Microsoft takes a major hit


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
Last January Microsoft's Windows and Devices division lost a whopping 39% and projections are they will lose at minimum 24% in fiscal 2024.
Does this signal the beginning of the end for Microsoft? As wonderful as that may sound I doubt it will happen any time soon. Because of this Microsoft appears to be doubling down on their pushiness that is making their users more unhappy. Nadella has even remarked that Windows will more and more become a "billboard" for advertisers.

Can Microsoft recover from the collapse of its Surface business?
Last January Microsoft's Windows and Devices division lost a whopping 39% and projections are they will lose at minimum 24% in fiscal 2024.
Does this signal the beginning of the end for Microsoft? As wonderful as that may sound I doubt it will happen any time soon. Because of this Microsoft appears to be doubling down on their pushiness that is making their users more unhappy. Nadella has even remarked that Windows will more and more become a "billboard" for advertisers.

Can Microsoft recover from the collapse of its Surface business?
I consolidate my email accounts on Outlook. MS is going to dispose of it, eventually. Now they are offering a web version that sucks. It's slow and takes too long to load. Users are unhappy with that.
I consolidate my email accounts on Outlook. MS is going to dispose of it, eventually. Now they are offering a web version that sucks. It's slow and takes too long to load. Users are unhappy with that.
Microsoft appears to be doing most everything wrong. I'm wondering if the old corporate arrogance still lingers in the background. Granted when Nadalla took over from Ballmer he inherited an internal corporate mess and the Ballmer Microsoft arrogance within the upper echelons. While my crystal ball is still in the shop getting repaired it wouldn't surprise me that Microsoft will go the way of IBM if not the Dodo bird........
IMB's still around but is a shadow of it's former self because they made all the wrong choices and it fell hard and fast.

Notice I stated my crystal ball is still in the shop hence everything about the possible demise of Microsft is pure conjecture........ With a generous helping of biased wishful thinking on my part....... :cool:
Microsoft appears to be doing most everything wrong. I'm wondering if the old corporate arrogance still lingers in the background. Granted when Nadalla took over from Ballmer he inherited an internal corporate mess and the Ballmer Microsoft arrogance within the upper echelons. While my crystal ball is still in the shop getting repaired it wouldn't surprise me that Microsoft will go the way of IBM if not the Dodo bird........
IMB's still around but is a shadow of it's former self because they made all the wrong choices and it fell hard and fast.

Notice I stated my crystal ball is still in the shop hence everything about the possible demise of Microsft is pure conjecture........ With a generous helping of biased wishful thinking on my part....... :cool:
MS will eventually force users into an unwanted forced transition with the combining of Mail, Office and Calendar. If you are an existing user of the old version of Outlook, MS is trying hard to get users to "try" the new version. You may not be able to switch back (it's a trap) and by the end or 2024 you won't have any choice. The "new" MS experience will feature all the unwanted web related things that piss users off. Like ads. Lots of ads.
MS will eventually force users into an unwanted forced transition with the combining of Mail, Office and Calendar. If you are an existing user of the old version of Outlook, MS is trying hard to get users to "try" the new version. You may not be able to switch back (it's a trap) and by the end or 2024 you won't have any choice. The "new" MS experience will feature all the unwanted web related things that piss users off. Like ads. Lots of ads.
I'm lucky in a way that Windows Vista drove me into the Linux camp temporarily, Windows 8 sent me back to Linux and cemented that as my OS of choice. I have a Win11 desktop that is specifically a gaming machine and an old 13" Lenovo Yoga 2 that is still running Win10. It can't be switched over to Win11 so may ultimately go the Linux route if I don't sell it first.
I'm lucky in a way that Windows Vista drove me into the Linux camp temporarily, Windows 8 sent me back to Linux and cemented that as my OS of choice. I have a Win11 desktop that is specifically a gaming machine and an old 13" Lenovo Yoga 2 that is still running Win10. It can't be switched over to Win11 so may ultimately go the Linux route if I don't sell it first.
At work there is discussion about moving into Linux. Others aren't too happy. It's the transition factor. So many users spent years finally getting a grasp of an OS. Many haven't. WIN 11? Ouch.
At work there is discussion about moving into Linux. Others aren't too happy. It's the transition factor. So many users spent years finally getting a grasp of an OS. Many haven't. WIN 11? Ouch.
With the big three (Mint, Ubuntu & Fedora) the learning curve is easy. Well Fedora is a bit techier........
Also starting with Win10 up to now I've used Winaero Tweaker to block or completely delete almost all of Microsoft's most unwanted aspects and apps. StartisBack for the old Start Menus.
Richo, a major-major player in the printing industry, will switch their software systems to Linux by the end of 2024.
As explained to me, is the unwillingness of MS to make pro versions that do not contain any telemetry, automatic updating etc. which can break systems.
The system we installed in March, the server is actually running Linux in the background over Windows 10.
Last January Microsoft's Windows and Devices division lost a whopping 39% and projections are they will lose at minimum 24% in fiscal 2024.
Does this signal the beginning of the end for Microsoft? As wonderful as that may sound I doubt it will happen any time soon. Because of this Microsoft appears to be doubling down on their pushiness that is making their users more unhappy. Nadella has even remarked that Windows will more and more become a "billboard" for advertisers.

