Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP

Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP​

Good. We have one Democratic Party already. We didn't need two.

non sequitur
: a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

Bass v 2.0
Teena Marie Lover
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Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP - Yahoo! News​

Ummm...does that look familiar?

The GOP needs disruption. They were too far left.
I would bet that if 1000 people were interviewed and the exact same questions were asked which 50% were out and out lies, 25% were sorta untrue and 25% were the truth, and the people were to rate these statements as true, could be or not at all, the Tea pary followers would by far be in the group that would accept the lies and untruths that were shown to them that agreed with their beliefs at a much higher rate than Democrats or independants or even republicans who don't claim to be Tea party republincans.

Other words the tea baggers are so far right that they have no idea on how to think for themselfs.
Chances are they're smarter than you are. :lol:
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP​

Good. We have one Democratic Party already. We didn't need two.

non sequitur
: a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

Bass v 2.0
Teena Marie Lover
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Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP - Yahoo! News​

Ummm...does that look familiar?

The GOP needs disruption. They were too far left.

Well Colin Powell begs to differ:

Retards like you believe that anything less far right than Bachmann is too far left, s sign that you too have been brainwashed by far rightards.
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Charlie, you're losing your credibility now. You're accusing everyone who disagrees with you of some internet 'fallacy'. It's ridiculous. I don't even bother reading your shit anymore... cuz you whine like a 2 year old.
Charlie, you're losing your credibility now. You're accusing everyone who disagrees with you of some internet 'fallacy'. It's ridiculous. I don't even bother reading your shit anymore... cuz you whine like a 2 year old.

They're not making any credible attempts to refute whats said with facts and sources and instead are making fallacious arguments, they're not even making disagreements, its out right personal attacks and admissions that lying and using extremist rhetoric is ok, in fact, you're even making a fallacious argument yourself, whats your take on the OP? Attacking the messenger isn't a refutation or voicing disagreement.
non sequitur
: a statement (as a response) that does not follow logically from or is not clearly related to anything previously said

Bass v 2.0
Teena Marie Lover
Member #11320

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Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP - Yahoo! News​

Ummm...does that look familiar?

The GOP needs disruption. They were too far left.

Well Colin Powell begs to differ:

Retards like you believe that anything less far right than Bachmann is too far left, s sign that you too have been brainwashed by far rightards.

While I have a lot of respect for General Powell, the GOP did indeed stray too far away from their conservative roots. This is undeniable, so don't even bother.

Look, I don't know who you think you're fooling claiming to be a Republican. Looks like nobody.
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Charlie, you're losing your credibility now. You're accusing everyone who disagrees with you of some internet 'fallacy'. It's ridiculous. I don't even bother reading your shit anymore... cuz you whine like a 2 year old.

They're not making any credible attempts to refute whats said with facts and sources and instead are making fallacious arguments, they're not even making disagreements, its out right personal attacks and admissions that lying and using extremist rhetoric is ok, in fact, you're even making a fallacious argument yourself, whats your take on the OP? Attacking the messenger isn't a refutation or voicing disagreement.
Why don't you just come out and say, "I will accept nothing that doesn't agree with me 100%"?
Charlie, you're losing your credibility now. You're accusing everyone who disagrees with you of some internet 'fallacy'. It's ridiculous. I don't even bother reading your shit anymore... cuz you whine like a 2 year old.

They're not making any credible attempts to refute whats said with facts and sources and instead are making fallacious arguments, they're not even making disagreements, its out right personal attacks and admissions that lying and using extremist rhetoric is ok, in fact, you're even making a fallacious argument yourself, whats your take on the OP? Attacking the messenger isn't a refutation or voicing disagreement.
Why don't you just come out and say, "I will accept nothing that doesn't agree with me 100%"?

Basically you have nothing to say and contribute to the thread except for trying to start meaningless spats that have no bearing on the OP.
Charlie, you're losing your credibility now. You're accusing everyone who disagrees with you of some internet 'fallacy'. It's ridiculous. I don't even bother reading your shit anymore... cuz you whine like a 2 year old.

They're not making any credible attempts to refute whats said with facts and sources and instead are making fallacious arguments, they're not even making disagreements, its out right personal attacks and admissions that lying and using extremist rhetoric is ok, in fact, you're even making a fallacious argument yourself, whats your take on the OP? Attacking the messenger isn't a refutation or voicing disagreement.
Why don't you just come out and say, "I will accept nothing that doesn't agree with me 100%"?

this thread is dead.

nobody cares.

time to go find some OTHER conservative woman to dump on, or go back to Palin.:lol:

Bass v 2.0
Teena Marie Lover
Member #11320

Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Vicksburg, Missisippi
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Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP
Michele Bachmann's Tea Party Agenda Will Disrupt the GOP - Yahoo! News​

Ummm...does that look familiar?

