Michelle Costing Taxpayers Nearly $80,000 Just For Rental Cars In Trip To Japan

You don't think that the consevatives actually gave a fiddler's fuck about the expense of protecting the president, did you? They only cared when it was Obama. Now that its Trump....enjoy the serenade of crickets.

According to Judicial Watch the total for Obama's 8 years was 96 million. As of last week, the 1 month total for Trump is 25 million.

And conservatives won't say shit.
I just read a story about how Trump likes to have dinner at his hotel in DC, instead of eating at the white house. Can you begin to imagine the costs involved with that that the taxpayers have to come up with

We protect the President. The expense is what it is.

The part of this I find so stunning....is how once again our conservative posters wad up their own standards and wipe their asses with them. Demonstrating elegantly that they never believed the bullshit they were shucking to begin with....

.....or they only care about the expense when its a black man in the white house.

They believe whatever Rush tells them to believe. For example when John McCain was running they were defending illegals and nafta. Today they are against nafta and illegals. See back in 2007 they said illegals were doing jobs Americans wouldnt' do and they said we like the cheap products coming from China. Today they are so different.

It's evident at CPAC. Every year before this year they were a very libertarian group. This year they were a very nationalistic ANTI Free trade bunch. Strange.

Will Trump take government debt to record levels?


I say he's going to double the debt in 8 years. That would mean he's going to spend $19 trillion in 8 years.
You don't think that the consevatives actually gave a fiddler's fuck about the expense of protecting the president, did you? They only cared when it was Obama. Now that its Trump....enjoy the serenade of crickets.

According to Judicial Watch the total for Obama's 8 years was 96 million. As of last week, the 1 month total for Trump is 25 million.

And conservatives won't say shit.
I just read a story about how Trump likes to have dinner at his hotel in DC, instead of eating at the white house. Can you begin to imagine the costs involved with that that the taxpayers have to come up with

We protect the President. The expense is what it is.

The part of this I find so stunning....is how once again our conservative posters wad up their own standards and wipe their asses with them. Demonstrating elegantly that they never believed the bullshit they were shucking to begin with....

.....or they only care about the expense when its a black man in the white house.

They believe whatever Rush tells them to believe. For example when John McCain was running they were defending illegals and nafta. Today they are against nafta and illegals. See back in 2007 they said illegals were doing jobs Americans wouldnt' do and they said we like the cheap products coming from China. Today they are so different.

It's evident at CPAC. Every year before this year they were a very libertarian group. This year they were a very nationalistic ANTI Free trade bunch. Strange.
Politics before country

I'm ok with it. I'm sure we do it too. But this absolutely proves Republicans were full of shit. And just like papageorge said about Elizabeth Warren yesterday referring to her claiming to be part indian. If she lied about that, what else has she lied about?

Well same goes for this issue. If they were full of shit here, what else are they full of shit about?

And the answer is just about everything. Benghazi was just politics. Obama not being born in America was a lie. The economy being in real bad shape was a lie. Obama is doing a bad job with Isis was a lie. Global warming isn't real is a lie. Trumps going to bring back jobs was a lie. Trumps going to raise wages for the blue collar who aren't doing well because their jobs went overseas is a lie.
I wanted to let everyone know just how much taking care of the needs of the First Family costs us.

Rental Cars for Michelle O’s Kyoto Visit Cost $78,741



BY: Elizabeth Harrington
March 20, 2015 5:00 am

First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto is costing taxpayers nearly $80,000 for rental cars, according to a government contract.

Mrs. Obama, who is travelling to Japan and Cambodia for a girls’ education initiative, will arrive in Kyoto, Japan, on Friday.

According to the White House press office, “The First Lady will travel to Kyoto on March 20 and visit the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple and the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine. She will also greet staff from the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.”

Fushimi Inari Shinto is a shrine dedicated to a god of rice. Visitors of the temple can pay to go into a pitch-black basement that symbolizes the womb of Buddah’s mother.

The temple also features the Otowa Waterfall, which has streams to cause “longevity, success at school, and a fortunate love life.”

The cost for “Rental Vehicles for Flotus in Kyoto” is $78,741, according to a contract signed last week.

Mrs. Obama is promoting “Let Girls Learn,” an initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that is spending $231.6 million for education programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Jordan, and Guatemala.




Rental Cars for Michelle O s Kyoto Visit Cost 78 741 Washington Free Beacon
I wanted to let everyone know just how much taking care of the needs of the First Family costs us.

Rental Cars for Michelle O’s Kyoto Visit Cost $78,741



BY: Elizabeth Harrington
March 20, 2015 5:00 am

First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto is costing taxpayers nearly $80,000 for rental cars, according to a government contract.

Mrs. Obama, who is travelling to Japan and Cambodia for a girls’ education initiative, will arrive in Kyoto, Japan, on Friday.

According to the White House press office, “The First Lady will travel to Kyoto on March 20 and visit the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple and the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine. She will also greet staff from the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.”

Fushimi Inari Shinto is a shrine dedicated to a god of rice. Visitors of the temple can pay to go into a pitch-black basement that symbolizes the womb of Buddah’s mother.

The temple also features the Otowa Waterfall, which has streams to cause “longevity, success at school, and a fortunate love life.”

The cost for “Rental Vehicles for Flotus in Kyoto” is $78,741, according to a contract signed last week.

Mrs. Obama is promoting “Let Girls Learn,” an initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that is spending $231.6 million for education programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Jordan, and Guatemala.




Rental Cars for Michelle O s Kyoto Visit Cost 78 741 Washington Free Beacon
But she did look stunning!
You don't think that the consevatives actually gave a fiddler's fuck about the expense of protecting the president, did you? They only cared when it was Obama. Now that its Trump....enjoy the serenade of crickets.

According to Judicial Watch the total for Obama's 8 years was 96 million. As of last week, the 1 month total for Trump is 25 million.

And conservatives won't say shit.

Oh they'll say lots of shit...bullshit to deflect from their blatant hypocrisy.

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