Michelle Can't Help Trying to Fan Flames of Racism, Engage in Racial Division


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...but then again, what would you expect from a 1st Lady who proclaimed she was never proud of the United States until her husband won the Presidency?!

"When not taking a shot at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, first lady Michelle Obama used her commencement speech Friday at City College of New York to tell graduates that “every single day … I wake up in a house that was built by slaves."

Much like her husband's view of history, Michelle's view of history is only partially and selectively correct.

There was never any intent to use slave labor to build the WH:

"When construction of the White House began in 1792, and the original plan to import European laborers failed, the workforce building the project was diverse. “The slaves joined a work force that included local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations,” according to the White House Historical Association."

...but don't let the facts get in the way of a good race-baiting, racially divisive comment, Michelle.

Watch: Michelle O Just Revealed What It's REALLY Like To Live In White House, Instantly Drops Jaws
Where does that mention "race"?

Did the construction of the White House NOT involve slaves? Because your own OP just said it did.

Hey how 'bout this statement? Is that more race-baiting?

This is all flying over your head, right?
...but then again, what would you expect from a 1st Lady who proclaimed she was never proud of the United States until her husband won the Presidency?!

"When not taking a shot at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, first lady Michelle Obama used her commencement speech Friday at City College of New York to tell graduates that “every single day … I wake up in a house that was built by slaves."

Much like her husband's view of history, Michelle's view of history is only partially and selectively correct.

There was never any intent to use slave labor to build the WH:

"When construction of the White House began in 1792, and the original plan to import European laborers failed, the workforce building the project was diverse. “The slaves joined a work force that included local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations,” according to the White House Historical Association."

...but don't let the facts get in the way of a good race-baiting, racially divisive comment, Michelle.

Watch: Michelle O Just Revealed What It's REALLY Like To Live In White House, Instantly Drops Jaws
She didnt say "every single day.....I wake up in a house that was initially intended to be built by or only by slaves". She only stated the facts which you have somehow twisted into something retarded like yourself.

I love the FLOTUS. I admire her speaking about this bit of often hidden history.
...but then again, what would you expect from a 1st Lady who proclaimed she was never proud of the United States until her husband won the Presidency?!

"When not taking a shot at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, first lady Michelle Obama used her commencement speech Friday at City College of New York to tell graduates that “every single day … I wake up in a house that was built by slaves."

Much like her husband's view of history, Michelle's view of history is only partially and selectively correct.

There was never any intent to use slave labor to build the WH:

"When construction of the White House began in 1792, and the original plan to import European laborers failed, the workforce building the project was diverse. “The slaves joined a work force that included local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations,” according to the White House Historical Association."

...but don't let the facts get in the way of a good race-baiting, racially divisive comment, Michelle.

Watch: Michelle O Just Revealed What It's REALLY Like To Live In White House, Instantly Drops Jaws
Break out the con-federate flag crying towels, RWrs!
She didnt say "every single day.....I wake up in a house that was initially intended to be built by or only by slaves". She only stated the facts which you have somehow twisted into something retarded like yourself.

I love the FLOTUS. I admire her speaking about this bit of often hidden history.

As I pointed out, the WH was NOT built by slaves, as she claimed. It was built by a work force that included slaves, local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations.”

She did not mention all of the others who joined in building the WH because doing so did not help to support the message of racial division and 'struggle' she was pushing....either that or she is ignorant and does not know the full history of the WH. If that is the case maybe she should talk her husband into allowing WH Tours to start back up, and she could go on one to learn the real facts about the WH.
She didnt say "every single day.....I wake up in a house that was initially intended to be built by or only by slaves". She only stated the facts which you have somehow twisted into something retarded like yourself.

I love the FLOTUS. I admire her speaking about this bit of often hidden history.

As I pointed out, the WH was NOT built by slaves, as she claimed. It was built by a work force that included slaves, local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations.”

She did not mention all of the others who joined in building the WH because doing so did not help to support the message of racial division and 'struggle' she was pushing....either that or she is ignorant and does not know the full history of the WH. If that is the case maybe she should talk her husband into allowing WH Tours to start back up, and she could go on one to learn the real facts about the WH.
Actually it was built by slaves. You even used the word slave in your post.

She didnt have to mention all of the others. She wasnt talking about them. Not only that, the bulk of the people that built the white house were Black.
Actually it was built by slaves. You even used the word slave in your post.
No, I didn't. You and Michelle need to get real. Slaves contributed in the building of the WH, but they did not 'build' the WH.

Trying to say slaves built the WH is like you trying to convince me that a plumber or the guys who installed the windows in your house are the ones who 'built' your house.
>> It turns out there's far less in the historical record on the subject than one might expect. Early historians of the Capitol's construction were largely indifferent to the work of common laborers, both paid and slave. Records from the time are spotty.

... In 2005, Congress appointed a task force to research the subject, which issued a report in conjunction with the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, finally bringing a measure of scholarly rigor to bear on the topic.

The task force acknowledged it was not able to tell the full story. "No one will ever know how many slaves helped to build the United States Capitol Building — or the White House," says the 2005 task force report, entitled History of Slave Laborers in the Construction of the United States Capitol.

