Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Get real, we will Never be A HATED minority in our country unless we become so hateful that everyone that's not white avoids us, we still run pretty much every thing. and the rich educated & powerful stick to there own kind. reality is sometimes hard to accept.
Oh fuck this big dick ******..

Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.

The Bitter Half Lives
No scary movies will raise the hair on the back of your neck this Halloween season like the Return of the Bitter Half. Moonbats want her to run for president. The quintessential angry black woman is still out there ginning up discord by playing the race card:

Michelle Obama shared painful memories of growing up in Chicago’s South Side and gave a reminder to white people in attendance at the Obama Foundation Summit on Tuesday: “Y’all were running from us, and you’re still running,” she said. …

The former first lady … said she noticed white families packing up their bags and heading for other parts of the city and state of Illinois to be away from black people.

Why would people go to the trouble of uprooting themselves and abandoning the community they had built? Just to be mean?

Just to be mean? Yeah I dont think that was it

View attachment 287149

Blacks basically destroy everyplace they are not a small minority. Once they surpass 40% levels, stores close, garbage is strewn everywhere, violent crime increases dramatically, property values drastically decrease, industry begins to move out.

When the changes took place where I live, my doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place, my hardware store became a Goodwill outlet, my movie theater turned into a Baptist church, our floor place turned into a Manpower outlet, convenience stores turned into daycare centers.........

Our city stopped 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of black people without gang fights breaking out. Same thing happened to a nearby Catholic church that used to have an amusement park setup and gambling for adults for a long weekend. Our teachers are attacked at least once a month, and the school is breeding grounds for drug dealers.
Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.


She lives in a whiter neighborhood than myself. She is trying to stir up trouble and is full of shit. I see more white people living in Washington DC than I did 30 years ago.
So it doesn't take much to stir up whites then does it, doesn't even need to be real at all. Interesting.

Whites are the only racial group on earth that it is socially acceptable to hate.

Whites are becoming immune to the racism charges and hate from non-whites.
Always have been. That's where genocide and slavery in america came from.

Makes you wonder how and why Africans sold their own to whites in the first place and why/how any African continues to engage in slavery today.
Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

Most white people aren't looking for trouble, and the BLM movement has made any interactions between blacks and whites very problematic for the honkies. Black youths are considered to be Sacred Cows, if you even look at them wrong, the entire ruling elite wants to literally crucify you, like they did with George Zimmerman- who isn't even white.

Until this is all resolved, especially for young honkies, they are going to avoid problems and avoid dealing with the Black Panther /BLM crowd.

That is some truly pathetic wannabe victim bullshit right there. Nothing worse than a whiny racist.

Demonization [sic] of the white man is the central tenet of the left's new age religion. It's only been allowed to get this bad because of people like you acting like it's not a big deal and that we should just keep silent.

You realize that such weak, whiny nonsense is just the dance the far left wants you to dance, right?

It's not nonsense. It's the truth. The left thrives on instigating hate and resentment towards white people.

Why wouldn’t they...Generally speaking white folks represent all the Left hates...American history, culture, tradition, family values, morality, decency, Christianity, patriotism, nationalism, standards, expectations, normality, productivity, self sufficiency, heterosexuality...etc etc
Oh fuck this big dick ******..

Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.

The Bitter Half Lives
No scary movies will raise the hair on the back of your neck this Halloween season like the Return of the Bitter Half. Moonbats want her to run for president. The quintessential angry black woman is still out there ginning up discord by playing the race card:

Michelle Obama shared painful memories of growing up in Chicago’s South Side and gave a reminder to white people in attendance at the Obama Foundation Summit on Tuesday: “Y’all were running from us, and you’re still running,” she said. …

The former first lady … said she noticed white families packing up their bags and heading for other parts of the city and state of Illinois to be away from black people.

Why would people go to the trouble of uprooting themselves and abandoning the community they had built? Just to be mean?

Just to be mean? Yeah I dont think that was it

View attachment 287149

Blacks basically destroy everyplace they are not a small minority. Once they surpass 40% levels, stores close, garbage is strewn everywhere, violent crime increases dramatically, property values drastically decrease, industry begins to move out.

When the changes took place where I live, my doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place, my hardware store became a Goodwill outlet, my movie theater turned into a Baptist church, our floor place turned into a Manpower outlet, convenience stores turned into daycare centers.........

Our city stopped 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of black people without gang fights breaking out. Same thing happened to a nearby Catholic church that used to have an amusement park setup and gambling for adults for a long weekend. Our teachers are attacked at least once a month, and the school is breeding grounds for drug dealers.

Even bleeding heart lefties know what you say is true but instead of facing reality they invent fantasies to explain away the uncomfortable truth. Capitalism is to blame. Socialism will make black people magically transform into ideal citizens.
Liberal/Progressives (Democrats) must be so proud. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha..............
White Westerners stopped trading slaves. Look at Asia, Latin America, The Middle East and AFRICA. This is where slave trade occurs today. Must be all the white people in those countries.
She lives in a whiter neighborhood than myself. She is trying to stir up trouble and is full of shit. I see more white people living in Washington DC than I did 30 years ago.
So it doesn't take much to stir up whites then does it, doesn't even need to be real at all. Interesting.

Whites are the only racial group on earth that it is socially acceptable to hate.

Whites are becoming immune to the racism charges and hate from non-whites.
Always have been. That's where genocide and slavery in america came from.

Makes you wonder how and why Africans sold their own to whites in the first place and why/how any African continues to engage in slavery today.

Makes you wonder why blacks haven’t been fighting to get back to their homeland to Iive that amazing life they missed out on..huh?

