Migrant 'Influencer': 'Work Is for Slaves,' Thanks 'Papa Biden' for Free Lifestyle


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Migrant 'Influencer': 'Work Is for Slaves,' Thanks 'Papa Biden' for Free Lifestyle​

27 Mar 2024 ~~ By David Strom

"Papa Biden" is paving the streets with gold for illegal immigrants, brags Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who is recruiting people to come to the US.
He encourages illegals to invade homes and become squatters, so they get a free home by stealing them from Americans.

Nope, it's real. Leonel Moreno is an actual TikTok personality whose shtick is making videos for potential illegal aliens and teaching them to rip off Americans. "Work is for slaves," and Americans are suckers.

Moreno, if caught, might still not be deported. Since he entered the country illegally he has had a baby--a so-called anchor baby--who is now a US citizen.
I have nothing against the baby--how could I? She is an innocent infant. But Moreno will no doubt be able to use her citizenship as yet another tool in his nearly infinite toolbox to scam more money from the taxpayers. Given that he believes "work is for slaves," he will get even more money from you and me to keep up his lifestyle.
Moreno knows one thing for certain: if given the choice between looking out for American citizens and mooching criminals, Biden will always choose the criminals.

You simply cannot make this crap up.
For the most part Neo-Marxist Democrats continue to appoint fellow travelers as judges that legislate from the bench rather than follow the Constitution and the laws of the land.
The illegals and their Democrat Neo-Marxist promoters will just have to be put down by Citizens..Otherwise this experiment is over.
Venezuelans are an undesirable people, much worse than Chinese or Russians. They don't conform to civilized society. I've seen their lowlife ways for many years at the LL World Series. They all acted like this guy in the film clip, more like opportunistic criminals than asylum seekers. But this guy does have a point about slavery. Free trade gave neocons and Democrats unlimited slaves in other countries. Open borders are giving neocons and Democrats slaves right here. Now we have these criminal Venezuelans, who would rather become America's newest gang than contribute to this country. It all adds up to a bad time for the American worker. Trump would fix all of this in ONE day. MAGA.

Migrant 'Influencer': 'Work Is for Slaves,' Thanks 'Papa Biden' for Free Lifestyle​

27 Mar 2024 ~~ By David Strom

"Papa Biden" is paving the streets with gold for illegal immigrants, brags Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who is recruiting people to come to the US.
He encourages illegals to invade homes and become squatters, so they get a free home by stealing them from Americans.

Nope, it's real. Leonel Moreno is an actual TikTok personality whose shtick is making videos for potential illegal aliens and teaching them to rip off Americans. "Work is for slaves," and Americans are suckers.

Moreno, if caught, might still not be deported. Since he entered the country illegally he has had a baby--a so-called anchor baby--who is now a US citizen.
I have nothing against the baby--how could I? She is an innocent infant. But Moreno will no doubt be able to use her citizenship as yet another tool in his nearly infinite toolbox to scam more money from the taxpayers. Given that he believes "work is for slaves," he will get even more money from you and me to keep up his lifestyle.
Moreno knows one thing for certain: if given the choice between looking out for American citizens and mooching criminals, Biden will always choose the criminals.

You simply cannot make this crap up.
For the most part Neo-Marxist Democrats continue to appoint fellow travelers as judges that legislate from the bench rather than follow the Constitution and the laws of the land.
The illegals and their Democrat Neo-Marxist promoters will just have to be put down by Citizens..Otherwise this experiment is over.

moreno is more likely a "tik tok" influencer with a great scam for attracting conservative "clicks for cucks" .

doc. do you really think "libs of tok tok" represent any axtual persons?

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