Michigan Democrats want to pass bill eliminating video surveillance of drop-boxes.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
The Dems are not even pretending to care about integrity any more. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

"If the Democrats sought to facilitate fraud, they might make it easier for organized vote fraudsters to bring Third-World-style ballot stuffing to America. Is that why you sponsored SB 0372, which not only mandates the placement of drop boxes in every community, it will remove the existing video monitoring requirement and change it to clerks “may” video monitor drop boxes?"
The Dems are not even pretending to care about integrity any more. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

"If the Democrats sought to facilitate fraud, they might make it easier for organized vote fraudsters to bring Third-World-style ballot stuffing to America. Is that why you sponsored SB 0372, which not only mandates the placement of drop boxes in every community, it will remove the existing video monitoring requirement and change it to clerks “may” video monitor drop boxes?"

If they cared so much about electoral integrity, they wouldn't be trying to gerrymander at every opportunity.
And they'd push for Proportional Representation.

They don't, because they'd FULL OF SHIT.
The dumbass voters of Michigan voted for drop boxes in 2022.
The part the useful idiots haven't figured out yet is the refusal of millions of us to comply with laws passed by a government we see as illegitimate. When millions make that choice, there isn't a damned thing the gob-ment can do but back down or open concentration camps.
Fine....That means they'll have no video when bubbas hook their puckups to them with a chain and drag them off.
They may or may not. Could be a good way to save money. It may be hard to know which ones are and which ones aren’t being videoed. Bubba would still be taking a chance, proving once again who the real cheaters are.
The people who are against voter identification, proof of citizenship or any other process that insures transparency and fairness, are all looking to cheat.
Believe it or not , it is not my mission to denigrate America ad nauseam, but this is Orwellian . Or , in better English , Unbelievable .
I see the Democrats are already hard at work figuring out how to steal the next election while avoiding any evidence of it.
The people who are against voter identification, proof of citizenship or any other process that insures transparency and fairness, are all looking to cheat.
The problems being encountered in America today such as voter identification/integrity translates to a former Democratic Republic turned into an anarchy based society, dominated by behind the scene power players manipulating the society with the divide & conquer strategy. Unfortunately history illustrates to us that when a society reaches the point that America is @ currently, that a new society/government will have to be installed even if it has to be created through martial law.
They said “may”. Could be a trap to catch those who think they can get away with something.

Is that a picture of one of the violent blacks threatening white voters with bully clubs in Philly?
No, we are becoming alert to the ways Dems intend to cheat and take action to prevent it.
All I’ve seen are MAGAmorons acting like fools, when they don’t get their way. Now they’re whining about their hand-picked SCOTUS following the Constitution, instead of Dear Leader!

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