Middle Eastern Americans Should Reconsider Trump


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
While the Libtard media screams Islamaphobe and Bigot, it appears some people of Middle Eastern descent see Trump's positions as a defense of Americans. All The Donald has professed is a time out so the true background of immigrants from the area can be vetted. And who suffers most from radical Islamists? Those Muslims already here who are assimilating and savoring the freedoms this nation provides them.

To begin with, Trump is anti-terrorist and anti-extremist – contrary to the opinions of some bigoted individuals, neither label describes the vast majority of Muslims, let alone the majority of Middle Eastern people and their descendants. His rhetoric and policy suggestions have always been aimed at protecting the United States from those who wish to do it harm -- a noble and important goal -- not at unfairly targeting people of certain religious affiliations. And where he has mentioned Muslims without specifically qualifying that he meant only the small fraction of that enormous group who are terrorists, such as his discussion of temporarily banning people of the Islamic faith from entering the U.S., he has later clarified that he was speaking in general suggestions and not advocating firm policy.

Full story w/links @ Articles: Middle Eastern Americans Should Reconsider Trump
To begin with, Trump is anti-terrorist and anti-extremist – contrary to the opinions of some bigoted individuals, neither label describes the vast majority of Muslims, let alone the majority of Middle Eastern people and their descendants.

That's true, it doesn't. But Rump didn't describe "terrorists and extremists" --- he said "Muslims".

Guess where that leaves your post. Spinning in the wind.

His rhetoric and policy suggestions have always been aimed at protecting the United States from those who wish to do it harm -- a noble and important goal -- not at unfairly targeting people of certain religious affiliations

Spin all you like, but he said "Muslim". And that IS a religious affiliation, and it's contradictory to the First Amendment.

And where he has mentioned Muslims without specifically qualifying that he meant only the small fraction of that enormous group who are terrorists, such as his discussion of temporarily banning people of the Islamic faith from entering the U.S., he has later clarified that he was speaking in general suggestions and not advocating firm policy.

That's because he's a fucking wimp who can't take responsibility for anything that falls out of his yammering mouth. He knows he fucked up and doesn't have the balls to say so. Goes with the tiny hands I have no doubt.

Funniest thread today, easily.

And who suffers most from radical Islamists? Those Muslims already here who are assimilating and savoring the freedoms this nation provides them.

What an idiotic claim.

The persons who suffer most from radical Islamists are the Muslims and Christians and others terrorized and murdered in their home countries.

Those Muslims here suffer most from attempts by right wing nut jobs to equate American Muslims with radical Islamists.

Like Trump has implied, playing to his base that does equate all Muslims with Terrorists.

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