Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan

The article was about income tax, silly.

The states keep raising taxes because they've lost so much property tax revenue because of the financial meltdown. Have you been sleeping?

Seems you are quite misguided, again. Or you just make things up.

Property tax is not at all the issue for the states. The owner of the property, be it the one who has a mortgage, or the mortgage lender, pays the property tax. If one defaults and the bank takes it over, theybank pays the taxes for the property.

States are losing out on state income tax, state payroll tax and state sales tax becuase of high unemployemtn and less consumer spending

“When values drop, it results in lower tax bills if cities don’t increase millage rates and last year Seminole didn’t increase millage,” said Dubov. “But it will get tougher to do for all municipalities across the county.”
Dubov: Foreclosures still a problem : Seminole Beacon - Tampa Bay Newspapers

Apology accepted.

And post will be deleted. I did not see you meant it from that standpoint. I was wrong.
Thanks for accepting my apology.
The article was about income tax, silly.

The states keep raising taxes because they've lost so much property tax revenue because of the financial meltdown. Have you been sleeping?

Seems you are quite misguided, again. Or you just make things up.

Property tax is not at all the issue for the states. The owner of the property, be it the one who has a mortgage, or the mortgage lender, pays the property tax. If one defaults and the bank takes it over, theybank pays the taxes for the property.

States are losing out on state income tax, state payroll tax and state sales tax becuase of high unemployemtn and less consumer spending

“When values drop, it results in lower tax bills if cities don’t increase millage rates and last year Seminole didn’t increase millage,” said Dubov. “But it will get tougher to do for all municipalities across the county.”
Dubov: Foreclosures still a problem : Seminole Beacon - Tampa Bay Newspapers

Apology accepted.

Also, the property taxes go unpaid for quite some time as the defaulters squat for a while before being forced out and then the properties remain vacant and fall into disrepair, meanwhile the town has a lien on for taxes owed, and the bank owned property does not pay off the taxes until a sale goes through.
Seems you are quite misguided, again. Or you just make things up.

Property tax is not at all the issue for the states. The owner of the property, be it the one who has a mortgage, or the mortgage lender, pays the property tax. If one defaults and the bank takes it over, theybank pays the taxes for the property.

States are losing out on state income tax, state payroll tax and state sales tax becuase of high unemployemtn and less consumer spending

“When values drop, it results in lower tax bills if cities don’t increase millage rates and last year Seminole didn’t increase millage,” said Dubov. “But it will get tougher to do for all municipalities across the county.”
Dubov: Foreclosures still a problem : Seminole Beacon - Tampa Bay Newspapers

Apology accepted.

Also, the property taxes go unpaid for quite some time as the defaulters squat for a while before being forced out and then the properties remain vacant and fall into disrepair, meanwhile the town has a lien on for taxes owed, and the bank owned property does not pay off the taxes until a sale goes through.
:eusa_shhh: I didn't want to make him cry.

also, the property taxes go unpaid for quite some time as the defaulters squat for a while before being forced out and then the properties remain vacant and fall into disrepair, meanwhile the town has a lien on for taxes owed, and the bank owned property does not pay off the taxes until a sale goes through.
:eusa_shhh: I didn't want to make him cry.

Millions faced tax increases under Reagans plan.
We survived that too.

And the American public can survive never ending tax increases until we're paying more in taxes than we keep... right?

Where does it end? Thing is, obama has seen to it that it CAN'T. Not now. He and his liberal jack ass parade have spent so much fucking money, now comes the beginning of the end. Get ready. Things are about to get REAL INTERESTING.

Your taxes are lower than they ever were.

yes they are thanks to bush and reagan....but wait till after november 2010.....
Seems you are quite misguided, again. Or you just make things up.

Property tax is not at all the issue for the states. The owner of the property, be it the one who has a mortgage, or the mortgage lender, pays the property tax. If one defaults and the bank takes it over, theybank pays the taxes for the property.

States are losing out on state income tax, state payroll tax and state sales tax becuase of high unemployemtn and less consumer spending

“When values drop, it results in lower tax bills if cities don’t increase millage rates and last year Seminole didn’t increase millage,” said Dubov. “But it will get tougher to do for all municipalities across the county.”
Dubov: Foreclosures still a problem : Seminole Beacon - Tampa Bay Newspapers

Apology accepted.

And post will be deleted. I did not see you meant it from that standpoint. I was wrong.
Thanks for accepting my apology.
This is what happens in Florida if property taxes aren't paid. It's not necessarily the obligation of the mortgage holder to pay them...and it can take years for the state to recoop the loss.

Multiply this by the thousands and thousands of foreclosures in Florida, and you get an idea of how much just this one state is hurting because of the financial meltdown.

What happens if you don't pay your property taxe... - JustAnswer
And this article isn't even talking about the effect his deficit is going to have on our great-great grandchildren.

Tax cuts, unfunded wars and lack regulations will do that to an economy.

Someday you end up having to pay the piper.

Rs think you NEVER have to pay the piper

Tax Cuts? Yes, in a time of war I don't see the logic in cutting Taxes with 2 wars going on.. You finally got me to agree with you.

Unfunded Wars? I'm pretty sure, we passed the Resolution to enter Iraq, both Democrats and Republicans voted on it.. So that means it WAS funded..

Regulations do more harm than good to a Capitalist Economy. Read what Laissez-faire is all about..

We do, It's called being a Law-Abiding Citizen.

We don't? Last I checked we do.

You still believe the Tea Party don't wanna pay any taxes at all? surely the MSM has made you think that..
Millions face tax increases under Dems budget plan - Yahoo! News

Isn't it funny how this ALWAYS ends up being the Democrat's plan?

