Michelle Obama:"All this for just a flag"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
ETA: disclaimer: this is not about Michelle to me. It's about symbols and how we embrace them, don't embrace them and how we react to each other over this issue. We have July4th coming up and Canada Day and this search I did was the perfect example for showing an incident that reflects what I wanted to discuss.

And from the responses some are giving, this still appears to be a regrettable moment that really divided people. Again, it's not about Michelle to me. It's about symbols.

I did a search and I can't find another thread on this. This is beyond a regrettable moment. I don't even remember this from last year. Does anyone else?

The internet was buzzing this week with video of First Lady Michelle Obama apparently showing extreme disrespect to the American flag at a ceremony in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks.

As police and firefighters fold the flag to the sound of marching bagpipers, a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband and appears to say, “all this just for a flag.” She then purses her lips and shakes her head slightly as Mr. Obama nods.

I really like what the author of the piece has to say about this situation.

Perhaps Mrs. Obama thinks that all the pomp and circumstance she experiences in her daily life has something to do with her, rather than the unofficial office she holds.

If so she should disabuse herself of that notion quickly. The official gestures of respect shown to her are the same shown to any First Lady, and if she wasn’t married to the president she would be just another citizen.

Ruffles and flourishes are not hers by right, but by coincidence of marriage. Yet this is the same woman who said she had never in her adult life been really proud of America before her husband ran for president, so it is no wonder she might dismiss a flag ceremony as just so much nonsense.

All this just for a flag? Has anyone said, “All this just for Michelle Obama?”


TRR: Michelle Obama:
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to be honest blacks really have reason to respect flag when whites cant no even respect them . look at what the white trash people have done in america. Blacks were slaves, did not have equal civil rights and denied equity because whites could not be true people as a majority.
Note: I've asked the mods to move this to general. I wanted it to be a discussion not of Michelle Obama but of the flag, patriotic songs and other symbols of nationhood.

We've got our humongous Canada Day coming on July 1st and with July 4th approaching I was just wondering how individuals are feeling these days about displaying their patriotism.

One of my favorite July the Fourths was when my husband had been transferred to the Saturn plant in Tennessee and we were staying at the Holiday Inn in Brentwood and enjoying the crazy display of fireworks out our hotel room window. Two dads in the neighborhood across from the hotel positively had an arsenal of fireworks they were setting off. Little children waving flags and cheering their dads on as they lit the sky on fire.

It was sweet.
This fricking story is old. But the next five months are going to be a flood of regurgitated bongwater. We are going to be drowning in this brainless dreck. Because that is all some people know to talk about.

People see what they want to see in that clip. And those who suffer from a confirmation bias mental defect see her saying "all this for a flag".

Without any evidence whatsoever this is what she said, they then leap to fantastic conclusions about her attitudes and patriotism.

She could not possibly be saying anything along the lines of the way they "fold that flag". Oh hell no. That would make her a decent fucking person! Therefore, impossible.
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to be honest blacks really have reason to respect flag when whites cant no even respect them . look at what the white trash people have done in america. Blacks were slaves, did not have equal civil rights and denied equity because whites could not be true people as a majority.

Well to begin with, white children from Britain were the first slaves in America. Second up white adults from Britain and the Irish were brought over as slaves. Their descendants have reconciled their past and moved on.

And although it was the wealthy white elite (not trash) who enslaved blacks it was also whites who fought to free them.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2SQUXjxUS8]Michelle Obama "all this for a flag" - YouTube[/ame]

This fricking story is old. But the next five months are going to be a flood of regurgitated bongwater. We are going to be drowning in this brainless dreck. Because that is all some people know to talk about.

People see what they want to see in that clip. And those who suffer from a confirmation bias mental defect see her saying "all this for a flag".

Without any evidence whatsoever this is what she said, they then leap to fantastic conclusions about her attitudes and patriotism.

She could possibly be saying anything along the lines of "this is so sad". Or something about the way they "fold that flag". Oh hell no. That would make her a decent fucking person! Therefore, impossible.

Oh please check out my post in #3. The thread is not to be about Michelle but about how people relate to the symbols in their countries. I know it's from last year. But it's a great example of how people really flipped out about their perceived slight by Michelle.

I didn't even see anything about this last year. I just thought it was a great example of showing how wild people will get over national symbols.

Just recently Chris Jericho was almost drawn and quartered at a wrestling match in South America when he messed with I think it was Brazils flag.

Most people in Canada, although they are proud of their flag, don't have the same visceral reaction if someone insulted the Canadian Flag versus hockey.

We riot in the streets over hockey :D. Don't mess with hockey!
to be honest blacks really have reason to respect flag when whites cant no even respect them . look at what the white trash people have done in america. Blacks were slaves, did not have equal civil rights and denied equity because whites could not be true people as a majority.

Well to begin with, white children from Britain were the first slaves in America. Second up white adults from Britain and the Irish were brought over as slaves. Their descendants have reconciled their past and moved on.

