Minnesota congressional democrat is a druggie!

"Radinovich’s run-ins with the law include 18 different crimes, five drivers’ license suspensions, even a possession of drug paraphernalia charge. Joe Radinovich isn’t fit to serve in Congress. Minnesota families deserve better"

He's definitely a great pick for Congress since it sounds like this joker will fit right in there, after all he already has a ton of relevant experience.
Now all the guy has to do is cheat on his wife with a porn star, grab a few pussies, and run a casino into the ground. Then he'll be ready for higher office!
What exactly designates a person as a “druggie” in your opinion?
:desk: Someone that can roll a joint in one hand while smoking a bong in the other, one has to have serious skills to reach the upper echelons of drugdom.

"He comes over, rips two major bong loads... he knows how to carb and everything!" -- Mersh, PCU
The GOP candidate has his own little email scandal. :lol:

Fun times.
Now all the guy has to do is cheat on his wife with a porn star, grab a few pussies, and run a casino into the ground. Then he'll be ready for higher office!

Yanno it wouldn't hurt to dance around mocking congenital disabilities, pull his pants down and claim he saw "thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops" ---- I mean that sounds like a drugged hallucination right there.
Now all the guy has to do is cheat on his wife with a porn star, grab a few pussies, and run a casino into the ground. Then he'll be ready for higher office!

That won't cut it ….. to make it to the Presidency in the 21st Century takes something really special, just look at what we've got so far.

George W. Bush; The kind of President you'd want to have a beer with
Barak Obama; The kind of President you'd want to smoke a joint and drop a tab or two of acid with
Donald Trump; The kind of President you'd want to double up on a porn star and rob a few banks with

… the next asshole to run for the office is going to have to work REALLY hard to meet today's standards.

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