So this thread and the rants within are based solely upon that fact that IF the AMT doesn't get addressed, like it is every year according to the article, by 2012 then 33 million people will face a tax hike?

Then you have the fact that your own article admits that

The looming tax hikes result from the structure of President George W. Bush's 2001 and 2003 tax bills, whose provisions generally expire at the end of this year.

So do you have anything REAL to complain about or is this spin all you have??
And the American public can survive never ending tax increases until we're paying more in taxes than we keep... right?

Where does it end? Thing is, obama has seen to it that it CAN'T. Not now. He and his liberal jack ass parade have spent so much fucking money, now comes the beginning of the end. Get ready. Things are about to get REAL INTERESTING.

Your taxes are lower than they ever were.


So with 2 wars going on, a new Health Care Bill passed, Stimulus Package, Bailout, and a Jobs Bill our Taxes are lower than ever? :eusa_eh:

What happens when the Bush Tax Cuts expire? Exactly.

One of the reasons republicans set up the tax cuts to expire so they could use it as a tool to manipulate ignorant morons into defending them every time they reached their expiration date and claim that if you don't extend them you are raising taxes.
Another reason is that due to the fact that they had an expiration date then they (republicans) didn't have to include the tax cut numbers in future budget projections that went beyond their expiration date. Kept bush's budget projection numbers lower than reality would show IF they had been made permanent.

Republicans had chances to make them permanent and chose NOT to do so. So if you wish to blame anyone for them expiring you only have one RIGHT leaning group to blame.
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wow where did all of those bandwagon jumping rigthies go?? They seemed to jump onto this thread to attack obama pretty quick and then disappeared just as quickly. I can't imagine why. LOL
And this article isn't even talking about the effect his deficit is going to have on our great-great grandchildren.

That is for another day.

It does show again how bankrupt washington is, they just keep right on spending and then raising taxes which won't be used to pay anything off, but for more spending.
And this article isn't even talking about the effect his deficit is going to have on our great-great grandchildren.

That is for another day.

It does show again how bankrupt washington is, they just keep right on spending and then raising taxes which won't be used to pay anything off, but for more spending.

The only thing this thread shows is that you are desperate to make something out of NOTHING.

Your own article admits that the AMT is updated every year and you whole argument and claim that taxes will be increased is based on the ASSUMPTION that in 2012 this update won't occur.

However, thanks for the rehash of the spin.
And this article isn't even talking about the effect his deficit is going to have on our great-great grandchildren.

That is for another day.

It does show again how bankrupt washington is, they just keep right on spending and then raising taxes which won't be used to pay anything off, but for more spending.

Did you mean

A) Financial Bankrupt

B) Morally Bankrupt

C) Both of the above?

And this article isn't even talking about the effect his deficit is going to have on our great-great grandchildren.

That is for another day.

It does show again how bankrupt washington is, they just keep right on spending and then raising taxes which won't be used to pay anything off, but for more spending.

Did you mean

A) Financial Bankrupt

B) Morally Bankrupt

C) Both of the above?


It depends, in this alternate reality are republicans in charge?? if so then I would definitely have to say C. Actually 'B' would fit the current reality quite well where righties are conerned.
That is for another day.

It does show again how bankrupt washington is, they just keep right on spending and then raising taxes which won't be used to pay anything off, but for more spending.

Did you mean

A) Financial Bankrupt

B) Morally Bankrupt

C) Both of the above?


It depends, in this alternate reality are republicans in charge?? if so then I would definitely have to say C. Actually 'B' would fit the current reality quite well where righties are conerned.

Unfortunately, I don't have the same faith in the left that you have... in some ways I envy you, in that you seem to have a blind faith in slightly more than half of our elected officials. I truly wish I could feel the same faith.

I have to say that for me, I believe the entire lot of Nationally elected official are corrupt or well on their way to being so. I do not believe that they start out that way. Most, if not all, start out with the express intent of making America a better place, but the system eventually wears them down. It's not their fault, but it just plain happens.

And this article isn't even talking about the effect his deficit is going to have on our great-great grandchildren.

That is for another day.

It does show again how bankrupt washington is, they just keep right on spending and then raising taxes which won't be used to pay anything off, but for more spending.

Did you mean

A) Financial Bankrupt

B) Morally Bankrupt

C) Both of the above?

Both obviously.
Did you mean

A) Financial Bankrupt

B) Morally Bankrupt

C) Both of the above?


It depends, in this alternate reality are republicans in charge?? if so then I would definitely have to say C. Actually 'B' would fit the current reality quite well where righties are conerned.

Unfortunately, I don't have the same faith in the left that you have... in some ways I envy you, in that you seem to have a blind faith in slightly more than half of our elected officials. I truly wish I could feel the same faith.

I have to say that for me, I believe the entire lot of Nationally elected official are corrupt or well on their way to being so. I do not believe that they start out that way. Most, if not all, start out with the express intent of making America a better place, but the system eventually wears them down. It's not their fault, but it just plain happens.


uh I don't have blind faith in the left. I just know I don't like the fact that the right goes out of their way to see and create evil in the left to the point that they will just make it up if they think they will gain politically.
nonexistent death panels, this is a bailout bill claims based on a talking poiint memo produced before the bill was written as they hold the nation hostage to get their way, obama nationalized student loans when all he did was end the socialistic program of subsidizing student loans with federal money, obamacare is a take over of the healthcare industry when no such takeover is in the bill, and obama is a socialist becuase he took over GM because they took bailout money and in no way shape or form is it considered a take over of the auto industry by any honest person.

When the right makes up shit like this because they believe that a failure on the parts of democrats is a boon to them as the country waits for and demands that something be done I can harldy have any faith that the right will do what's right.
They are playing politics while claiming that they too want to get things done even as they do everything in their power to create a stalemate.

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