Michelle called out as a hypocrite by Paula Dean

The National Enquirer is total Bullshit.........Never believe anything in there.
Paula Dean had Michelle on her show and they have a great friendship..
The National Enquirer is like Fox News as far as twisting the truth
The National Enquirer is total Bullshit.........Never believe anything in there.
Paula Dean had Michelle on her show and they have a great friendship..
The National Enquirer is like Fox News as far as twisting the truth

Of course this is just your opinion.
Good grief...dog wars, food wars, tax form wars, cookie wars, etc.

Meanwhile, Obama is flushing the country down the swirly bowl.

Luckily most Americans don't share your "sky is falling" outlook.

What planet do you live on?

Monday, August 20, 2012

For the second week in a row, 29% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports.

In the latest survey, 63% of voters continue to think the country is heading down the wrong track, also showing no change from the previous survey. Since January 2009, the level of voter pessimism about the nation's course has ranged from a low of 57% to a high of 80%, but it has generally been in the low to mid-60s this year. national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, August 19.
Let's talk personalities here. Paula Dean is a sweetheart. Michelle is a....not.

Just who would you rather go to lunch with? I'd pick Paula in a heartbeat.

Franco,Dean and Lakunta would say its because the First Lady is Black.....what other reason could there be?.....
Michelle called out as a hypocrite by Paula Dean

yea I would say she is right,she needs to lay off the chicken wings....... $3562723908.gif

View attachment $9-2-10-good-butts-and-not-so-good-butt-at-white-house.bmp
Just an FYI for idiots...eating healthy doesn't mean you never get to stop at McDonalds every once In a while.

No? She jokingly slammed Gabby Douglas for doing just that. :tongue:

Gold medal (two times) Olympian wants Egg McMuffins then by golly I would give her a barrel full of them.

I'm sick of Michele Obama forcing her healthy eating views down Americans throats. Especially when she's no skinny minny herself.
Good grief...dog wars, food wars, tax form wars, cookie wars, etc.

Meanwhile, Obama is flushing the country down the swirly bowl.

Luckily most Americans don't share your "sky is falling" outlook.
Well, the credit bureaus agree with me. Twice downgraded, under Obama. Obama's claim to fame in the history books.

You know WHY it was downgraded? Simple..........because of the uncertainty of the way the GOP was handling the debt ceiling as well as they're taking the government hostage by threatening a shutdown.

It wasn't Obama, it was the Republicans in the House.
I ate at one of her restaurants recently. It was like an upscale Denny's, only the food was awful. And my God the butter content!

did she do the cooking?.....or was it some one else?.....

Does it matter? Her name is on the marquee

Correct, because if I go into one of Wolfgang Puck's eateries (Puck's is the brand name), I expect to have food that tastes and looks like it was prepared by Puck himself, because his name is on the marquee.

And............fwiw..............I've been to Puck's in Denver, and lemmie tell ya, the food did look and taste like I'd expected. Expensive, but pretty decent chow for a treat.

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