Michael Cohen privately questions Trump's fitness to be president


Gold Member
Apr 4, 2018
'Friends of Michael Cohen have noticed that since Trump's Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin he's been more openly questioning Trump's fitness to be president. "It's one thing for him [Cohen] to be concerned about his suitability to be president," a knowledgeable source told me. "It's quite another thing to be concerned about his [Trump's] loyalty to his country."

The source added that Cohen was sending a public signal to this effect when he tweeted, on Monday after Trump's Helsinki press conference: "As I said to ABC @GStephanopoulos, "I respect our nation's intelligence agencies who determined that Russia, had in fact, interfered or meddled in our democratic process. I repudiate Russia's effort...and call on all Americans to do the same."'

Michael Cohen privately questions Trump's fitness to be president

You know, last night on the news, some stations were saying that this has been the worst week thus far in the Trump presidency.
You know, last night on the news, some stations were saying that this has been the worst week thus far in the Trump presidency.

I do hope so.

You hope so? I don't. I didn't say worst week ever, I said worst week THUS FAR, meaning that it could conceivably get worse. And, based on how he manages to have a scandal that would take down a normal politician, and keeps doubling down on the stupid, I think there is a worse one on the horizon.
Interesting indeed. When a knowledgeable source indicated Cohen's favorite tennis player was Maria Sharapova, I admit a chill went down my spine. But, there may still be hope!
You know, last night on the news, some stations were saying that this has been the worst week thus far in the Trump presidency.

I do hope so.

You hope so? I don't. I didn't say worst week ever, I said worst week THUS FAR, meaning that it could conceivably get worse. And, based on how he manages to have a scandal that would take down a normal politician, and keeps doubling down on the stupid, I think there is a worse one on the horizon.

Thank you. I stand corrected.
I told you fools that Hilary is racist and may be crooked but Drumpf is an unabashed fool, racist, buffoon, carnival barker, thats unfit to hold office but yall didnt listen.

Stalin once said “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything”. We cant help it if Putin controlled the voting machines!
I told you fools that Hilary is racist and may be crooked but Drumpf is an unabashed fool, racist, buffoon, carnival barker, thats unfit to hold office but yall didnt listen.

Stalin once said “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything”. We cant help it if Putin controlled the voting machines!

See, that is where this keeps getting muddied up. Conservatives point to the false narrative that the voting machines themselves were hacked. No, they weren't.

The thing that killed Hillary's bid was when Cohen started up the email investigation again a month before the election, but didn't say she was okay for 2 weeks, then, a week before the election, he said she was good.

That, combined with all the memes and fake news out of Russia that turned people away from her is what killed her election bid.
I told you fools that Hilary is racist and may be crooked but Drumpf is an unabashed fool, racist, buffoon, carnival barker, thats unfit to hold office but yall didnt listen.

Stalin once said “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything”. We cant help it if Putin controlled the voting machines!

See, that is where this keeps getting muddied up. Conservatives point to the false narrative that the voting machines themselves were hacked. No, they weren't.

The thing that killed Hillary's bid was when Cohen started up the email investigation again a month before the election, but didn't say she was okay for 2 weeks, then, a week before the election, he said she was good.

That, combined with all the memes and fake news out of Russia that turned people away from her is what killed her election bid.

That is what they would like us to believe, but the truth is likely much more insidious! Some speculate that Trump has been working as a Russian agent since 1987. And, yes, that year he visited Moscow! There, he likely began working with a young Putin to put this plan in action. Comey stood in the way, but was quickly dispatched and Mueller put in place to bog down the investigation. Other patriots, such as Stzok, Page & McCabe have met the same fate.
'Friends of Michael Cohen have noticed that since Trump's Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin he's been more openly questioning Trump's fitness to be president. "It's one thing for him [Cohen] to be concerned about his suitability to be president," a knowledgeable source told me. "It's quite another thing to be concerned about his [Trump's] loyalty to his country."

The source added that Cohen was sending a public signal to this effect when he tweeted, on Monday after Trump's Helsinki press conference: "As I said to ABC @GStephanopoulos, "I respect our nation's intelligence agencies who determined that Russia, had in fact, interfered or meddled in our democratic process. I repudiate Russia's effort...and call on all Americans to do the same."'

Michael Cohen privately questions Trump's fitness to be president


Everyone who isn't a Russian bot or trumploons questions Donald's fitness for this job. it isn't a big stretch.
I told you fools that Hilary is racist and may be crooked but Drumpf is an unabashed fool, racist, buffoon, carnival barker, thats unfit to hold office but yall didnt listen.

Stalin once said “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything”. We cant help it if Putin controlled the voting machines!
How did Putin control voting machines ?
'Friends of Michael Cohen have noticed that since Trump's Helsinki press conference with Vladimir Putin he's been more openly questioning Trump's fitness to be president. "It's one thing for him [Cohen] to be concerned about his suitability to be president," a knowledgeable source told me. "It's quite another thing to be concerned about his [Trump's] loyalty to his country."

The source added that Cohen was sending a public signal to this effect when he tweeted, on Monday after Trump's Helsinki press conference: "As I said to ABC @GStephanopoulos, "I respect our nation's intelligence agencies who determined that Russia, had in fact, interfered or meddled in our democratic process. I repudiate Russia's effort...and call on all Americans to do the same."'

Michael Cohen privately questions Trump's fitness to be president


Unnamed sources - fake news.

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