And although it was the wealthy white elite (not trash) who enslaved blacks it was also whites who fought to free them.

are you really comparing these slaves to history of blacks slaves lol i have even gotten to civil rights

there is still no equality

Whoa! Didn't you read my posts? I'm not slagging Michelle. The thread was to talk about symbols of nations.

My last post was dealing with Chris Jericho in a huge amount of doo doo because he kicked the Brazilian flag during a wrestling match.

What's up with everyone today?
This has been debunked several times.

But feel free.

Post it agin! Yeeeehawww..

It's not about Michelle per se. You're missing the point of the thread. It's about national symbols and I've often wondered if we get blinded by the object /symbol

I like what the author of the piece said about the flag as a symbol.Hence the clapping smilies. And a lot of what he said made sense.

But I still wonder do we make too much of symbols and rituals? I've got Canada day coming up and you've got July 4th. I've just watched Britain dump quizzillions of dollars in a recession to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee.

Now it was a blast watching the Jubilee, but at what cost? We even flew over our Royal Canadian Mounted Police Musical Ride /horses and riders to the celebration.

Again, at what cost?
The thread is not to be about Michelle but about how people relate to the symbols in their countries.


You clearly said:

This is beyond a regrettable moment.

You were saying Mrs. Obama relates to the flag all right. You believe she relates to it with hate, and you based it on a "regrettable moment" where you believed she said "all this for a flag". It would not be a regrettable moment if she was saying something about "fold the flag".

So you drank the bongwater and now you are regurgitating it.
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to be honest blacks really have reason to respect flag when whites cant no even respect them . look at what the white trash people have done in america. Blacks were slaves, did not have equal civil rights and denied equity because whites could not be true people as a majority.

Well to begin with, white children from Britain were the first slaves in America. Second up white adults from Britain and the Irish were brought over as slaves. Their descendants have reconciled their past and moved on.

And although it was the wealthy white elite (not trash) who enslaved blacks it was also whites who fought to free them.

are you really comparing these slaves to history of blacks slaves lol i have even gotten to civil rights

there is still no equality

Many of the first slaves (who were children and were white) were abused, led horrid lives and died quickly. Suffered beating, endless work and misery. Death must have been a blessing.

A slave is a slave. Disgusting practice. Glad so many finally came to their senses.

But come on no equality? A black President, a black First Lady, a black Attorney General, highest paid athletes are black, Oprah one of the wealthiest women in the world is black, shall I go on? Fabulous strides in equality not only in race but gender and sexuality. In really a short period of time.

Our world in North America is by no means perfect, but compared to many other countries we've got something to celebrate. Like flush toilets:D
The thread is not to be about Michelle but about how people relate to the symbols in their countries.


You clearly said:

This is beyond a regrettable moment.

You were saying Mrs. Obama relates to the flag all right. You believe she relates to it with hate, and you based it on a "regrettable moment" where you believed she said "all this for a flag". It would not be a regrettable moment if she was saying something about "fold the flag".

So you drank the bongwater and now you are regurgitating it.

It is a regrettable moment. The whole schmozzola. I didn't even hear about it last year.

Once something like this hits the net it is regrettable because people will believe it just like people believe Palin said "I can see Russia from my back yard" or something like that.

So it is regrettable.

But that's not the point of the thread. It's about symbols. And how we relate or don't relate to them.

Haven't you read any of my posts?

ETA: by the way, I never said Michelle relates to it with hate.
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Wow....Obamacare ruled Constitutional and Wingnuts retaliate with lies that Michelle Obama hates the flag

Did anyone expect more?
Wow....Obamacare ruled Constitutional and Wingnuts retaliate with lies that Michelle Obama hates the flag

Did anyone expect more?

Wow. You're missing the point of the thread. It's about symbols and how we relate to them and how we react if someone doesn't or doesn't appear to show the same reverance to the symbol as we do.

Aye carumba! I don't even remember hearing about this before but it was the perfect example to put in the OP.

I really don't like my flag The design sucks. Love my country to death, but the design is lamo.

But there would be Canucks out there ready to kick the shit out of me for criticizing the design.

Chris Jericho got a suspension and was almost thrown in jail in Brazil for kicking the Brazilian flag during a wrestling match.

See what I mean? Have we become too serious about symbols? I did like the author of the articles explaination though of why symbols matter.

I'm divided still though. And I'm as patriotic as they come.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJgWMI0hch8]Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds - YouTube[/ame]

I can't view it. It would be a big whoopsie if she said it.

I know some feel that outward displays of what they consider "super patriotism" are over the top bordering on becoming ostentatious.

For years, so many up here didn't even want to wave a flag because they felt it would be "too American" to do so. Too over the top. Too Yank. Many felt that way.

No kidding. But interestingly enough, with wave after wave of new immigrants arriving on our shores and becoming "new Canadians" there is a real surge of visible patriotism happening up here.

The new Canadians just rock up Canada Day. Thrilled to be here and thrilled to be Canadian. It's been a neat progression. It's been great to witness. They've inspired so many now to be visibly patriotic just by making the Canadian born and bred crew realize how very blessed we are to live in a great country.

And that to celebrate that blessing is ok.

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