But the task force did find plenty of evidence of slave involvement in the Capitol's construction. Perhaps the most compelling evidence were records of payments from the commissioners for the District of Columbia — the three men appointed by George Washington to oversee the construction of the Capitol and the rest of the city of Washington — to slave owners for the rental of slaves to work on the Capitol. The records reflect 385 payments between 1795 and 1801 for "Negro hire," a euphemism for the yearly rental of slaves.

Slaves were likely involved in all aspects of construction, including carpentry, masonry, carting, rafting, plastering, glazing and painting, the task force reported. And slaves appear to have shouldered alone the grueling work of sawing logs and stones.

Slave crews also toiled at the marble and sandstone quarries that provided the stone to face the structure — lonely, grueling work with bleak living conditions in rural Virginia and elsewhere. "Keep the yearly hirelings at work from sunrise to sunset — particularly the Negroes," the commissioners wrote to quarry operator William O'Neale in 1794. << ---- PolitiFact
She didnt say "every single day.....I wake up in a house that was initially intended to be built by or only by slaves". She only stated the facts which you have somehow twisted into something retarded like yourself.

I love the FLOTUS. I admire her speaking about this bit of often hidden history.

As I pointed out, the WH was NOT built by slaves, as she claimed. It was built by a work force that included slaves, local white laborers and artisans from Maryland and Virginia, as well as immigrants from Ireland, Scotland, and other European nations.”

She did not mention all of the others who joined in building the WH because doing so did not help to support the message of racial division and 'struggle' she was pushing....either that or she is ignorant and does not know the full history of the WH. If that is the case maybe she should talk her husband into allowing WH Tours to start back up, and she could go on one to learn the real facts about the WH.
Actually it was built by slaves. You even used the word slave in your post.

She didnt have to mention all of the others. She wasnt talking about them. Not only that, the bulk of the people that built the white house were Black.

--- which gives the name of the building an ironic twist.
Actually it was built by slaves. You even used the word slave in your post.
No, I didn't. You and Michelle need to get real. Slaves contributed in the building of the WH, but they did not 'build' the WH.

Trying to say slaves built the WH is like you trying to convince me that a plumber or the guys who installed the windows in your house are the ones who 'built' your house.
Yes actually you did. See the word slave in your quote?

It was built by a work force that included slaves....

Of course they built the WH. Claiming they didnt is like claiming a Black man doesnt own most of the patents on the PC.
--- which gives the name of the building an ironic twist.

Why is it that Libs demand a world where color is forgotten about...but they keep brining it up?
Who told you Libs want color forgotten? I know personally I like different colors. I just dont run around pretending that one is more superior than the other except for my personal preferences.
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Obama said he was going to be the great UNITER. Here his wife is, instead of focusing on how a group of blacks, whites, Irish, etc - slaves and free men - joined together to build the WH, she goes out of her way to avoid pointing out that unity but instead focuses on the 'slaves' built the WH.

Again, slaves did not 'build' the WH. They contributed in building the WH, just as did the artisans and craftsmen who joined together to work on it. It took an incredible team effort. But let's not celebrate people coming together and accomplishing things.

Her point was, again, about racial division and the 'struggle' of blacks. She was pushing racial division. The Obama's have been the most racially divisive couple in the WH.

Of course, with the libs on this board I really didn't expect anything but the defense of her race-baiting, racially divisive speech meant to further stroke the fires of racism....just like her hubby does.
Obama said he was going to be the great UNITER. Here his wife is, instead of focusing on how a group of blacks, whites, Irish, etc - slaves and free men - joined together to build the WH, she goes out of her way to avoid pointing out that unity but instead focuses on the 'slaves' built the WH.

Again, slaves did not 'build' the WH. They contributed in building the WH, just as did the artisans and craftsmen who joined together to work on it. It took an incredible team effort. But let's not celebrate people coming together and accomplishing things.

Her point was, again, about racial division and the 'struggle' of blacks. She was pushing racial division. The Obama's have been the most racially divisive couple in the WH.

Of course, with the libs on this board I really didn't expect anything but the defense of her race-baiting, racially divisive speech meant to further stroke the fires of racism....just like her hubby does.
The FLOTUS was speaking only of the enslaved that did the bulk of the building. It would be stupid and pointless to mention people that were not forced to do the building and didnt even do most of it. Look at you calling history racially divisive speech. Stop whining and pull your panties out of your crack. :laugh:
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Actually it was built by slaves. You even used the word slave in your post.
No, I didn't. You and Michelle need to get real. Slaves contributed in the building of the WH, but they did not 'build' the WH.

Trying to say slaves built the WH is like you trying to convince me that a plumber or the guys who installed the windows in your house are the ones who 'built' your house.
slaves, you didn't build that!
The FLOTUS was speaking only of the enslaved that did the bulk of the building.
1. OF COURSE she was talking ONLY about the slaves. As I pointed out, she was pushing her and Barry's shite again about racial division...

2. Please provide me with the link about how slaves did the BULK OF THE work building the WH.
- What is the 'bulk of the work? Is it 'heavy lifting', 'the carpentry, the architecture, the detailing....?

Your subjective BS in trying to justify her intentional racially divisive comments are duly noted.

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