Migrant caravan members may be planning ‘human stampede’ at US border: aid group

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
But some are growing impatient, and believe their best option is to plan a mass crossing.

“Most of us, yes, we want to be on the other side,” Jorge Molina, a Honduran migrant, told Telemundo. “Some want to jump over the wall, others to go another way, and others want to wait and see what kind of response they get.”

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But some are growing impatient, and believe their best option is to plan a mass crossing.

“Most of us, yes, we want to be on the other side,” Jorge Molina, a Honduran migrant, told Telemundo. “Some want to jump over the wall, others to go another way, and others want to wait and see what kind of response they get.”

Read more at foxnews.com ...

Majority are young males. Media will find the women and children, even if they weren't part of the caravan, and we will see them all over the news as they claim Trump is mean.

We don't know who these people are. Many joined from radical countries, and some in the caravan have stated that. Even Mexicans called them invaders. There has been a lot of violence.

Yet, the left cries about these poor people and wants anyone from anywhere to be able to come here and take advantage of us. Those young males could be home fighting to improve their own countries.

Most come from socialist and communist countries. Those places are hell because they don't work and people end up suffering. Yet, they'll come here and support Dems and do everything possible to turn this great country into the same shit they ran away from.

They need to go back and change their own countries.

Instead, they act like we owe them something. Always, they come to capitalist America because we are the best hope for a good life. Despite that, leftists bash America as being a horrible, racist country.

Our poor live like the wealthy in most of the countries these folks come from. Yet, the left whines constantly because we don't do enough. Never do they expect people to do more for themselves by making better choices.

We can't sustain these invasions, which is the leftist plan. They want us overwhelmed and taken down. And the idiots who think the left's policies sound good are willing to sell us out for this non-existent utopia.

Leftist policies do not work and will never work. But those who have been conditioned to think they are entitled to things by virtue of race, gender, or just existing are willing useful idiots who are too ignorant of history to understand what they are doing.


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