Can Microsoft recover from the collapse of its Surface business?
Even if you hate Microsoft and Windows, the PC as platforms depends on it. When the PC loses its importance, Linux will lose too unless the PC will be replaced by a console computer running some kind of Linux. But that is not what we want, right?
Even if you hate Microsoft and Windows, the PC as platforms depends on it. When the PC loses its importance, Linux will lose too unless the PC will be replaced by a console computer running some kind of Linux. But that is not what we want, right?
Your guess is as good as mine. Besides I don't hate Windows per se, I strongly dislike Microsoft though........
Your guess is as good as mine. Besides I don't hate Windows per se, I strongly dislike Microsoft though........
MS isn´t a charitable society but acts normal and as expected. I have several issues with Windows, too but it is still an OS that allows for the amount of freedom I want.
MS isn´t a charitable society but acts normal and as expected. I have several issues with Windows, too but it is still an OS that allows for the amount of freedom I want.
I never said or implied Microsoft is a charitable organization simply that they are going overboard due to their large revenue losses and pissing a LOT of their users off.
That means you don't need to knee jerk defend Microsoft.........
As for what it offers you, good for ya, whatever works for you. Whatever works for me is different, such is life.
I never said or implied Microsoft is a charitable organization simply that they are going overboard due to their large revenue losses and pissing a LOT of their users off.
That means you don't need to knee jerk defend Microsoft.........
As for what it offers you, good for ya, whatever works for you. Whatever works for me is different, such is life.
Sure and it is known that MS hardware, even if it was the first of its kind, like the tablet, mostly has been unsuccessful. So I wouldn´t link that to the company´s overall success. Microsoft´s cloud services are now their main income source, I guess. Also, in the gaming section, Microsoft starts to become a real big player, even with hardware.
Last January Microsoft's Windows and Devices division lost a whopping 39% and projections are they will lose at minimum 24% in fiscal 2024.
Does this signal the beginning of the end for Microsoft? As wonderful as that may sound I doubt it will happen any time soon. Because of this Microsoft appears to be doubling down on their pushiness that is making their users more unhappy. Nadella has even remarked that Windows will more and more become a "billboard" for advertisers.

Can Microsoft recover from the collapse of its Surface business?
The Surface which is a great tablet is way overpriced compared to its competition and doesn't control the market ala Apple's IPad.


But I believe you're conflating MSFT with it's Surface products which contribute less than 10% of MSFT's earnings.
Sure and it is known that MS hardware, even if it was the first of its kind, like the tablet, mostly has been unsuccessful. So I wouldn´t link that to the company´s overall success. Microsoft´s cloud services are now their main income source, I guess. Also, in the gaming section, Microsoft starts to become a real big player, even with hardware.
I basically stated (primarily) in my second post that anything concerning this large revenue drop and future results are pure conjecture and of course wishful thinking on my highly biased part. As for their gaming service? Where have you been? Windows is and has been from the beginning the primary gaming OS on the planet. It's the only reason I still have a Win11 machine dedicated solely to gaming. If it wasn't for that I would not own a single Windows machine.
The Surface which is a great tablet is way overpriced compared to its competition and doesn't control the market ala Apple's IPad.


But I believe you're conflating MSFT with it's Surface products which contribute less than 10% of MSFT's earnings.
Apple is some shiny Messiah and whatever they offer, the people literally rush to get it. At the same time, the name Microsoft has been linked to rude treatment of competitors and total domination. So when Microsoft comes up with phones, or mp3 players or stuff like that, it is a red handed purchase for many. If you then also add that the MS offerings, such as Windows mobile (beginning with 7) phones are garbage on the software part then you can only conclude that a massive defeat was inevitable.
I basically stated (primarily) in my second post that anything concerning this large revenue drop and future results are pure conjecture and of course wishful thinking on my highly biased part. As for their gaming service? Where have you been? Windows is and has been from the beginning the primary gaming OS on the planet. It's the only reason I still have a Win11 machine dedicated solely to gaming. If it wasn't for that I would not own a single Windows machine.
What I meant are the massive purchases of games companies that MS is doing and still plans. They even want Nintendo. So MS becomes are huge supplier of games next to the respective platforms.
The Surface which is a great tablet is way overpriced compared to its competition and doesn't control the market ala Apple's IPad.


But I believe you're conflating MSFT with it's Surface products which contribute less than 10% of MSFT's earnings.
It's an article and "I" never once claimed it was the end for Microsoft, the author made that conjecture. Basically I stated I didn't have a crystal ball therefore didn't know what would happen. I did however stated what outcome I would like to see.
What I meant are the massive purchases of games companies that MS is doing and still plans. They even want Nintendo. So MS becomes are huge supplier of games next to the respective platforms.
Well the government may put an end to Microsoft creating a monopoly in the gaming arena but we'll see.
Well the government may put an end to Microsoft creating a monopoly in the gaming arena but we'll see.
I don´t think so. Isn´t MS right now the supplier of the military´s cloud services? They are on good terms, I guess. And the Brits just okayed the Activision acquisition, whatever they have to do with it.

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