The GOP needs disruption. They were too far left.

Well Colin Powell begs to differ:

Retards like you believe that anything less far right than Bachmann is too far left, s sign that you too have been brainwashed by far rightards.

While I have a lot of respect for General Powell, the GOP did indeed stray too far away from their conservative roots. This is undeniable, so don't even bother.

Look, I don't know who you think you're fooling claiming to be a Republican. Looks like nobody.

I never said I was a Republican and the GOP is moving away from being conservative[eventhough these modern Republicans never really were conservative in the first place] and moving more to the far right which isn't conservative, but anyways, as this relates to the topic, using outright lies, distortions, personal attacks and far right extremist rhetoric doesn't bring the Republitards back to being conservative, its divisive and goes against what the overwhelming majority of Americans wants.
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They're not making any credible attempts to refute whats said with facts and sources and instead are making fallacious arguments, they're not even making disagreements, its out right personal attacks and admissions that lying and using extremist rhetoric is ok, in fact, you're even making a fallacious argument yourself, whats your take on the OP? Attacking the messenger isn't a refutation or voicing disagreement.
Why don't you just come out and say, "I will accept nothing that doesn't agree with me 100%"?

Basically you have nothing to say and contribute to the thread except for trying to start meaningless spats that have no bearing on the OP.
Wrong. I made a statement perfectly apropos to the thread title. You can stamp your feet all you like, but my statement was both valid and correct.

If you don't like it, feel free to put me on Ignore -- because I feel no obligation to change my posting style to protect your fragile feelings.
I never said I was a Republican and the GOP is moving away from being conservative[eventhough these modern Republicans never really were conservative in the first place] and moving more to the far right which isn't conservative, but anyways, as this relates to the topic, using outright lies, distortions, personal attacks and far right extremist rhetoric doesn't bring the Republitards back to being conservative, its divisive and goes against what the overwhelming majority of Americans wants.
So you're just having an emotional meltdown based on your distorted vision of conservatism and your butthurt at having lost the House in the last election.

So what?
I never said I was a Republican and the GOP is moving away from being conservative[eventhough these modern Republicans never really were conservative in the first place] and moving more to the far right which isn't conservative, but anyways, as this relates to the topic, using outright lies, distortions, personal attacks and far right extremist rhetoric doesn't bring the Republitards back to being conservative, its divisive and goes against what the overwhelming majority of Americans wants.
So you're just having an emotional meltdown based on your distorted vision of conservatism and your butthurt at having lost the House in the last election.

So what?

Look retard, I'm not having an emotional meltdown, I just refuse to be drawn off topic and getting into one of your retarded spats you like to do so well when you have can't stay on topic. I made specific points in the OP and in the post proceeding it, you have addressed neither and seem intent on trying to bait me into a spat over irrelevant, off topic babble.
Why don't you just come out and say, "I will accept nothing that doesn't agree with me 100%"?

Basically you have nothing to say and contribute to the thread except for trying to start meaningless spats that have no bearing on the OP.
Wrong. I made a statement perfectly apropos to the thread title. You can stamp your feet all you like, but my statement was both valid and correct.

If you don't like it, feel free to put me on Ignore -- because I feel no obligation to change my posting style to protect your fragile feelings.

Your babble is off topic because you can disagree all you like, but if you have no facts and sources to rebut the points made in the OP, which were based on facts, why argue with retards who are basically mad at facts?
I repeat, the rightards in this thread are *NOT* voicing any disagreements with the OP, they're voicing their anger, bitterness, displeasure, emotionalism and insecurity with the points raised in the OP, not one disagreement with the points in the OP has been raised. Perhaps they need open up a dictionary and look up the definition of disagreement.
I never said I was a Republican and the GOP is moving away from being conservative[eventhough these modern Republicans never really were conservative in the first place] and moving more to the far right which isn't conservative, but anyways, as this relates to the topic, using outright lies, distortions, personal attacks and far right extremist rhetoric doesn't bring the Republitards back to being conservative, its divisive and goes against what the overwhelming majority of Americans wants.
So you're just having an emotional meltdown based on your distorted vision of conservatism and your butthurt at having lost the House in the last election.

So what?

Look retard, I'm not having an emotional meltdown, I just refuse to be drawn off topic and getting into one of your retarded spats you like to do so well when you have can't stay on topic. I made specific points in the OP and in the post proceeding it, you have addressed neither and seem intent on trying to bait me into a spat over irrelevant, off topic babble.
Man, what a whiner! Look, Skippy, my first post in this thread was a comment on the thread title. That you got your panties in a bunch is really no concern of mine. I don't much give a damn. You just keep stamping your feet and insisting people agree with you.

Not gonna happen, though, no matter how big a tantrum you throw.

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