gun culture. Those kids most susceptible to crime in London are black Caribbean boys. They're most likely to do badly in education.

Not because they're less intelligent, but because their localized society does not push for education, because parents are less likely to educate. Why? Because of what they went through, what their parents went through, it goes back generations.
You need more than just a chart, you need to explain why this helps your argument.
My argument is that blacks tend to be poor and criminal because of their genetic shortcomings, and not because of white racism.

The evidence for what I have said is not only large, it is becoming larger as more is learned about human genetics.
My argument is that blacks tend to be poor and criminal because of their genetic shortcomings, and not because of white racism.

The evidence for what I have said is not only large, it is becoming larger as more is learned about human genetics.

If this were the case, then we'd never see black people in prominent positions, like President of the USA....
There's also plenty of white trash. Which kind of dispels your theory.
What "intelligence" do you need to make money?

Sometimes it's not even about intelligence, it's about who you know. But EQ is often the type of intelligence that gets people the most money. Being able to manipulate and the like. Are you saying black people have lower EQ?

Black people might end up getting lower scores, but in the UK black Africans get scores similar to White British. Black Caribbean (especially boys) do much, much worse. Is it because they're black? Or is it to do with their localized society?

In the 1980s the Yardies moved into the UK, they could get to the UK because the UK kind of controlled Jamaica (executions, for example, needed to be signed off in London) and had visa free access. By the early 2000s gun crime had risen because of the Yardies bring a gun culture. Those kids most susceptible to crime in London are black Caribbean boys. They're most likely to do badly in education.

Not because they're less intelligent, but because their localized society does not push for education, because parents are less likely to educate. Why? Because of what they went through, what their parents went through, it goes back generations.

What did they go through? Decades of black on black crime, and democrats constantly telling them they are "less than..."

Couple that with those same democrats telling them they deserve whatever they can steal, and the massive influx of illegals who are taking whatever jobs the black people could do, and you have an entire population that doesn't care about life, or bettering themselves.

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