Bo Didleysquat
So it doesn't take much to stir up whites then does it, doesn't even need to be real at all. Interesting.

Whites are the only racial group on earth that it is socially acceptable to hate.

Whites are becoming immune to the racism charges and hate from non-whites.
Always have been. That's where genocide and slavery in america came from.

Makes you wonder how and why Africans sold their own to whites in the first place and why/how any African continues to engage in slavery today.

Makes you wonder why blacks haven’t been fighting to get back to their homeland to Iive that amazing life they missed out on..huh?

Bo Didleysquat

Blacks are still trading Blacks today yet cry about the whites that stopped it 135 years ago. Why do Blacks still trade Blacks?
So it doesn't take much to stir up whites then does it, doesn't even need to be real at all. Interesting.

Whites are the only racial group on earth that it is socially acceptable to hate.

Whites are becoming immune to the racism charges and hate from non-whites.
Always have been. That's where genocide and slavery in america came from.

Makes you wonder how and why Africans sold their own to whites in the first place and why/how any African continues to engage in slavery today.

Makes you wonder why blacks haven’t been fighting to get back to their homeland to Iive that amazing life they missed out on..huh?

Bo Didleysquat

Why would they?

Blacks are the only race in the world that strive to move away from their own kind outside of groups that move away because of territorial or religious issues. It's okay when blacks do it, but when whites do the same, for the same reasons, it's racist.
Most white people aren't looking for trouble, and the BLM movement has made any interactions between blacks and whites very problematic for the honkies. Black youths are considered to be Sacred Cows, if you even look at them wrong, the entire ruling elite wants to literally crucify you, like they did with George Zimmerman- who isn't even white.

Until this is all resolved, especially for young honkies, they are going to avoid problems and avoid dealing with the Black Panther /BLM crowd.

That is some truly pathetic wannabe victim bullshit right there. Nothing worse than a whiny racist.

Demonization [sic] of the white man is the central tenet of the left's new age religion. It's only been allowed to get this bad because of people like you acting like it's not a big deal and that we should just keep silent.

You realize that such weak, whiny nonsense is just the dance the far left wants you to dance, right?

It's not nonsense. It's the truth. The left thrives on instigating hate and resentment towards white people.

Why wouldn’t they...Generally speaking white folks represent all the Left hates...American history, culture, tradition, family values, morality, decency, Christianity, patriotism, nationalism, standards, expectations, normality, productivity, self sufficiency, heterosexuality...etc etc

The books that modern day sociology departments preach as gospel all agreed that those things you mentioned were a blight on humanity and needed to be destroyed. It's a long term goal and is really starting to bear fruit almost a century later.
Oh fuck this big dick ******..

Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that white Americans are "still running" from minority communities when they move to another neighborhood.

The remarks from Obama came during an appearance at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago in which the former first lady, sitting next to her brother, Craig Robinson, spoke about her upbringing in the city and how her family moved neighborhoods because their mother wanted them to have access to better schools.

Michelle Obama: White people are 'still running' from minority communities

Geeee, look at that. First of all, if you are white, walking down a street and you see blacks in hoodies walking toward you, you better beware.

I encourage all white liberals to take a nice stroll in black Chicago. Please do that. Please, I beg you.

The obamas live in Martha's Vineyard. About as lilly ivy league white as you get.

The Bitter Half Lives
No scary movies will raise the hair on the back of your neck this Halloween season like the Return of the Bitter Half. Moonbats want her to run for president. The quintessential angry black woman is still out there ginning up discord by playing the race card:

Michelle Obama shared painful memories of growing up in Chicago’s South Side and gave a reminder to white people in attendance at the Obama Foundation Summit on Tuesday: “Y’all were running from us, and you’re still running,” she said. …

The former first lady … said she noticed white families packing up their bags and heading for other parts of the city and state of Illinois to be away from black people.

Why would people go to the trouble of uprooting themselves and abandoning the community they had built? Just to be mean?

Just to be mean? Yeah I dont think that was it

View attachment 287149

Blacks basically destroy everyplace they are not a small minority. Once they surpass 40% levels, stores close, garbage is strewn everywhere, violent crime increases dramatically, property values drastically decrease, industry begins to move out.

When the changes took place where I live, my doughnut shop turned into a check cashing place, my hardware store became a Goodwill outlet, my movie theater turned into a Baptist church, our floor place turned into a Manpower outlet, convenience stores turned into daycare centers.........

Our city stopped 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of black people without gang fights breaking out. Same thing happened to a nearby Catholic church that used to have an amusement park setup and gambling for adults for a long weekend. Our teachers are attacked at least once a month, and the school is breeding grounds for drug dealers.

Even bleeding heart lefties know what you say is true but instead of facing reality they invent fantasies to explain away the uncomfortable truth. Capitalism is to blame. Socialism will make black people magically transform into ideal citizens.

Most of the problems in the black community today are self-inflicted. Take my former neighbor for example: he bought a portable basketball hoop. Before you knew it, they had a yard full of black kids playing from the time they got home from school until past sundown. This wasn't once or twice a week, this was every weather permitting day, 7 days a week.

A few times I had to call the cops. I gave it until 10:00pm, and that was enough. I heard that bouncing ball, kids screaming, swearing N word this, and N word that all day long.

The kids ranged in ages 8 to 16. In that age bracket in our white neighborhood, every kid was in the house by the time the street lights came on; homework done; showered; in bed ready for the next day in school.

So where are their parent(s)? When that kid ends up dropping out of school because he was too tired to pay attention for months on end, they will blame the school system instead of the parent(s). When they can't find a job because of their lack of education, they will blame it on racism instead of extremely poor parenting.

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